İklimler Quotes

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İklimler İklimler by André Maurois
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İklimler Quotes Showing 1-30 of 32
“Every ten years you should delete from your mind a few ideas that your experience has proven to be false, dangerous.”
Andre Maurois, Climats
“Happiness is never there to stay [...] Happiness is merely a respite offered by inquietude.”
Andre Maurois, Climats
“Two human beings anchored to one another are like two ships shaken by waves; their carcases collide with one another and creak.”
Andre Maurois, Climats
“Погрешно е да се мисли, че любовта е сляпа: тя само е безразлична към недостатъците и слабостите, макар и да ги вижда, защото вярва, че е намерила в едно същество най-важното за себе си, което често пъти е неизразимо.
... ако обичаме истински, не бива да придаваме прекалено голямо значение на постъпките на любимите ни същества. Имаме нужда от тях. Само те ни дават възможност да живеем в известна "атмосфера"("климат"), без която не можем.”
André Maurois, Climats
“[...] marriage is one thing, and love is another...You need to have a solid canvas; nobody stops you to weave the arabesques...”
Andre Maurois, Climats
“We are almost always the craftsman of our own unhappiness.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Lo que mas separa a las personas es, sin duda, que unos vivan en el pasado y otros en el presente.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Even our strongest emotions die, don't you think? And we can look back to the woman we were three years ago with the same curiosity and detachment as if it were someone else.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Amamos a aquellas personas que destilan una extraña esencia, que es la que nos falta para tener un compuesto químico equilibrado.”
André Maurois, Climats
“The really important thing I've realized in the last year is that if we truly love we mustn't attach too much importance to the things that the people we love do. We need them; they alone mean we can live in a particular 'atmosphere' (your friend Helene calls it a 'climate' and that's exactly right) that we can't get by without. So long as we can keep them, hold on to them good God, what does the rest matter?”
André Maurois, Climats
“A few days later we went to the opera together to watch my beloved Siegfried. It was a pleasure for me to listen to it beside the man who had become my hero.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Çok güzel anlar hüzünlüdür her zaman. Geçici olduklarını duyar insan, durdurmak ister, bir şey gelmez elinden. Çocukken hep sirkte duyardım bunu, daha sonra da konserde, çok mutlu olduğum zaman. "İki saate kadar bitecek," derdim içimden.”
André Maurois, Climats
“She was remarkably beautiful. And yet there was something in her eyes that I didn't like. A bit of...no...I don't want to say falsity...that would be too...it was--I don't know how to explain it -- it was something like triumphant cunning. Odile needed to dominate. She wanted to impose her will, her version of the truth. Her beauty had given her a lot of self-confidence and she believed, almost in good faith, that if she said something then it became true. This worked with your husband, who adored her, but not with me, and she resented me for that.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Nothing provokes more cynicism than a great love that was not shared, but nothing produces more modesty either; I was utterly surprised to feel loved. The truth is: a passion that fully preoccupies a man draws women to him when he least wants them. Even if he is sentimental and tender by nature, when he is obsessed with another he becomes indifferent and almost brutal. Because he is unhappy, he sometimes allows himself to be temped by the offer of affection. As soon as he has tasted this affection, he tires of it and does not disguise the fact. Without wishing to and without even realizing it, he plays the most appalling game. He becomes dangerous and conquers because he himself has been vanquished. This was the case with me. I had never been more convinced of my own inability to attract women, I had never felt less desire to attract them, and I had never received so much clear proof of devotion and love.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Doua fiinte umane ancorate una langa cealalta sunt ca doua corabii leganate de valuri; cocile lor se ciocnesc si gem.”
André Maurois, Climats
“O mare dragoste nu este de ajuns pentru a lega de tine fiinta pe care o iubesti, daca nu te pricepi sa umpli viata celuilalt cu o bogatie necontenit reimprospatata.”
