The Liberty Wars Quotes

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The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb by Joe Dixon
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The Liberty Wars Quotes Showing 1-6 of 6
“What does the negative libertarian escape to? Normally, it’s pure self-indulgence, hedonism, the pursuit of instant gratification. His life outside work is about dumbed-down entertainment, video games, sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, alcohol, fantasy, escapism, relaxation, laziness, food and drink, chillaxing and “downtime”. But none of these things are enduringly satisfying. They are not sacred causes. They are not the meaning of life. That’s why all negative libertarians are sad, depressed, anxious, tormented individuals, crushingly alone and fearful. They are desperate to distract themselves from their lives because their lives are so miserable. Self-indulgence – the cult of yourself and your own pleasure and self-obsession – is never satisfying. You always need something higher than yourself, bigger than yourself, something for which you will sacrifice yourself, something that will curb your insatiable Id.”
Joe Dixon, The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb
“In today’s world, the cult of the individual is the new religion. No one is allowed to contradict the individual, to tell him he’s wrong, a waste of space, a liability, a degenerate. We have to pretend that all individuals – no matter how vile – are sacred. We are not allowed to take any action against them, to reform them, correct them, educate them. After all, everyone has their own truth, so everyone is automatically right.”
Joe Dixon, The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb
“There is nothing surprising about the European Union. It’s the medieval Catholic Church resurrected as a secular institution. The British are Protestants who couldn’t stand being in a Catholic Union. That’s really why Brexit happened. In the America presidential election, why was Hillary Clinton so hated? It was because she was perceived as a kind of Pope (President) in charge of the Washington D.C. Establishment (the Church). She was an expert, and experts are hated by ordinary Americans. Why did Donald Trump prove so successful? It was because he was an extreme individualistic narcissist, exactly like so many Protestant Americans. Naturally, he himself is a Protestant.”
Joe Dixon, The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb
“The hippies saw themselves as enlightened. They were in fact about as endarkened as it was possible to get, the absolute enemies of Apollo. We need a new 1960s style revolution, but one which is much better thought out with regard to it consequences. Above all, it has to be explicitly allied to Apollonian forces, and explicitly resistant to anarchism, libertarianism and individualistic narcissism. Cataclysmically, 60s individualism mated with Ayn Rand’s anarcho-capitalist libertarianism, which detests government, authority and the State. We thus have the worst of Dionysian individualism and irrationalism, and no Apollonian collectivism and rationalism.”
Joe Dixon, The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb
“The liberal Left will the ends but not the means, and that’s simply pathetic. The Left will win when it is extremely illiberal, when it no longer takes any shit, and doesn’t spend all of its time bending over backwards so as not to offend anyone. The only people who change the world are extremists and radicals, not liberals and “multiculturalists” who always want to be liked. The people who make a difference are those who know they are going to be actively disliked.”
Joe Dixon, The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb
“It’s time to transform the world. Only positive liberty can produce the necessary alchemy. Why should humanity be content with being free from interference? Why doesn’t it want to become something wondrous? How do you become a god? By being left alone, left to your own devices? Or do you become a god when the State invests everything in you, and provides the framework, the machinery, for producing gods? The State can make you a god. You cannot make yourself a god. There are no gods on desert islands. It’s time to trust the State. It’s time to allow the State to engineer your metamorphosis. It’s time to become what you truly are … an authentic god.”
Joe Dixon, The Liberty Wars: The Trump Time Bomb