The Inspirer, Book of Quotes Quotes

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The Inspirer, Book of Quotes The Inspirer, Book of Quotes by Bruce Mbanzabugabo
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The Inspirer, Book of Quotes Quotes Showing 1-30 of 68
“We are not obliged to answer all questions asked or to all accusations; and this doesn't mean that we lack answers. But it is to have a confident silence in Whom we believed, in Whom we are and What we believed for!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“There is always a harmonious melody in a quiet place for a peaceful heart.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Don't blame your challenge, rather get up and see it as a bridge to your success.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Ne juge pas l'escargot sur la base de sa coquille, tu dois d'abord pénétrer physiquement dans sa coquille avant de conclure ta jugement.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Le silence ne signifie pas l'absence de tout, et être aveugle ne te permet pas d'ignorer l'existence de ce que tu ne vois pas!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Ne joue pas avec ton coeur! Il est facile de le voir voler mais très difficile à le récupérer!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“This Pandemic should not be a political tool, it doesn't care about our borders, it is a worldwide killer! So let's put aside our conflicts, put our hands together and fight against this disease to serve the humanity.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“You may throw your card on the table and people follow, but remember that in life every candle has it time to be faded! So be simple and kind.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Your presence will mean a lot when somebody will be crying because of missing you.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“True love is like a tower house; this one requires strong pillars and foundation to withstand windstorms. And the mains of these pillars are patience and sacrifice!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“When you stand in front of someone and you intimidate that person by saying: "Do you know who I am?"; this means that you don't know really who you are. The answer is simple! You are a man, a candidate to death, an easy subject to ignore or to forget, the prey of what you ignore.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Inspiring someone does not require much, but only to be with the person that you want to inspire and acting with an open heart.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“La terre, la terre, intelligente qu'elle est! Elle ne méprise rien, elle ne sous-estime personne. Elle se contente de nous accueillir au même dénominateur tels que nous sommes; les grands et les petits, les riches et les pauvres, les instruits et les ignorants, les généreux et les avares. Pas par pitié mais parce qu'elle profite de nos conglomérats d'atomes pour s'enrichir! Apprenons d'elle de ne pas mépriser ou sous-estimer les autres, chacun est utile à l'autre.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Ne joue pas avec le feu! Ne joue pas avec moi!” Ô homme, pourquoi te compares-tu au feu? C'est vrai que le feu brûle; mais souviens-toi que s'il pleut fort sur lui, celui-ci s'éteint.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“It's sad to live in this world and miss Heaven. But it's so sad, for God to miss us in His Kingdom despite having proven His love and having provided everything so that we couldn't miss it.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“It takes a lot of effort to transform a tree into a match but it doesn't require effort for a match to burn a forest! It's for us to be careful.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“When we are still young, it is “all things are possible" that is settled in our minds but we ignore that Old-Age and Death are also possible. Meanwhile, let us be active under God's will.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“The Sky may seem closed but the Heaven is always opened to those whose eyes are ever toward the Lord!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“A marriage engagement is based on two people only, others are to bless and congratulate them; but maintaining that engagement is the responsibility of each of the two!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Des fois on se trompe que la fête égale les traditions et les cérémonies, mais c'est être ensemble avec des coeurs jamais séparés!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Those who judged you that you spoke a lot about Jesus and prayer but little about business; about this COVID-19, call and ask them if they need to talk about business only or whether they need to talk about Jesus and Prayer. For us Jesus Christ is the Lord not only in chaos and Prayer is our way of being in communion with our Lord!”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“In March 2020, are we really in need of the motivational speakers or motivational books? To motivate us for what? For staying home? To those who need it, it's Ok.

But I believe that we need the Bible! And this is why I love the Bible, the infallible word of the Lord; because the word of the Lord is always up to date and the one who trusts in His word will never be put to shame.
It is written: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Says the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Do not despise the water droplets that you receive, soon they will be a river.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Yes, they're always watching on you; and then when you make your history, they'll come in the image of supporters to steal your potential. But don't worry, the God who blessed you is always with you; don't be discouraged.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“You may steal my abstract designed frame but remember that, it is but a copy. I will design another one even better than the one! Because the original is in my mind.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Most of the time we spend our money and time by honouring people's ceremonies but the wise is the one who spends his money and time by honouring God's activities and gives what he can't hold forever to the One who can keep it eternally, Jesus Christ.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“A new Born Baby is a miracle who brings everyone to be speechless before the Creator, and makes a mother to forget all pains and fear.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“As there is no joy for the broken heart, there is also no harmony to a guitar with broken strings.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“Silence has its own way of speaking which is detected by the patient people.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes
“God has put in human beings a desire of being loved and to love, to be cherished and to cherish. It is normal.”
Bruce Mbanzabugabo, The Inspirer, Book of Quotes

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