André Maurois, Climats
“İşte kadınların zekaları böylece,kendilerini seven erkeklerden kalma tortulardan ileri gelir,tıpkı bunun gibi erkeklerin zevkinde de,yaşamlarından geçmiş olan kadınların izi kalır; çoğu kez de bir kadının bize çektirdiği dayanılmaz acılar başka bir kadının bizi sevmesine ve mutsuz olmasına neden olur.”
André Maurois, Climats
“If the mysterious composer orchestrating our existence were to play the theme for the Rival in isolation, I think it would sound almost the same as the Knight's theme, but ironic and distorted. We want to see our enemy as an adversary worthy of us, which is why, of all the disappointments a woman can afford us, disappointment over a rival is the worst. I would have been jealous but not surprised if I had seen the most remarkable men of our time with Odile; instead I saw her surrounded by young men who, if I judged them impartially, may have been no more mediocre than any others, but who were certainly not worthy of her, and she had anyway not chosen them.”
André Maurois, Climats
“I had formed an image of Odile that was itself admirable. Her beauty...her fragility...her naturalness too...her lively, poetic intelligence...Yes, having once been jealous of her, I too now loved Odile. As described by him, she alone seemed worthy of Philippe as I perceived him and perhaps as I alone saw him. I accepted being scarified to such a noble religion; I knew I was beaten, I wanted to be beaten, I bowed before Odile with accommodating humility and in that very humility I found a secret satisfaction and, no doubt, a hidden source of pride.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Соланж имаше вид на жена, която си е премерила силите с живота и го е победила.”
André Maurois, Climats
“The queen has kept changing. The truth is I've never met the queen...well, never exactly her, do you understand?”
André Maurois, Climats
“Uzaklık ya da ölüm, kuşku ya da ihanetten daha az zarar verir aşka.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Her entire vocabulary had become Francois's and Odile now spouted this man's repertoire -- the repertoire that had caused me to tell Helene de Thianges that his conversation was just a star turn. She talked about the "intensity of life", the joy of conquest, and even Indochina. But filtered through Odile's veiled mind, Francois's hard-edged themes lost their sharp contours. I could follow them quite clearly through her but could see they were distorted, like a river crossing a wide lake and losing the rigid framework of its banks, reduced to an indistinct shadow eaten into by encroaching waves.”
André Maurois, Climats
“İkili yalnızlık, bıkkınlığa, can sıkıntısına kadar varmayınca, duyguların ve güvenin ağır ağır yükselmesini sağlar, bu da bu yalnızlığı paylaşanları çok yaklaştırır.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Kafamıza yerleşen kuşkular zincirleme mayın çukurları gibi patlar ve bir aşkı ancak art arda gelen patlamalarla yıkabilir”
André Maurois, Climats
“Onun önünde öylesine karışık duygular duyuyordum ki, kendim bile güç anlıyordum. Hem ondan nefret ediyor, hem de ona tapıyordum. Hem suçsuz, hem de suçlu buluyordum onu. Hazırladığım şiddetli kavga, dostça ve içten bir konuşmaya dönüşüyordu.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Belki de insanları en çok bölen şey, kimilerinin her şeyden önce geçmişte, kimilerinin de yalnız içinde bulundukları dakikada yaşamalarıdır.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Bir zamanlar kimi modalar kadınların bedenini erkeklerin gözlerinden bütünüyle gizleyerek kabarık bir giysiye değer kattığı gibi duyguların kapalılığı da, tutkuların alışılmış belirtilerini perdeleyerek dilin fark edilmez inceliklerinin değerini ve güzelliğini ortaya çıkarır.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Aşk mı?” diyordum. “Neymiş bu aşk dedikleri?”
“Bilmiyor musunuz ne olduğunu? Öğrenirsiniz... Siz de bir gün düşersiniz ağına.”
André Maurois, Climats
“Gene de ufak tefek üstünlüklerim vardır... Çoğu kadınlardan daha fazla kitap okurum... Birçok güzel şiiri ezbere bilirim... Çiçek yetiştirmesini bilirim... İyi giyinirim... Bir de sizi severim, evet beyefendi, siz belki de inanmazsınız, ama çok severim sizi.”
André Maurois, Climats

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