Ingan Impossible Quotes

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Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting by Abhijit Naskar
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Ingan Impossible Quotes Showing 61-90 of 82
“My Russia My Responsibility (The Sonnet)

Moya Rossiya, moya lyubov, I am sorry,
That the world has turned its back on us.
But can you really blame them when,
We accepted a terrorist as a leader of ours!
Awake, arise, my brave comrades,
Drink deep from the valor of Volga.
I say, enough with apathy, for it is high time,
To sanitize our land against all domestic virus.
We let a terrorist loose on our neighbors,
And all that bloodshed is on our hands.
Even now if we don't mend our horrific error,
One savage will turn our world into a wasteland.
Mnogo te obicham, for you are still my home.
To humanize our home is the duty of none but our own.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Do you know who I am (The Sonnet)

Oh, so many times have I heard,
Do you know who I am!
So today when I travel places,
I walk around as a total lamb!
There's an immense relief,
In not flashing my name.
Windbags make all the noise,
Beings with character stay inane.
Be an elephant, strong yet gentle,
You observe more by being a dumbbell.
Blow your top when it's really needed,
Otherwise, be good people among the people.
All roads lead to people, not to mythical Rome.
Names aloof from people have no living role.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Financial freedom doesn't mean to be free from money troubles. Financial freedom actually means freedom from obsession of dollar bills.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Politics is The New Opium (The Sonnet)

I started writing on politics to impress a girl,
Then she left for a native white, balkan alternative.
But I was too deep in the pickle to leave politics,
Eventually the struggling nobody arose a global native.
Originally I was inclined towards writing on religion,
But soon I realized justice is the religion of tomorrow.
And the world's notion of religion is beyond repair,
Terms of religion lost their charm to me more and more.
Religion was the opium for the masses of yesterday,
Politics is opium for the masses of today.
But politics of pop culture is not what I work on,
My politics is not left or right, but mostly grey.
As a brain scientist, my work is to dissect human nature.
If it makes way for a better society, that's a great honor.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Motherless Motherhood (The Sonnet)

To take choice out of pregnancy,
Is to take the mother out of motherhood.
If childbirth isn't the mother's will,
Who the hell is state to make the rule!
State is a servant of the people,
Church is a servant of the people.
When they claim to be guardian supreme,
People must stand to spoil their gamble.
To take choice out of democracy,
Is to take citizens out of government.
But to take bigotry out of politics,
Is to take politics out of the state.
A society that equates woman with womb,
Is a society headed for its own tomb.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Ride A Bike (The Sonnet)

Ride a bike 'n you get sick less,
You pay for the doctor less.
Ride a bike 'n you emit carbon less,
You pay for the gas less.
Ride a bike 'n you release endorphins,
Hence you have less stress.
Ride a bike 'n the heart pumps better,
Thus you feel exhaustion less.
Pills in need are pills indeed,
To pop pills willy-nilly is to abuse health.
Comfort in need is comfort indeed,
To abuse comfort beyond need is to abuse oneself.
Ride a bike everyday to keep the pills away.
Use pills in need but don't make them life's way.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Financial Freedom (The Sonnet)

Financial freedom doesn't mean,
To be free from money troubles.
Financial freedom actually means,
Freedom from obsession of dollar bills.
When the mind learns to distinguish,
Between luxury and actual necessity.
That's the beginning of financial freedom,
That's the beginning of economic stability.
Modern economy is the antithesis of sustainability,
Where financial freedom is bait to the suckers.
Actual necessities of life are very little,
But first you gotta break free from the predators.
We gotta wake up from materialism to be free.
Or else, scheme after scheme we'll be ever unfree.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Make A Name (The Sonnet)

Make a name to give hope,
Not to have control over people.
Make a name to lift another,
Not to look down on the people.
Be a symbol that burns bright,
Even when you are not around.
Selfish self is septic self,
Be an epitome of sacrifice unbound.
Only fools dream of ruling the world,
Sapiens dream of self-annihilation.
I dream, breathe and live as servant,
Servanthood brings sanctification.
Fall without fail at the feet of the forgotten.
Lend a hand to lift a heart, together we are beacon.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“There is no heaven, only good human. There is no paradise, only good people.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Elitism & Fundamentalism (The Sonnet)

