The Running Man Quotes

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The Running Man The Running Man by Richard Bachman
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The Running Man Quotes Showing 1-30 of 38
“In the year 2025, the best men don't run for president, they run for their lives. . . .”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“He understood well enough how a man with a choice between pride and responsibility will almost always choose pride--if responsibility robs him of his manhood.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“Outside, daylight was bleeding slowly toward dusk.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“Say your name over two hundred times and discover you are no one.”
Richard Bachman, Stephen King, The Running Man
“you’ll be given a tape machine which is about the size of a box of popcorn. It weighs six pounds. With it, you’ll be given sixty tape clips which are about four inches long. The equipment will fit inside a coat pocket without a bulge. It’s a triumph of modern technology.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“aber es gab keine Razzien in den Lasterhöhlen mehr. Jedermann wusste, dass Lasterhöhlen jedem wirklich revolutionären Klima abträglich waren.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“Vielleicht gab es nicht mal einen Regenbogen, geschweige denn einen Topf mit Gold.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“The apartment was haunted by the ghost of her long departed cabbage.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“He left Molie’s at ten past midnight, twelve hundred New Dollars lighter. The pawnbroker had also sold him a limited but fairly effective disguise: gray hair, spectacles, mouth wadding, plastic buck-teeth which subtly transfigured his lip line. “Give yourself a little limp, too,” Molie advised. “Not a big attention-getter. Just a little one. Remember, you have the power to cloud men’s minds, if you use it. Don’t remember that line, do ya?” Richards didn’t.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“The apartment was haunted by the ghost of long-departed cabbage.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“-Atención -decía Bobby Thompson-. Éste es uno de los lobos que camina entre ustedes.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“Es gibt einen Ort in uns, wo es praktisch die ganze Zeit regnet, die Schatten immer lang und der Wald voller Ungeheuer ist.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“Sie würden ihm helfen, ihn heilen. Arzneien und Ärzte. Eine Änderung der Einstellung.
Dann Frieden.
Seine Streitsüchtigkeit würde wie Unkraut aus ihm herausgejätet werden.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“...sie würden Christus persönlich überfallen, um ein Pfund Salami zu ergattern.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“The sea at the horizon was yet unchanged. It glittered blue and ageless, full of dancing points and nets of light in the late afternoon sun.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“The woman had looked into the abyss and then walked out across it.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“Sus rostros eran absolutamente similares en un detalle: parecían extremadamente incompletos, como cuadros con agujeros por ojos o como un rompecabezas al que le faltase una pieza nimia. Y eso que echaba en falta, pensó Richards, era el aire de desesperación. En sus estómagos no aullaban los lobos. Sus mentes no estaban llenas de sueños viciados, de esperanzas insensatas.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“He removed his unvaluable valuables and dumped his shirt, pants, and skivvies into a letter slot.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“He had never been a social man. He had shunned causes with contempt and disgust. They were for pig-simple suckers and people with too much time and money on their hands”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“The back of the seat in front of Richards was a revelation in itself. There was a pocket with a safety handbook in it. In case of air turbulence, fasten your belt. If the cabin loses pressure, pull down the air mask directly over your head. In case of engine trouble, the stewardess will give you further instructions. In case of sudden explosive death, hope you have enough dental fillings to insure identification.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“Come parole ripetute fino a quando diventano senza senso. Ripetete il vostro nome per più di duecento volte, e scoprirete che non siete nessuno.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“Then they could discuss the possibilities of social inequity, the way your socks always fall down when you're wearing rubber boots, and the importance of being earnest.”
Richard Bachman, Stephen King, The Running Man
“Say your name over two hundred times and discover you are no one.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“In poker the highest hand is a royal straight-flush in spades.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“in this day of limited legalized murder, germ warfare in Egypt and South America, and the notorious have-one-kill-one Nevada abortion law.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
“There was something suspicious and alien in his features, yet familiar also. After a moment Richards placed it. It was innocence.”
Stephen King, The Running Man
“The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of many things . . . of sailing ships and sealing-wax, And whether pigs have wings.”
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
Richard Bachman, The Running Man
Richard Bachman, The Running Man

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