True Calling Quotes

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True Calling (True Calling, #1) True Calling by Siobhan Davis ™
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True Calling Quotes Showing 1-16 of 16
“I would cry if I could, but instead I just feel my heart rip apart.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“Are you in any pain? (Ariana Skyee)
Only my heart. (Cal Remus)”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“He’s a lovely guy, but there’s no spark between us whatsoever. It just goes to show, that even with all their fancy assessment tools, the government can’t legislate for chemistry.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“It’s degrading being routinely subjected to a battery of medical tests to ensure I continue to deserve a place in this new world.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“My romantic history since arriving on Novo has been non-existent, but I don't know what, if anything, came before; thanks to the government's cerebral pilfering.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“I work my way through the rest of my dates, but I'm only there in body. The boys usually give up after the first hour; it's difficult to have a conversation all by yourself. My ratings plummet, but at least my air-time is minimal now, I'm not offering much in the way of entertainment these days.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“Are you going to be difficult? Because I’m not in the mood”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“I plant a gentle parting kiss on his lips, our strategy is well and truly screwed at this stage anyway. We barely lasted a day.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“The Suitors Ball is fast approaching and it's a nasty reminder that my suitor will be chosen shortly. I feel sorry for the poor unfortunate guy, whichever one of them it happens to be.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“It seems like I have lived a lifetime in just one day.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“I wish I was more experienced with boys, so that I could understand his intentions more clearly. I grimace inwardly when I think of much of an expert I'll be in a few months time.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“I'm already under the covers when he comes in. I watch as he takes off his shirt and jeans, and climbs into bed beside me. On any other occasion, the sight and feel of his near naked body would send my blood pressure into orbit, but I'm so exhausted by the events of today that I'm incapable of feeling anything even close to desire. And he doesn't ask anything of me.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“The Bachelor meets Nightmare on Elm Street,”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“Effective immediately, homosexuality and bi-sexuality are outlawed, and all gay men and women will be administered with a sense elixir at their next medical checkup. Those who are aged seventeen are required to immediately participate in the pageant. Anyone found to be engaging in homosexual activity will be immediately imprisoned without trial.”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“The room is in shocked silence. Can this really be true? Can the authorities kill off everyone at the press of a button?”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling
“He runs quickly and quietly through the dense woodland; his breathing is shallow yet steady. Beads of sweat glisten on the translucent skin of his forehead. His intense brown eyes drink in the surroundings of the forest as they flash by. The muscles flex in his arms and legs as he runs, and the sun reflects the contours of his body, showcasing his strong physique. I wake with a start; I can feel the blood pumping”
Siobhan Davis, True Calling