Wired for Authenticity Quotes

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Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead by Henna Inam
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Wired for Authenticity Quotes Showing 1-28 of 28
“Our imperfections are what create authentic connections with one another.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Most of us think that being authentic is about being true to what we want and who we are, without regard for the impact it has on others. On the contrary, the authentic self is an intelligence at the core of who we are that is inspired, centered, and connected to those we lead. When we are in this centered place of being we are able to choose behavior that serves the greatest good.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authenticity is not possible without embracing the “and” within us. Our minds like to categorize things into neatly labeled boxes. Am I right, or is she right? Let’s stretch our minds to I can be right and so can she. Embracing the “and” is like yoga for the brain. When we train ourselves to hold paradoxes by stretching ourselves out of the boxes our minds create, we stretch into new possibilities and adapt more quickly in a fast-changing world.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Most of us want to be authentic. Yet, we are not who we think we are. We are made up of a rich array of facets and possibilities, many of which we ignore because we label them as “bad”. We create a cardboard cutout image of ourselves to look good to others. The discord between who we are and the image we have to live up to slowly kills our aliveness. When we suppress parts of ourselves, it lowers our mojo, sense of fulfillment, leadership effectiveness and impact in the workplace.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authentic leaders inspire us to engage with each other in powerful dreams that make the impossible possible. We are called on to persevere despite failure and pursue a purpose beyond the paycheck. This is at the core of innovation. It requires aligning the dreams of each individual to the broader dream of the organization.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“The struggle to live up to an “ideal image” of who we should be in order to feel safe misdirects and depletes our energy.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“To change any behavior we have to slow down and act intentionally rather than from habit and impulse.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Positive energy is unleashed when leaders give themselves permission to connect and express themselves from the core of who they are. When leaders practice authenticity, creativity, engagement, confidence, and a sense of inner resourcefulness emerge.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Don’t believe everything you think. Our minds are thought-creating machines. Most of these thoughts are fear-based. Our authentic self has the power to pick the thoughts that best serve us and those we lead.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authenticity is our natural state of being. The authentic self is a state of being where we are centered, creative, adaptive, and inspired.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Our suppressing who we are to fit in is exhausting. It kills flow and creativity. It also prevents genuine connection with others.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“When we limit ourselves by being the person we “should” be, we limit our aliveness. We may achieve success but not fulfillment because we are not living out all the important truths about ourselves, truths we need to slow down to excavate.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Confused? Confusion is good. It’s an excellent place to learn something new from.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“The real you focuses on goals that inspire you and doesn’t let “that’s just not me!” stand in the way.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Our being is more important than our doing. We are human beings, acting as though we are human doings. In our frenzied doing, we are often not conscious of our state of being. Yet our deepest impact comes from our state of being because it is at the root of our intentions, our choices, and our behavior.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“If we try to emulate the leadership style of others we perceive as successful, we end up being second-rate versions of someone else.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authenticity requires us to slow down. Fast times require us to slow down. To be effective, we need to slow down our pace of thought and action and focus on managing our attention. To be authentic leaders we need to act from intention and choice rather than from habit and impulse.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authentic leadership is leading adaptively from your core, choosing who you’re most inspired to be to serve the greatest good in this moment.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authentic leadership is the full expression of ”me” for the benefit of “we”.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authenticity is a practice we choose in each present moment. It is not a plan or a destination to get to. The choices we make in the now are most important because in a fast-changing world, flexing to what’s happening now, and creating from it is a critical leadership skill.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authentic leadership is a whole body experience. Our bodies have a lot more to teach us about ourselves than our thoughts.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authentic leadership is about leading from the core of who we are to inspire each of us to our best contribution toward a shared mission.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Being true to ourselves is about having courage to define our own version of what it is to live a successful life.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Practice holding labels lightly as leaders so you have greater range in your behaviors and are more adaptable and effective in a greater range of situations.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“To return to our authenticity, we have to let go of all that we are not. We recognize and let go of the judgments, fears, and “shoulds” that keep us stuck.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“To be effective, we have to slow down the speed of our thoughts and focus on managing our attention.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authenticity is a choice we make about who we want to be that inspires our greater aliveness.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead
“Authentic leadership is at the root of cultures of great innovation, engagement, outstanding client experiences, and growth.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead