Servitude is Sanctitude Quotes

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Servitude is Sanctitude Servitude is Sanctitude by Abhijit Naskar
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Servitude is Sanctitude Quotes Showing 1-30 of 128
“Yesterday I was seeking happiness for myself and I was miserable, today I seek it for others and I am the happiest person on earth.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“It's the people that make a home, not the place.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“God may arrive late if called, but not you, for you are the only living God on earth, and all others are mere imitations of your image.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“You know why you have two ears but one mouth, so that you talk less and listen more.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Gentleness breeds sanity, anger breeds insanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“What's the point of all that power if it doesn't help the people - what's the point of all that life if it doesn't help the people!”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“The sweetest realizations of life cannot be expressed with words.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“What is heaven I ask you again - wherever people smile because of you, that's your heaven.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Love is boundless, love is limitless, love is conditionless. People have made a mess of this world, because they place barriers around love - because they have raised walls and imprisoned the most universal lifegiving force of the world behind those walls.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“When you can't live a day without helping others - when you can't breathe without watching someone smile because of you - when you can't even taste the food until you know that someone is able to put food on the table for their family because of your kindness - that day you'd know what it is to be human.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Concern for the people should burn like the fire of God in your veins.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Being caring is more important than being right.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“People often ask me, what is enlightenment? I tell them, caring - that's all there is to enlightenment”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Till the fire of love engulfs your whole being, the human in you will keep sleeping.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“I have not come to teach you, I have come to love you.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“There are two selves in us all - one self is amateur, foolish and selfish - that self says, 'I am all, my word is supreme, my belief is the highest, my opinions are the best' - then there is another self, which is wise, caring and conscientious - it says, 'I am nothing, I am the servant of people, my interest is in benefiting others, my life is their keepsake'.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“It's my love for the people that made me a scientist and a monk (a poet even), not my intellect.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“If you are ready to learn and evolve, there is hope for you yet - if not, the world will pity you for a few days and forget you after a week.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Worshipping images is the religion of the stone-age, helping people is the religion of a civilized society.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“I want to live in your heart, for your heart is my temple.
I want to live in your memories, for your memories are my treasure.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Clothes fade away, so does the body, but character is indestructible.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“I don't need large mansions, give me a little corner in your heart and I'll spend eternity there - I don't need expensive cars, just give me your emotions, I'll travel the world in them.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Mientras te veas a ti mismo y a la sociedad como algo separado, estás viviendo una ilusión.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“I don't have to agree with everything someone says, but everyone has something I could assimilate to make my own insight stronger and clearer.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“¿Qué es el cielo? Te vuelvo a preguntar: donde la gente sonríe por ti, ese es tu cielo.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Come all ye who have no home, I'll be your home - come all ye who cannot speak, I'll be your voice - come all ye who cannot stand, I'll be your legs - come all ye oppressed, tormented and discriminated - hold my hand and together we'll build the world, the humane way this time.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Life in A Poem

One two three,
Reason will make you free.
Four five six,
Prejudices must be fixed.
Seven eight nine,
Shout aloud, the world is mine.
Ten eleven twelve,
In love humans ought to delve.
Thirteen fourteen fifteen,
To assimilate you must be keen.
Sixteen seventeen eighteen,
With kindness you must lean.
Nineteen twenty twenty-one,
It’s you that peace depends upon.
Twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four,
Give to the society more and more.
Twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven,
Only actions can build an actual heaven.
Twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty,
Life is to lift the world, not party.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“Cast aside all caution from sleeping creatures, for they know not the meaning of destiny - to them destiny is out of their hands, so they shiver in imagination all their life - they make their own prison of misery and insecurity and die in it every day - but you my friend, you who is a human, you who is alive and not dead, you who is awake with not practicality but responsibility - not with insecurity but with love - are not bound by destiny, for destiny is fantasy invented by the weak - those who are strong and determined make their own reality out of their blood and sweat.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude
“People still get shot because of their color - people still get mistrusted because of their religion - people still get sneered at because of their gender and sexuality. Does this look like a civilized world? We may have the tangible brain capacity to build a civilized world, but we are not there yet, and we are not going to reach that destination any time soon. However, the work must begin now.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude

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