Born in the Right Body Quotes

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Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective by Isidora Sanger
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Born in the Right Body Quotes Showing 1-12 of 12
“People who suffer oppression for their bodies, such as ethnic minorities, women, and the disabled, don't have the luxury to identify out of it. Yet, our institutions continue to promote the belief that the most oppressed group in history consists of healthy and often privileged people - such as white middle class men - who are self identifying into oppressed groups using the phrase 'born in the wrong body'. Thanks to not suffering the same limitations experienced by groups they wish to be part of, they exert immense influence on the regulators and these communities, where they position themselves as leaders and spokespeople. They are then redefining the aims and priorities of these groups and preventing genuine members from freely discussing issues that affect them.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“There's a reason why men didn't see fit to allow women equal rights for so long, and why women were put through medical and sexual torture, force-fed, starved, lobotomised, incarcerated, why they were even burnt at the stake as witches, before basic human rights were granted to them. Something's gone wrong with men-kind. whether it's nature or nurture, time will tell, but their fury and violence towards non-submissive women is a chronic epidemic that comes in waves. This is your wave. We need you to fight in our corner, not theirs.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“Their idea of what it means to live a life in a female body is informed by the male gaze, gender stereotypes and porn. This is why their fantasy recreation of a woman hardly ever involves being paid less, doing unpaid domestic labour or being ignored. Instead they are drawn to the stereotype of beautiful bimbos whose lives are easy and filled with acceptance, slumber parties, gossiping in female toilets, colouring each other's hair and prancing around in sexy lingerie and fluffy slippers.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“Category errors that redefine the members of a privileged class as members of an oppressed class are particularly pernicious because they replicate the existing social hierarchies. Men who claim to be women, for example, still exploit, abuse and subjugate women, only they do this from within the women's movement, dismantling women's right to single sex spaces and silencing discussions about uniquely female experiences.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“Just like the most ardent of priests, transactivists are not only asking us to believe them, they are asking us to believe in them as agents of truth, who are in possession of knowledge that eludes the rest of us.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“Identifying with someone who isn't you is empathy. Identifying as someone who isn't you is identity theft.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“[...] the argument that rape - by violence or deception - is a good method to ensure the survival of the human species has never been convincing. Women, like men, are born with a biological imperative to procreate and they are instinctively equipped to choose males that have a chance of producing the fittest offspring, either due to superior / compatible genetics or a willingness to help raise the young. Taking this choice away from a woman undermines the basic process of mate selection and ultimately works against the survival of the species. Selfish males who sexually coerce women seldom make good fathers and providers. Their violence, neglect, and abandonment creates significant psychological and physical trauma, which is passed on to the next generation, creating a cycle of despair and destructiveness.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“The belief that a man not being able to orgasm in whatever way he wants is a tragedy, and something that - no matter how drastic - must be done about it, is in fact the bread and butter of male supremacy. to this end, men have created prostitution, pornography, sex dolls and even the oppression of women, which includes an expectation that women will do whatever it takes to satisfy male sexual urges, and take responsibility for male sexual offending.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“Transactivists claim that no man would go through the 'ordeal' of falsely claiming to identify as a woman, but is saying 'I'm a woman' in a society where everyone is treated as a hateful bigot unless they unquestioningly honour that statement really that difficult?”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“History is full of women who thought they could bargain their way out of oppression by throwing other women under the bus. Women who believe that if only they joined in with the persecution of feminists, lesbians, women in prison and domestic violence shelters, they would be immune from attack. Believe this at your peril.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“Have you thought about why, in the UK and Ireland, we can't stop men who identify as women from competing in women's sporting events, becoming Women's Officers and winning 'woman of the year' awards, but women who identify as men still can't inherit peerages or become catholic priests? It's because this ideology you are caught up in is patriarchy on steroids, designed to rig the game even more to women's disadvantage.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective
“Transactivists try to liken single sex spaces and services to racial segregation or discrimination based on sexual orientation, but that is a false equivalent. Men being violent towards women is a well documented problem in our society. We have no evidence that people of certain races or sexual orientations are more dangerous than others. Therefore, a woman requesting a female doctor is both reasonable and justified in light of male pattern violence, while discrimination against a lesbian or a black doctor would clearly be wrong.”
Isidora Sanger, Born in the Right Body: Gender Identity Ideology From a Medical and Feminist Perspective