Headcase Quotes

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Headcase (Necessary Evils, #4) Headcase by Onley James
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Headcase Quotes Showing 1-30 of 30
“I was mauled by a bear.” “I’m an otter at best,”
Onley James, Headcase
“His heart did that funny thing it did whenever Asa did something thoughtful. Which was surprisingly often for a psychopath who liked hunting his bedmates instead of seducing them. Had Thomas taught them to be this attentive? Was it all part of the…curriculum? Maybe every man should be forced to take Thomas Mulvaney’s How to Be a Human class. He should send his future father-in-law a fruit basket.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Oh, God. I’m going to puke again.” Then he was off in the bathroom. Asa sighed as the sound of retching reached him. Well, at least he was up. Asa stood, stretching his arms over his head. “Hang on, Lois. I’ll come and hold your hair back. That’s what married people do, right?”
Onley James, Headcase
“The truth was, the Mulvaneys weren’t killers, they were karma.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Bold of you to assume I’ve never fucked a man to death,”
Onley James, Headcase
“He threaded his fingers into Zane’s hair, yanking his head back until he hissed. “You lose.” Zane gave a soft laugh. “Do I, though?”
Onley James, Headcase
“I never thought I’d let somebody call me a good boy without punching them in the face,” Zane mused. “You can punch me in the face if you want, Lois. But I might retaliate by holding you down and reminding you who you belong to.” “I don’t think that’s the deterrent you think it is,” Zane teased,”
Onley James, Headcase
“But your husband was an FBI agent when you met, no? Did he know your secret before you started seeing each other?”

Lucas grinned. “Yes. He broke into my house, told me he was Batman, and then stabbed himself.”
Onley James, Headcase
tags: funny
“The rules on reporters—and wannabe reporters—were very clear in the Mulvaney house. Don’t talk to reporters. Don’t react to reporters. And while his father had never uttered the words ‘don’t fuck reporters,’ Asa assumed it was implied.”
Onley James, Headcase
tags: funny
“But nobody was safe around Asa. Except Zane. They’d barely known each other a day but Zane knew, deep down, that Asa would gut anybody who looked at him sideways, and that knowledge made Zane want to do very bad things for Asa. Made him willing to hurt for him, debase himself for him.”
Onley James, Headcase
“That’s not going to happen, Lois. Relationships are what you make them. Our goals and values are very much aligned. We have an amazing sex life. You’ll never want for any material possession you desire. If you need something from me emotionally, I’ll learn. I’ll figure it out. You don’t have to be afraid of me. I decided you were it for me the moment you put those handcuffs back on.”

Zane wasn’t sure he was still breathing. As far as proposals went, it was a pretty good one.”
Onley James, Headcase
“He looked at Zane and there was this gut punch of need, this primitive, animalistic knowledge that Zane belonged to him, was made for him, was meant to be loved and fucked and protected by him. He wanted to hurt him so he could heal him. He wanted to know that he was the only one Zane trusted to bend him without breaking him.”
Onley James, Headcase
“He gave him the vodka. The emotional support vodka. That was what it was called. Somebody had even written it on the label with Sharpie. Noah’s Emotional Support Vodka. Do Not Touch. But he had touched it. So much of it.

Sorry, Noah.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Zane stared at him for so long, Asa thought, for a minute, he’d broken him somehow. Then, finally, he said, “Did you ask me to fuck your brother last night?”

Asa blinked at him, dumbfounded. “Well, that was a hell of a non sequitur, Lois. No, I absolutely did not ask you to fuck my brother. Which, by the way, is a sentence I never expected to utter out loud.”

“Did I imagine that?” Zane said. “God, that’s embarrassing.”

“No, what I said was that my brother and I have shared…bedmates…in the past, and then you asked if I expected you to have sex with my brother.”

Zane frowned until creases formed between his brows in that way that he did when he was concentrating really hard. “What did you say?”

“I countered and asked if you wanted to fuck my brother.”

“Then what did I say?” Zane asked, dread leaching into his tone.

Asa grinned. “I believe you said it wasn’t a deal breaker.”

“Oh, my God,” Zane said around a groan. “That’s so embarrassing.”

“That you’d consider fucking my brother and Felix?”

“And Felix?” Zane shouted, then winced. “I’ve never even seen Felix. Why was I so horny?”

“I don’t know, but you definitely wanted to get down last night. Were rather insistent, even. I feared for my virtue,” Asa teased.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Yes,” Zane added fiercely. “When can we start cutting off appendages?”

“I like him,” Archer said, pointing in Zane’s direction. “You can keep him.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Asa’s brows knitted together. “I tell you I love you all the time.”

“Yeah, but you tell me you love Swiss Cake Rolls with the same level of fervor,” Zane reminded him.

