Glass Quotes

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Glass (Crank, #2) Glass by Ellen Hopkins
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Glass Quotes Showing 1-30 of 64
“When you love someone, you don't want to hurt them, even if they deserve to be hurt. When you love someone, you want to hurt them, even when they don't deserve to be hurt.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“I want to open myself, let him inside. But how do I give what has already been taken?”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“I don't need more pain in my life. Why did I invite it in? Do I have to feel pain to believe I feel anything at all?”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Six months since we met up
again we are inseparable,
an intricate weave.
No longer do I believe
this is a temporary fling.
More like total commitment.
More like I have walked
down the aisle, holding
hands with the monster.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“God i've missed you. I can't wait to give you your present. He kisses me hotter this time, and beneath me, through his denim and mine. I can feel the promise of his Christmas gift soon to come.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Yeah, I know getting high isn't so smart. Ask me if I care.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“I feel like a goddess, jailed in her Olympus. Little wonder how the gods toyed with humans. Toyed with women, to watch them squirm, pollinate the seeds of despair; toyed with men, to satiate their Seven Deadly Sins.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Life was radical right after I met the monster.
Later, life became harder, complicated.
Ultimately, a living hell, like swimming against a riptide,
Walking the wrong direction in the fast lane of the freeway,
Waking from sweetest dreams to find yourself in the middle of a nightmare.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“When you love someone,
you don't want to hurt
them, even if they deserve
to be hurt. When you love
someone, you want to hurt
them, even when they don't
deserve to be hurt.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“But how do you tell your heart, “No, don't swell with magic, you'll only burst?” How do you tell it to clamp itself off from possibilities? God knows I don't need more pain in life. Why did I invite it in? Do I have to feel pain to believe I feel anything at all?”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Without a doubt I understand the monster and I are more than just friends. We're blood brothers.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“you're going
to die
someday anyway,
why not die happy,
why not die buzzed,
why not die
satisfied? Why not
die sooner, with
fewer regrets, than
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Don't give away your power.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Have you ever tried
To quit
a bad habit, one
that has come to define you?”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Shut the hell up, I silently shout to the bitch who lives in my brain.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“At last, today, I'm the big one-eight, so why don't I feel any different? Because I'm still treading quicksand, that's why.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Luckily the bathroom is empty, no one to see the vacant-eyed girl, staring in the mirror. Staring at a stranger who doesn't care if she dies.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“I'm starting to feel pretty sorry for myself. Okay, it's looking to turn out to be a sleepless toss-and-turn, dissolve-slowly-into-morning night after all.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“I want to give myself away. I want to be stunned by passion so intense it knocks me right off my feet, down to my knees, where I know I'll surrender to this luscious i n s a n i t y.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Even though I wanted that change, initiated it, fueled it, part of me wants to go back to before.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Wonder just how close I came to not ever wondering about anything again.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Am I paranoid? I know, deep down, that falling for the first guy to take interest in over a year was not the best idea. But how do you tell your heart, no, don't swell with magic, you'll only burst? How do you tell it to clamp itself off from possibilities? I don't need more pain in my life. Why did I invite it in? Do I have to feel pain to believe I feel anything at all?”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“They say the best things in life are worth waiting for, but patience is not my best thing.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“It's snowing, I think. Snowing in my brain. I close my eyes, give myself up to the blizzard.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most. {Everything in your life is little.} Would you get the fuck out of here? I can't double-think everything. {Split personalities are indeed a bitch.] Am I totally schizo? [Close. But there's a bigger question.] Oh yeah? Like what? [Which half is the real you?]”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“I will not sleep tonight. I sit in the dark, staring out at the stars.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“The answer to all these questions: How the fuck do I know?”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“But I can't forgive him. Can't forgive that he forced himself on me, inside me. If he'd only been patient, I probably would have said yes. Okay. Let's. But I was scared, and he knew it, and my being afraid pushed some kind of button.”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass
“Instinct tells me to fall deep into a well of silence. Keep your meth-fired mouth shut, it commands. [Oh, just try that with the monster screaming, Let's party!]”
Ellen Hopkins, Glass

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