Saint Odd Quotes

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Saint Odd (Odd Thomas, #7) Saint Odd by Dean Koontz
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Saint Odd Quotes Showing 1-30 of 86
“I never knew whether I was drawn to eccentric people or if they were drawn to me.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“After a silence, because he knew me well, he said, "Not all wounds are the bleeding kind.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“...and where the Ferris wheel carried its passengers high and brought them low and raised them high and brought them low again, as if it were not merely a carnival ride but also a metaphor for the basic pattern of human experience.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Free will," she agreed, "our greatest gift, the thing that makes life worth living, in spite of all the anguish it brings.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“When I was no longer of the world, I would miss its extravagant beauty. I would miss the complex and charming layers of subterfuge by which the truth of the world’s mysteries were withheld from us even as we were tantalized and enchanted by them. I would miss the kindness of good people who were compassionate when so many were pitiless, who made their way through so much corruption without being corrupted themselves, who eschewed envy in a world of envy, who eschewed greed in a world of greed, who valued truth and could not be drowned in a sea of lies, for they shone and, by the light they cast, they had warmed me all my life.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Sometimes, when I'm feeling sorry for myself, it seems that I'm made to carry an impossibly heavy weight, the crushing weight of losing her. I have moments of bitterness and doubt. You know? But the weight is a blessing, really, and I shouldn't be bitter about it. The weight is on my heart because I knew her and loved her. The weight is the accumulation of all we had together, all the hopes and worries, all the laughs, the picnics at St. Bart's bell tower, the adventures we shared because of my gift... If they had taken her away on their yacht, if I had never met her, there would be no weight to carry—and no memories to sustain me.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“...Here lie your hopes and dreams, shattered and swept aside...”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Being known by everyone is not the same as being loved.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“...on a subconscious level we're aware that time isn't enduring, that it is not a required condition of our existence, that there comes a point when we will have no need of it.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Sympathy is a nobler feeling than pity. But if sympathy is the principal reason that one person is drawn to another, there will always be an unbridgeable chasm between friendship and genuine love.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Some dreams matter. Most don't. Often it can be hard to know which might be which.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but it is also the grandmother of desperation.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“I knew that suffering can purify, that it's a kind of fire that can be worth enduring, but there were degrees of it to which I chose not to subject myself.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Truly tough guys never say they’re tough.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Perhaps this was a day of firsts. The day one dies, of course, is a first in any life.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“It's difficult to spend time in any carnival or amusement park and not realize that a repressed fear of death may be the one emotion that is constant in the human heart even if, most of the time, it is confined to the unconscious as we go about our business. Thrill rides offer us a chance to acknowledge our ever-present dread, to release the tension that arises from repression of it, and to subtly delude ourselves with the illusion of invulnerability that surviving the Big Drop can provide.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“we are born into time only to be born out of it, after living through the cycles of the seasons, under stars that turn because the world turns, born into ignorance and acquiring knowledge that ultimately reveals to us our enduring ignorance: The circle is the essential pattern of our existence.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“I suspected eccentricity was often if not always a response to pain, a defense mechanism against anguish and torment and sorrow.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Too many years of watching old Warner Bros. cartoons by Chuck Jones can instill in you a silliness gene by proxy.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“In this world, Evil works through countless surrogates. Its name is Legion. But Good works through surrogates, as well, and they are legion, too.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“As I turned to leave the tent, she said, "Don't worry. Your own mother wouldn't know you."

I said, "She never has.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“I disliked guns, but I learned to use them. I had come to understand guns, that they were tools and that they were no more evil, in their essence, than pliers and wrenches. At times, they were a necessity. In a world of evil, they were often also a blessing. Now and then, as I’ve said, I was able to”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Free will,” she agreed, “our greatest gift, the thing that makes life worth living, in spite of all the anguish it brings.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“The problem with omens is that they never come with an illustrated pamphlet explaining what they mean.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Our world was a battleground on which good and evil clashed, and many of the combatants on the dark side were known to everyone. Terrorists, dictators, politicians who were merchants of lies and hate, crooked businessmen in league with them, power-mad bureaucrats, corrupted policemen, embezzlers, street thugs, rapists, and their ilk waged part of the war, and their actions were what made the evening news so colorful and depressing. But those fighting in that dark army had their secret schemes, too, intentions and desires and goals that would make their public villainy seem almost innocent by comparison. They were assisted by other politicians who concealed their hatred and envy, by judges who secretly had no respect for the law, by clergymen who in private worshipped nothing but money or the tender bodies of children, by celebrities who trumpeted their concern for the common man while in their off-screen lives assiduously hobnobbing with and advancing the interests of the elite of elites.… The war unseen by most people was one of clandestine militias, unincorporated businesses, unchartered organizations, philosophical movements that could not survive fresh air and sunlight, secretive coalitions of lunatics who didn’t recognize their own lunacy, nature cults and science cults and religious cults.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“But just when a man expects he’s earned the littlest bit of milk and honey, the world throws a load of horseshit at him.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Proceeding with caution and proceeding slowly are sometimes two different things. In certain circumstances, momentum could be more important than caution,
though it was never wise to dispense with wariness.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“That I had come full circle shouldn't have surprised me, for we are born into time only to be born out of it, after living through the cycles of the seasons, under stars that turn because the world turns, born into ignorance and acquiring knowledge that ultimately reveals to us our enduring ignorance: The circle is the essential pattern of our existence.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Her direct stare probed, as if the story of my life were written in my eyes in a few succinct lines that she could read.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd
“Small-town boy meets big-time evil.”
Dean Koontz, Saint Odd

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