Average to Abundant Quotes

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Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process by Dr. Lucas D. Shallua
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Average to Abundant Quotes Showing 1-29 of 29
“The way we use our $3000 monthly salary today will reflect exactly how we will use the $300,000 and the $3 million that we are going to have in future. It’s better to start exercising and flexing those giving and charity muscles now than later when it is going to hurt most.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“The lesson we have learned in life is that it does not matter the size of the dream or idea, find small entry points that can be implemented daily, weekly, and monthly by small tasks that are integral of the entire project.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“The best way to recognize that we are wealthy is to look at the definition and observe the cardinal signs of wealth. It is possible to be wealthy and not be aware of that; because we have wrongly set our goals and priorities to life pursuit.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Wealth is a mindset; what you know and your perspective of life will determine your net worth. If you want to be wealthy, you'll need to think like the wealthy. Start by defining your goals in a year’s time and then five years' time”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“There are plenty of business opportunities around us, what we need is a creative entrepreneurial discernment to be able to discover, recognize and guts to seize them”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“The antithesis of a wealth mindset is a poor mindset. Most who have this "poor mindset" or “poverty mentality” don’t even realize they have it. A poor mindset generates the thinking that attaining wealth is impossible, that it can be done without effort, or that one just does not have the special sauce it takes to become wealthy. This mindset undermines our goals and will actively drive wealth away from us unless we work to counteract it.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“A wealth mindset is a set of beliefs, habits, and behaviors that separates the wealthy from the rest. A wealth mindset will guide us to make the most of the wealth we have. The good news is that with a little dedication, anyone can develop this mindset”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“The understanding of true definition of wealth is the first step in the journey to get wealthy”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“A list of true wealth assets would likely include family, friends, education, talents, experience, connection to community, self-esteem, the ability to help others, and good health. All of these wealth assets contribute to an overall personal sense of well-being. It also includes the ability to earn more money and to be at peace with you inner self.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Each precious, present moment can be enjoyed, to be wealthy is to be in life and to appreciate all aspects of it. It’s to be self-aware, live with purpose, and be committed not only to one’s own happiness but to helping others find theirs. True wealth is an inner condition of being.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“What most enlightened people consider as wealth has nothing to do with money. Seeking true wealth may mean seeking deeper relationships, more personal growth, or ways to create more meaning in life. Achieving true wealth means possessing the ability to enjoy the small, ordinary pleasures of life.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“The older I get the more scared I am about my financial situation, unfortunately, I can’t afford to retire right now as I’m worried about my income. I feel bad about my current job, work, and business as it doesn’t do what it was intended and I wish I made different decisions that would lead me somewhere else not where I am now. Frankly speaking my past is characterized by lots of financial ignorance that I am ashamed of, I never had a financial coach or mentor to help me get out of this situation and I feel like it's too late to change my direction.
—The Apathy of Financial Ignorance”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“To solve the problem you are facing, you have to identify few critical things, first, you clearly need to define the problem you are facing, then recognize how you got there in the first place and lastly, figure out ways to get out of your mess.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“In wealth building, you will soon realize that the process is doable, practical, attainable and realistic enough if you engage in a systematic way of thinking, planning and rerouting your life to creating wealth lifestyle”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Real life is little different, we live in time and era where success is fantasized as easy and many are delusional about a true and lasting success that comes from hard work, determination and sacrifice”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“And when you are fighting for your dreams and the world is beating the life out of you; many times you might be tempted to try to take a shortcut. Asking yourself: "Isn't there an easier way?”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Many beginner entrepreneurs become overly and unrealistic ambitious and want to operate beyond borders before taking time to learn the challenges and what it takes to expand overseas”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“You cannot achieve anything more than you see; all that you see has been given unto you.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Package your gift in such a way that you can help as many people as possible; and afford others the opportunity to bring their unique skills and abilities to help you as well.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“When you go out and share with the intention of helping others improve their lives, the abundance of the universe will begin to flow back to you. This is the universal principle of life that those who water others will themselves be watered. Ancient Scriptures remind us always to be generous to others and the generosity will be reciprocated to us in one way or the other.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Our success is determined by how many people we are able to help solve a problem, or helping others to improve the level and quality of their life.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“What you think would work against you might ends up working for you. Learn to journal all those incidences to boost your confidence to counter all negative and limiting beliefs in your life.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“There are plenty of business opportunities around us, what we need is a creative entrepreneurial discernment to be able to discover, recognize and guts to seize them.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“I will suggest that we do not only teach poor people how to fish but how to farm the fish—aquaculture!”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Nobody on their dying bed wished they had spent more time at the office or working but had time with the family and loved ones.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Sink deep your roots and develop strong muscles before you start operating beyond borders.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Our success is determined by how many people we are able to help solve a problem, or helping others to improve the level and quality of something in their life.”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process
“Operate locally but do not close doors for cross border opportunities”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua, Average to Abundant: How Ordinary People Build Sustainable Wealth and Enjoy the Process