Acts of Desperation Quotes

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Acts of Desperation Acts of Desperation by Megan Nolan
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Acts of Desperation Quotes Showing 1-30 of 120
“It was already so near to impossible to say no to a man, so difficult to accept the possibility of being hurt or disliked or shouted at. It takes so much out of you to make yourself say no when you have been taught to say yes, to be accommodating, to make men happy.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“You always think your pain is the most painful. You always think it's uniquely awful.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
tags: pain
“It’s a peculiar anger, resenting doing something that nobody asked you to do.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“Living alone, I began to split apart from myself in a deeper and more grotesque way than ever before.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I made mistakes like this all the time, seeking affirmation from the very worst people, so that what I must have been after deep down was confirmation of the fears instead of their dismissals”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“Do you think it would be possible for anyone to love you if they could see every single thing you do?’ And I watch them cringe as though I’ve reached out and struck them. ‘I’m serious,’ I say. ‘Imagine that everyone could see everything. Every secret, every base physical ejection, every category of porn you’ve ever looked at in a kind of coma when you’re numb to the normal stuff. Think about it all. Every moment of shame, of desperation – do you really think anyone could love you still? Anyone at all?’ 3 I remember what it was like when I first loved Ciaran, before he left me that first time at Christmas, when I’d miss him so much when he went anywhere.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“For me, food was messier, more complex. It was stressful, yes, but could be joyful too, something to binge on, and then shy away from; something to wrestle with, and offer up, and bury.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“How impoverished my internal life had become, the scrabbling for a token of love from somebody who didn’t want to offer it.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I could not be alone happily, and because I knew this was a sign of weakness, I forced myself to endure it for as long as I could before breaking, although I sometimes thought I would go mad.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“Being with other people was, to me, the feeling of being realised. This was why I wanted to be in love. In love, you don't need the minute-to-minute physical presence of the beloved to realise you. Love itself sustains and validates the rotten moments you would otherwise be wasting while you practise being a person, pacing back and forth in your shitty apartment, holding off till seven to open the wine.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“The pleasure wasn't often pleasure; it was release from pain. It was binding yourself and feeling good when the bandages came off, it was cutting a hole in your leg so it could feel it heal. I had suffered, and I had made the suffering into something I could consider good. I made it so that suffering was a kind of work.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I turned my face to the side and stared out my window. I was filled not only with misery about what he was saying, and his awareness of it, but also with shame at how squalidly I was wasting my short life. I was sitting in a car with someone who loved me more than life itself, and yet all I could think about was Ciaran. How impoverished my internal life had become, the scrabbling for a token of love from somebody who didn’t want to offer it.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“In these moments I knew that if I could be smaller, smaller, less and less, if I could be tided, then he would love me fully and properly; and that anybody - oh everybody - would.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“Living with him forced me to treat myself like a person in a way I was not able to alone.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I pleaded with him to see how small I really was. I said through my huddling and hiding that I was nothing, and I was happy to be nothing if nothing was what pleased him best.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“You can't complain about feeling bad, about being depressed, if you aren't trying to sleep, trying to eat, trying to care about yourself.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“And after all, what individual had I been before? What identity was there to erase with my newfound house-pride? I had never found one resilient enough to live on in my memory once it had gone. There had never been one real enough to miss. I disappeared with perfect peace.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“There is no better feeling to me than to wake up in the middle of the night and thrust my hand out and say, half in a dream still, ‘I love you so much,’ and for a person to turn towards me from muscle memory and say through their own sleep, ‘I love you too.’ There’s never been a drug or a friend or a food that’s even come close.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I envy women who are removed. I never really had that luxury.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“One of the saddest things to feel is that nothing in the world is new, that you have exhausted all your interactions with it. [...] And then, whenever I fall in love, everything is made new, including myself. My body, my brain, the way I see the simplest things. And the best part is it doesn't even have to be the first time to work. If I fuck it up once, the next time works just as well.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
tags: ennui, love
“I wished I could unburden myself but I couldn't verbalise what was happening because doing so would bring it into existence. So far, it was all taking place in my head with no verification from an outside party, and so long as I kept it that way I could suppress it.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I was not without value, but the value I held was not the kind I wanted to hold, and I did not know how to exchange it.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“And that's something to recommend love: that is has clear rules like a game, and it has speeches and sayings you'll have heard in films and in songs. There are patterns and there are steps to be taken. If you lose the game that's one thing, and that has to be dealt with, but at least there is a game to be played at all.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
tags: love
“I felt crushed with the certainty that i was the crazy one.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“It was sort of amazing seeing men who weren't particularly attractive but who believed, more or less correctly, that they could have and do whatever they wanted. I was always calculating with scientific precision the relative beauty of the people I wanted to be with, and would steer clear of the ones who exceeded me too greatly. But then you'd see guys like this one trundling around the world, reaching out, cheerily thoughtless, for whatever shiny thing passed. They didn't feel the need to strike an equitable bargain, they just advanced towards you, grinning a little sheepishly maybe, and their entitlement was so alien and enviable that it was something like charming.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I would always look like a misshapen version of my True Self, a hastily sketched approximation of a human being.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I listened to sad songs in the shower and cried along. Sometimes I would stop and see myself as from the outside and even laugh at such trite performances of heartbreak. I took the train to the south coast of Dublin once or twice a week to swim and walk around the brambly masses on the outskirts of Shankill. When I tried one day to stand at the pier on Dun Laoghaire and look out to the sea and reflect on my misfortune, I lasted only a few minutes before becoming self-conscious and retreating.

The feelings were real, but they could find no natural expression.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“Was I feeling something true from within myself, or was I living out a fantasy I had assembled?”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“Being with other people was, to me, the feeling of being realised. This was why I wanted to be in love. In love, you don't need the minute-to-minute physical presence of the beloved to realise you. Love itself sustains and validates the rotten moments you would otherwise be wasting while you practise being a person, pacing back and forth in your shitty apartment, holding off till seven to open the wine.
Being in love blesses you with a sort of grace. A friend once told me he imagined his father or God watching him while he works, to help force productivity. Being in love was like that to me, a shield, a higher purpose, a promise to something outside of yourself.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation
“I missed whole days huddling in my bed, scrolling through my phone without pleasure or intent, locked into its repetition as a safeguard.”
Megan Nolan, Acts of Desperation

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