“Duh, because I do. A man can love more than one thing. It doesn’t negate the other.”

Zane leveled a flat stare at him.

“Okay, like, if I had to choose between you and a box of Little Debbie’s, I’d definitely choose you. But you both hit just right,” he said with a grin, giving Zane a deep kiss.

Zane slapped his shoulder. “Come on, Asa. Be serious. I know psychopaths can’t love. Is what we have enough to keep you happy forever?”

Asa sighed. “Are you asking if I feel that weird goopy feeling when I look at you that people talk about in romance novels? If so, the answer is no. I don’t have the ability to feel that. But whenever you walk into a room, I feel grateful you’re mine. I feel calmer knowing you’re there, where I can see you, protect you…” He kissed Zane’s lips softly. “Do dirty, dirty things to you whenever I want.” Zane opened his mouth to speak, but Asa pinched his lips shut. “I know people who’d give anything to have what we have. I’ve killed for you. I would die for you. I will put your wants and needs above mine forever because I want you to be happy. Is that love? Because when you’re not around, I feel like there’s…a splinter under my ribcage, and it only goes away when I see your face. That’s enough for me. Is it enough for you?”

Zane swallowed hard, tears rolling down his cheeks. “That’s enough.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Do you know what my father would do to both of us if we killed an innocent guy? We might as well throw ourselves in right after him. We cannot break the code. It’s the only unforgivable rule.” “How very Harry Potter of you,” Zane muttered.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Atticus crossed his arms, expression grim. “No. But I just want you to know I’m burning this table.” Jericho rolled his eyes. “Relax, Freckles. I’ll just sand it down and it will be good as new. We don’t have to throw the whole table away because we tortured one guy on it. Besides, I’m sentimental about that table.” Atticus flushed but said nothing.”
Onley James, Headcase
“We’re not entirely sure he’s even alive,” August said drolly. “It’s possible he’s just been well-preserved by all the alcohol in his system.”
Onley James, Headcase
“You probably shouldn’t tell people that you became an architect because you wanted to play God by turning skyscrapers into your own personal ant farm and that you’re just one bad day away from shaking it like an Etch-A-Sketch.”

Asa smiled. “I keep my thinking thoughts to myself.”

“Your what?”

“Noah says, ‘Those are thinking thoughts, not speaking thoughts.’ But you asked why I do what I do, and I told you I wouldn’t lie to you.”

Asa looked so proud of himself for not lying about secretly being a nihilistic anarchist that Zane almost felt guilty for saying, “You’re batshit crazy.”
Onley James, Headcase
tags: funny
“Yeah, they’re babies being raised by a psychic and a serial killer,” Asa reminded, eyes widening as something occurred to him. “Oh, God. And the serial killer is the voice of reason.”
Onley James, Headcase
“If anybody had told him five years ago that August would be the first of them to have kids, Asa would have laughed himself sick. His older brother was the most twisted and depraved of them all. He loved killing more than Asa or Avi. More than that, he loved torturing them. Reveled in it, even. And now, he had babies. Tiny human babies, who gazed up at him with huge green eyes, implicitly trusting his maniac brother to care for them.

And he did.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You won’t be disappointed.” “I’ve heard that from almost every man in my life and it’s never true,” she muttered.”
Onley James, Headcase
“He was heroin-chic pretty. Rock star pretty. Just this side of too thin, but put him in a pair of leather pants and a fur-coat and girls would throw their panties at him before the house went dark. Somehow, it worked.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Your mom’s a two-time felon who runs with one of the most violent biker gangs in the US territories.”

Blake fell into the swivel chair in front of Zane’s desk, spinning it a few times before he peeled back the paper on his pastrami sandwich. “And your mom is a gin-swilling narcissist who spends her days sucking the hopes and dreams out of people like a dementor. The only difference in our moms, man, is capital. One’s rich, one’s poor. They’re both shitty people.”
Onley James, Headcase
“He almost didn’t recognize his own voice when he said, “You don’t have to use a condom. Just don’t leave me so battered I need to go to the hospital.” Asa’s pupils blew wide at Zane’s words,”
Onley James, Headcase
“I prefer honesty over bravery.” Zane gave a nervous laugh. “Okay, how’s this for honest? I don’t want to die for this orgasm.”
Onley James, Headcase
“No, but I did pull DMV photos of the men,” Calliope said. “Unfortunately, there’s no law that demands people update their photos, so some of them could be decades old.”
Onley James, Headcase
“Not even a day apart from his twin and Asa wanted to do things to Zane that would probably violate the Geneva convention.”
Onley James, Headcase
“read Helter Skelter in fifth grade. He’d seen gruesome crime scene photos, read victim impact statements, and crime reports more horrific than”
Onley James, Headcase