Chain of Gold Quotes

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Chain of Gold (The Last Hours, #1) Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare
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Chain of Gold Quotes Showing 211-240 of 248
“You may speak however badly of yourself as you like, but it does not make it true. You decide the truth about yourself. No one else. And the choice about what kind of person you will be is yours alone.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“The truth is the truth. It will always come out.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Those who mock fiction do so because they fear the truth.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Searching for the one is what leads to all the misery in this world. Searching for many is what leads to all the fun. - Anna”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“We do not get to choose when in our lives we feel pain. It comes when it comes, and we try to remember, even though we cannot imagine a day when it will release its hold on us, that all pain fades. All misery passes. Humanity is drawn to light, not darkness.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“It would be easy for him to keep faith, but faith alone was not love.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“We can, we are simply told we shouldn't. Do not confuse conditioning with native inability.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Hope is not a solution.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Tea is always an excuse for a clandestine agenda. - Anna”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“We don't always love people who deserve it.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“We can always pick up a book and read it anew. Stories offer a thousand fresh starts.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“I'm not sure I'm meant to leave you alone with a man," she said. "Seems scandalous."
Lucie chuckled. "Matthew's not a man. We used to hit each other with soup ladles as children.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Charlotte and Henrey were fussing over baby Charel, who had colic and wished everyone to know about it.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Do not let those who cannot see the truth tell you who you are. You are the star that cannot be lost. You are who you have always been, and that is enough. Anyone who looks at you and sees darkness is blind.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“We do not get to choose when in our lives we feel pain," said Matthew.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“There is no special protection in this world for kind people.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“In action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god,'" he quoted softly. "'The beauty of the world. The paragon of animals.'"
"Shakespeare," said James, "was being sarcastic.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Quanto male deve fare, l’amore?”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Non c’è distrazione migliore al mondo che perdersi nei libri per un po’.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“How much is love meant to hurt?”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“«Anna has a quality.» Matthew raised a thoughtful eyebrow. «The French would call it jolie laide.»
Cordelia knew French well enough to frown. «Pretty-ugly? She's not ugly!»
«It doesn't mean that,» Matthew said. «It means unusually pretty. Oddly beautiful. It denotes having a face with character.» His gaze traveled from the top of her hair to the tips of her shoes. «Like you have.»”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“«We do not get to choose when in our lives we feel pain. It comes when it comes, and we try to remember, even though we cannot imagine a day when it will release its hold on us, that all pain fades. All misery passes. Humanity is drawn to light, not darkness.»”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“«If Jem says I must go, then I must,» he said. «The rest of you go to Chiswick-»
«No,» Matthew said. «Whither thou goest, I will go, James. Even unto the tedious suburb of Highgate.»”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“James had wavered in and out of consciousness for the first two days after his visit to Belial's realm. Sometimes he dreamed of the demon world and woke up yelling, reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. His knives might not have been beside him, but Matthew always was.
[...] On the first night of their return from Highgate, Matthew had dragged a pile of bedding into James's room, rolled himself up in it, and gone to sleep. No one tried to make him leave - when Tessa brought soup and tea to James, she brought some for Matthew, too. When Will came and brought card games to while away the time, Matthew played as well, and usually lost.
Not that others weren't kind as well. When Anna brought James a stylish new necktie to cheer him, she brought one for Matthew. When Lucie smuggled in midnight tarts from the kitchen, there were extras for Matthew. It was possible, as a result, that Matthew was never going home.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“You can’t say you’ve been thrown out like a dog when you’ve got your mama, two footmen, and a butler coming for you.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“I simply cannot see why one would wish to picnic in the nude,” Cordelia said. “There would be ants in dreadful places.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“Because you are a child—a silly and beautiful child, who touches the fire because it is lovely, and forgets that it will burn him.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“You love, and tremble, and burn. Do not let those who cannot see the truth tell you who you are. You are the flame that cannot be put out. You are the star that cannot be lost.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“All these years she has lived on bitterness, and her bitterness will keep her alive now. It is stronger than death.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold
“What we had was the dream of children,” she said. “It will fade like snow in summer. You will forget.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold