Almost There Quotes

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Almost There Almost There by Farrah Rochon
6,871 ratings, 4.10 average rating, 924 reviews
Almost There Quotes Showing 1-30 of 46
“Are you gonna be my date tonight, or what?"
A night of good food, jazz music, and the chance to see Tiana again?
Naveen gave her his best smile. "What time to do we leave?”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Are you gonna be my date tonight, or what?"
A night of good food, jazz music, and the chance to see Tiana again?
Naveen gave her his best smile. "What time to do we leave?”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“As she waited for the soul-crushing grief to envelop her, an odd thing happened. The grief failed to materialize. Instead, she felt... joy. An overwhelming sense of peace weaved its way around her sadness.
Tiana knew she would always miss her daddy, but the hole his passing had left in her heart wasn't as hollow this time around. It was filled with memories of the past year--- the laughs they'd shared, the meals they'd prepared together, and the all-encompassing love they'd experienced every single day. And a true goodbye.
Tiana closed her eyes tight, holding onto those memories. They would be with her always. Just as her daddy would be with her.
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“It's so good to see you, Daddy."
"You saw me the day before yesterday." He laughed as he expertly diced bell peppers into uniform pieces.
"But it's always good to see you," Tiana said. "It's something I've learned to never take for granted.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Are you ready, Tiana? One last deal."
His willingness to sacrifice some innocent person's soul alleviated the last prickle of conscience she felt over what she was about to do. This snake in the grass deserved everything that was coming to him.
"Okay," Tiana said. "I'll sign it."
She followed him to a wooden desk that held a lamp, and grabbed hold of the fountain pen he held out to her. Tiana bent over the contract, turning her back slightly as she scribbled across the bottom of the scroll.
"Okay, it's done," she said. She turned and held the vial out to him. "Now, you drink half, and I'll drink half."
His eyes were bright with triumph as he snatched the vial from her free hand, wrenched the cork out of it, and gulped down the entire contents.
He threw his head back and let out a peal of laughter.
But his laughter quickly died as he clutched at his throat and staggered several steps back.
Tiana held out the contract to him, the words Goodbye, Shadow Man scrawled on the signature line.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Tiana's head seemed to turn of its own accord, drawn to a scene playing out like the moving picture shows on the big screen at the Prytania Theatre.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“A small smile tipped up one corner of her mouth as she remembered that first night, and how ridiculously out of his element Naveen had been. She glanced over at him now, taking in his strong and handsome profile. He'd changed so much in the year since she'd first met him. He was no longer the spoiled little rich boy who thought he could get by on his looks and charm.
Though he'd surely won her over with that charm in the end.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“She backed away from the boat. She started to flail in the mud, but before she could tumble backward, a set of strong arms braced around her.
"I have you," Naveen said. He was so close she could feel his warm breath against her ear. Tiana did her best to ignore the goose bumps pebbling up and down her skin, but she would have had a better chance of ignoring a fireworks display taking place on her front porch.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“I know that I can be selfish and stubborn, but I want to be a good friend to you. The best kind of friend. Because that's the kind of friend you have always been to me."
"Oh, Lottie." Tiana dropped the branch and wrapped her arms around her.
"I'm glad you're here.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“I hope this wasn't your favorite shirt."
"In fact, it was," he said. Her eyes flew to his. Before she could apologize, he smiled and said, "I'm only kidding."
"You," she growled, trying to hide her smile. How could he be both endearing and insufferable at the same time?”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“She took over the driving duties again, not trusting anyone else to get her to her destination. She was once again in control of her own destiny.
"Almost there," Tiana whispered.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Mama Odie had been willing to help both Tiana and Naveen the year before. Hopefully, she would be willing to do so again.
Please. Please. Please.
The strangeness of having to rely on someone else for help struck Tiana anew. She knew she was independent to a fault. She had lost count of how many times she had wasted hours---sometimes even days---toiling away at some task or another, refusing to ask for help.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Naveen turned back to her, his penetrating eyes pleading with her to accept his help. "You don't have to do this all on your own. We're here for you. I'm here for you."
Tiana hesitated as a blend of uncertainty and gratitude converged. This was her mess. She'd pulled them all into this; she shouldn't expect her friends to get her out of it.
But Naveen was right: she didn't have to do this alone. She couldn't.
"Okay," Tiana answered.
The shame she thought she would feel didn't materialize. All she felt was overwhelming relief at knowing she didn't have to rely solely on herself.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
Pye chat dous men zong li move. The paw of a cat is sweet, but its claws are nasty.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“As people began to congregate around the door, Tiana made her way to the closest window. She gasped at the sight on the other side of the glass. The fog had thinned, but only in the area surrounding their house, and flower petals rained from the sky. They collected on the ground like a colorful snowfall.
Tiana closed her eyes, a gentle smile touching her lips. She was at peace, because her daddy was now at peace.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“As much as he loved his home, it was no match for Tiana's radiance. If given the choice between being here with her or returning to his home in Maldonia, he would choose Tiana every single time.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“She was struck once again by how different he was from that self-absorbed cad he'd been when she had met him a year earlier. Despite her best efforts not to, she'd fallen in love with him then. It would be so very easy to love this kinder, more considerate Naveen.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“You know, Mother, there are other reasons that I have chosen to remain in America. None more important than Tiana, of course."
"Of course," she said.
"But I like the person that I have become over this past year. I learned that I'm really good at selling things and helping others," he said with a laugh. "See Lisette over there? I just helped broker a deal for her to sell her homemade medicinals in the biggest department store in New Orleans.
"I like my job. It feels good to know that I can make my own way in this world, and do some good in it, too." Naveen shook his head. "I never thought I would say this, but I want to thank you and Father for cutting me off. It turns out that is exactly what I needed."
His mother cupped his cheek. "I am proud of you, son. I always knew you could accomplish anything once you discovered your true heart's desire. Well, at least I'd hoped that would be the case," she amended with a laugh. "Just know there is always a place for you here. You can always come home."
Naveen caught sight of a sparkling blue dress out of the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw Tiana walking toward them.
"I have found my home," Naveen said.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“There is nothing that I would not do for you."
She regarded him with a devilish grin. "I'm gonna remind you of that when I make you wash dishes at the new restaurant."
Naveen frowned. "Did I say there was nothing I wouldn't do?"
"That's right," Tiana said. "And it's too late to take it back."
Then she claimed his lips in a sweet, tender kiss.
"I can't wait to see that new restaurant in action. Your palace," Naveen said when they broke apart.
Tiana grinned slowly. "Tiana's Palace---I like the sound of that.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“How's it looking out there, Mama?"
"Like all the Mardi Gras revelers have converged on this place," Eudora said. "The line of people waiting for tables stretches all the way to the French Quarter. You'd better put on a second pot of gumbo, because you have a whole lot of hungry mouths to feed."
"That's just the way I like it," Tiana said as she added a few dashes of Tabasco to the pot. Her daddy's dinged-up pot might not shine like the new copper and steel cookware in her gleaming kitchen, but Tiana refused to use anything else to cook her gumbo.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“She'd never lost hope that the place would one day be hers. She'd felt it in her bones.
And now it was.
She would have pinched herself, but she already knew this wasn't a dream. This was real life, and she was embracing it all.
Tiana untied her apron from around her waist and went out into the grand dining room. It had taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get it to this point, but with the help of her friends, her restaurant looked exactly as she had always imagined it would.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Do you need a rest, Mama?" Tiana said as she drizzled praline syrup on the order of beignets she'd just made.
"No, baby. You know I stopped sewing to embrace the excitement of the restaurant business."
"Well, that's not the only reason you're here," Tiana said with a laugh. She rounded the cooking station and enveloped her mother in a hug.
"No, it isn't," Eudora said. She and Tiana stared up at the portrait of her daddy that hung on the wall, looking down over the entire kitchen. "I'm here because this is exactly where he would want me to be."
"And it's exactly where I want you to be, too. What did that man from the paper call you? The queen of Tiana's Palace?"
"Well, he's right," her mother replied with no small amount of sass.
Then she and Tiana burst out laughing.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“She'd learned a lot about letting go that past year. About not holding on to the past and embracing what fate had in store. About taking pride in a hard day's work, but also taking time to rest and find peace in the quiet moments of the day.
Most of all, she'd learned the importance of spending time with those she loved. She now understood just how precious time was, and that it wasn't promised.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Just like your daddy taught you to make it,” he said. His big belly laugh was the sweetest sound in the world. She would have made a deal with the devil himself in exchange for hearing that sound every day.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“His pulse quickened at the thought of accompanying Tiana to a ball, seeing her all dolled up in a beautiful gown. He could see her now!
Actually, he could see it.
Naveen squinted in confusion.
Had he seen her in a ball gown already?”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“Tiana peered down in stunned delight at the sparkling white silk draping her body. The rhinestone- and pearl- studded gown she now wore was unlike anything she'd ever owned.
When she lifted her head, she gasped at her surroundings. Tiana twirled around in a slow circle, mesmerized by the glitz and glamour of a place she had only seen in her nightly dreams.
The old sugar mill she'd had her heart set on buying for years was no longer decrepit and falling apart. The floors gleamed underneath her feet, shining so bright they nearly blinded her. Brilliant crystal chandeliers hung high above her head, illuminating a massive dining room that was crowded with patrons. Men in suit jackets and women wearing their Sunday best sat at cloth-covered tables adorned with extravagant centerpieces and sparkling china. Everyone seemed to be having a grand time, enjoying rich, fragrant dishes that smelled like the food Tiana used to cook with her daddy.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“If I have to give up Naveen, there are several things I want in return," Tiana said.
Even when she had no way out, she still drove a hard bargain. In a way, he could admire that. It was too bad she was such a goody two-shoes. With her gumption, Tiana could help him take over this entire city.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“The promise of a hearty breakfast of buttery grits, fluffy eggs, and thick, crispy bacon beckoned, but she remained tucked underneath her covers with her eyes closed. She basked in the feel of the warm sun caressing her face as it shone bright through her windows. The jaybirds flittering about outside chirped songs of cheer, a happy soundtrack for what was sure to be a stellar day.
"Tiana, baby. Come to breakfast."
Tiana's eyes popped opened and a smile as wide as the Mississippi River stretched across her face.
"I'm on my way, Daddy," she called.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“She mentally ran through the new dishes for that evening, including the new jambalaya, which would be daringly made with pasta instead of the traditional rice.
It was a risk to make such a drastic change to one of New Orleans's most beloved dishes, but if she managed to pull this off, T&J's would be the talk of the town! She wouldn't be surprised if people came in from as far as Biloxi, or even Jackson, Mississippi, to try her new recipe.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There
“She reached into the burlap sack that she kept draped over her shoulder and retrieved a large spray of lavender and bunches of marigold.
"To decorate your supper club," Ms. Rose said. "They are the colors of Mardi Gras: purple for justice, gold for power, and the green leaves represent faith."
"These are beautiful," Tiana said as she took the flowers. Their coloring was so vivid they looked otherworldly.”
Farrah Rochon, Almost There

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