Roses in the Rainbow Quotes

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Roses in the Rainbow Roses in the Rainbow by Dauglas Dauglas
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Roses in the Rainbow Quotes Showing 1-30 of 37
“I’ve come to believe that the true splendor of roses shine through their reflection in the eyes of our loved ones. That is why we give roses to people we love; to show them the reflection of beauty and splendor of love in our own eyes, as we see it in their eyes”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
tags: roses
If ever you visit South Africa
And do
Leave the brilliant beaches of Cape Town for a moment
Climb Mount Plaasmoorde Witkruis monument
And you’ll see the victims of apartheid
White crosses marking a thousand white victims
Planted in the earth of a million black victims
They lie dissolved in the humus of the soils
They were too many to have their own marked graves
Too many to build black crosses for
And just too hard to forget about
Because they make the soil under your feet black”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Maybe men who still have the cave-man expectations of women should be sent back into caves. A lot of women will readily volunteer to build such caves free of charge.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“One would expect Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, who is said to have studied history, to know better and act better, but he too rejects all advice and criticism and runs around obliviously in a coach plastered with pictures of his grandmother abusing her captives, including women and children. You might imagine the bigoted Donald Trump to be riding a coach like that in a mock presidential parade in his dreams, but certainly not a twenty first century Dutch royal. I wonder if he ever considered how their Calvinist pomposity affected the psyche of black and white children.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Everyone’s got a little devil inside them, I’ve just learned to control mine that’s why you’ve not seen it yet; I advise you to keep yours under control before it ruins you.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“The press can’t do shit about corruption in Africa without the masses. Everybody knows the offices that ask for bribes and everybody continues to pay. So reporting an incident of corruption in the media is like announcing that the sun rises in the morning.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“There is no pain in losing what you never had.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“The Dutch Reformed Church was the state church of the apartheid regime and a fervent supporter of apartheid; it inspired and condoned rape, abduction and murder.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Human hearts are made to bleed at the sight a precious item destroyed, irrespective of who owns the item.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Life is like the wind on the ocean; if it is against you, it doesn’t really matter what direction it comes from or what direction it blows. It also doesn’t matter what you do or fail to do. So you are better off doing whatever you want.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Some wounds never heal even with the passage of time; they need to be exposed so someone else to help cure them.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
tags: wounds
I am as black as charcoal
But that is only my skin color
I don’t need to see hacked white bodies
To know that we are the same on the inside
I feel the same anguish and disgust for the innocent
Murdered black South Africans during apartheid
Murdered white South Africans post-apartheid
We might not be there to fight apartheid era atrocities
But we are here now and must prevent post-apartheid atrocities
Murdering innocent whites will not bring back murdered blacks

I challenge you to search online now
Google ‘South African farm murders’
And see if you can look at the gruesome pictures
Of innocent children, women and men
Do we need more people to be horribly hacked to death?
Before we stop the divisive rhetoric of the extreme left?
We made a mistake letting apartheid drag on so long
But must we repeat that mistake with post-apartheid massacres?
Some of these murdered whites fought against apartheid
These murdered children didn’t even know about apartheid

Don’t take away your eyes now!
No, don’t you dare take your eyes off those pictures!
The real apartheid criminals are rich and well protected
Killing these innocent people is not justice
It is inhuman; it is cowardice
Don’t look away and don’t hold back the tears
It is not only a cry for white victims
It is not only a cry for black victims
It is a cry for a better South Africa
A cry for a richer, charcoal, chalky Africa”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Some say your whole life appears before you like a TV when someone is about to shoot you, but the reality is you barely have any brain control beyond thinking about the muzzle and the finger on the trigger.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Pointing a gun at a strong-minded person is just as inconvenient as wearing a bifocal. There are two realities side-by-side; one would end shortly and the other had long-term potential.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
When you push people
Into the throes of poverty
They tend to think their value low
And so do they yours
They will not think it grave
To lose their low valued lives
And so will they not yours”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
There are no ghosts among the living
The only real ghosts exist in our minds
So fear not the dead but the living
Because the living can harm but not their ghost

Have you ever seen a dead man risen?
Don’t you see that nobody comes from the grave?
It’s because the dead are nice to each other
Even the vilest repent, and are kind to their neighbors
Each one content with the land of their lying”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
I couldn’t have wished anything more
Than that the spaces between my fingers
Were filled with yours
As I strolled and sample the best of NYC today
I wish that every wish become real, and all dreams true
Because in my dreams I am always with you
Our friends both envy us and rejoice for us
We are ever madly in love and think less of who cares
I can’t wait to see you again
True Love”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“I’m saving my free time for when I am dead; I figured I will need a lot of time in the next life to reflect on what the fuck is wrong with this life.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“There is no clock on Cupid’s arrows; he can fire an arrow dipped in the blood of the young at the heart of the old and love will still catch fire and blossom.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Eugène Ney Terre’Blanche is the man who had such a long record of infamy the devil would be blue with envy.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow

Now please let me introduce myself
I’m the wealthy charming man
Been here on earth for many, many years
Many hearts, faiths and souls I stole

I was around and watched Jesus Christ
Had his faith, doubt and pain
Conned goddamn Pontus Pilate
To wash his hands and doom his soul

Thrilled to meet you
Do you guess my name
Thought I’m in hell but no I’m right here
That’s the puzzling nature of my game”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Bigotry is what you get when you substitute the illusion of holiness for fair-minded enquiry.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Just as the Netherlands was the last country to abolish slavery, they are still the last one opulently celebrating racism; the English had to force the Dutch to abolish slavery in the late 19th century and now the US and the UN are forcing them to stop celebrating bigotry in the 21st century”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Did you know that even 50 years after all other countries had abolished slavery, the Netherlands refused to?”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“The Dutch West India Company and the Dutch East India Company, which were the biggest slave trading companies in history, enjoyed monopolies over the shipment and sale of African slaves.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“There is hardly any other country that got as filthy rich through human trafficking and slave trade as the Netherlands.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“Nobody would be riding a racist Wilhelmina golden coach today in The Hague if the Dutch hadn’t swept unpleasant aspects of their history under the rug.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“How remorseless must one be find pleasure in riding a Wilhelmina golden coach in the 21st century.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“How could the eagle-eyed politicians of The Hague, who specialized in pointing out the tiniest specks in other people’s eyes, overlook someone riding a racist coach in their own neighborhood?”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow
“It appeared the more religious and older men got, the more insatiable their appetite grew for teenage hymens; a short sighted, selfish, entitled and wicked appetite at that by the kind of men who were disillusioned enough to believe that the world revolved around their poles.”
Mawuena Addo, Roses in the Rainbow

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