Elitism and fundamentalism,
Are both the enemies of progress.
Exchanging one bad habit for another,
Is not true advancement but regress.
Fundamentalists used to fill the world,
With the poison of dirty division.
Today elitists poison the world,
By endorsing snobbery and narcissism.
Conscience, courage and compassion,
These are the three pillars of progress.
Without these all belief is delusion,
All glitter is but a sign of coldness.
Replace not fundamentalism with elitism.
Grow out of selfishness into collectivism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Mental Piece (The Sonnet)

In the west you call me humanitarian scientist,
Somewhere in the middle you call me pragmatist.
In the middle-east you call me sufi or dervish,
In the east you call me advaitin or nondualist.
No matter how you see me, you all are my own,
Each of you is family, each of you is my home.
Then there are those who ardently call me fraud,
Which also is a sign of love, but yet unknown.
I am not a person, prison or path, for I am vicdan,
I'm saadet, my friend, I am the spirit of unification.
Call the sun as you like, it still brightens the world,
In the domain of realization, to label is desecration.
All labels are equally right yet equally incomplete.
In a world full of showpiece I am but a mental piece.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“No Slave to Culture (The Sonnet)

What do you take me for - a street dog!
Slave to one religion, one nation, one culture!
Dinosaur here - wherever I lay my eyes,
Becomes my nation, my religion, my culture!
To add nationality to my name is to vilify my name,
Sectarianism and nonsectarianism don't go together.
To add exclusive ethnicity to my work is a violation,
Barbarism can't define the spirit of a human sonneteer.
Days of single nationality, single religion are gone,
It's the age of universal nationality and religion.
In this civilized age, human nationality is humanity,
Human religion and culture are love and compassion.
Exclusive ethnicity is a sign of a backward society.
Expand across the one imposed, and there'll be harmony.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Poet of A Planet (The Sonnet)

I am not the poet of a nation,
I am the poet of a planet.
I don't do just one culture,
Assimilation is the prime tenet.
Hence my work repels nationalists,
Like the sun repels the nightcrawlers,
While it attracts expanding beings,
Like the amazon attracts explorers.
If you wanna hear how great your culture is,
Go read some fundamentalist fiction.
I don't write for prehistoric barbarians,
To put it bluntly, I write for modern humans.
I repeat, I'm not the poet of a single nation.
I am but the living proof of amalgamation.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“To See Color (The Sonnet)

The problem is not that you see color,
It is that you assume character from color.
The problem is not that you see gender,
It is that you assume capacity from gender.
The problem is not that you see religion,
It is that you assume tendency from religion.
The problem is not that you see profession,
It is that you assume worth from profession.
The problem is not that you see sexuality,
It is that you assume nature from sexuality.
The problem is not that you see nationality,
It is that you assume honor from nationality.
The main problem is not that you make assumptions.
It is that you assume yourself beyond examination.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Sapiens Impossible (The Sonnet)

If my existence isn't impossible,
I do not wanna exist.
If my legacy isn't impossible,
I do not want to live.
If my breath doesn't breathe life,
I don't wanna take another breath.
If my veins don't invigorate another,
I have no need for such useless veins.
If my heart isn't proof of love impossible,
May this be the last time my heart beats.
If this being isn't the bridge of oneness,
May the bugs have a feast on some good eats.
I don't wanna live as a weakling of the jungle.
If I must live I'll live as sapiens impossible.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“To take choice out of pregnancy is to take the mother out of motherhood.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“All in The Mind (The Sonnet)

Mind makes it dark,
Mind makes it bright.
Mind makes us weak,
Mind gives us might.
Mind makes us blind,
Mind gives us sight.
Mind makes us scared,
Mind gives us flight.
Mind makes us greedy,
Mind instills charity.
Mind raises the walls,
Mind wills all unity.
Mind is servant, mind is master.
Once truly aware, mind is hatebuster.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting
“Ain't The Center (The Sonnet)

You are the Alpha,
You are Omega.
You are Altair,
You are the Vega.
You are the distance,
You are the contact.
You are the runner,
You are the racetrack.
You are the race,
You are the prize.
You are torchbearer,
You are the light.
You ain't the center of the universe.
For in reality, you are the universe.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting

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