Incendiary Quotes

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Incendiary (The Premonition, #4) Incendiary by Amy A. Bartol
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Incendiary Quotes Showing 1-30 of 40
“How ex are we talking?"

"The kind where you have to take everything that he ever gave you and bury it in the backyard so there will be nothing to remind you of how much you loved him.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Just when you think that maybe Brennus is running' out of crazy, he shows up with a brand new can of it... economy size.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Her heart begins to sing to me, the Siren's song that's calling me to shipwreck. I go to it willingly. When her lips meet mine, I know I'm lost, I'm found - I'm home.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“If they took you from me, it would be like they concealed my heart from me.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“There is nothing remotely ordinary about you, accept it. I'll show you what you are."
"And what am I?"
"Mine. I will tear open the sky to make you see it.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“You're art that cannot be concealed... danger that cannot be tamed... love that cannot be measured... a new law that denies a probable outcome.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“As our bodies mesh as one, I know that this is the heaven I want to fight for: the one in my arms.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“How do y'all say, 'hoorah' in Angel?
Rude Car.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Evie's head is pressed tightly to my chest; I would pull her inside of me and have my heart beat for us both if I could.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“When a soul arrives in Paradise after a lifetime on earth, it will sometimes pine for the soul mate that was left behind."

"He has that look?"

"No... he has the other look."

"The other look?"

"The look of that soul when it reunites with its soul mate.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“He must know that we have more game than Mattel.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“He can still taste you on his lips, smell your scent in his memory, remember when you smiled just for him, and the thought of never having that again is...harrowing. So, he's willing to hurt you because he's focusing on the pain to try to kill everything that you were to him... so that he can survive it.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“You were afraid of me? Don't you meet with the Fallen in Sheol?"
"Yes, but none of them had ever stolen my heart nor left me without words to ponder its loss.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Zee replies grimly, 'I understand that problem...Buns is a force of nature.'
'She is,' I say with a reluctant smile, 'you're kind of screwed, dude. She's definitely got her own ideas.'
Zee grins too. 'Do not laugh too hard, playa, yours is a Throne..karma...' he says, noddin' his head before grimacin' and addin', 'ouch'.
My smile broadens involuntarily. 'Zee, when did you become funny?' I ask.
'It is difficult to be funny in Human,' he says, before lookin' at his watch and than graspin' the cover of the portal computer. 'Learn my language and you will think I am hysterical.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Yeah! You got my back now?” Russell asks in a sour tone, looking over the railing from the tower above. “’Cuz one of them freaky demon things almost ate me after y’all left!”
“A Riser nearly ate you?” Reed asks with humor in his tone
“Yeah, whatever—it’s not funny!” he calls down, sounding irritated. “Next time, I want Zee for my wingman.”
“That is because I am the ultimate assassin,” Zephyr replies from behind Reed.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
tags: humor
“Did she go postal?” Russell grins at him, “You know, for pullin’ her portal on the island and sendin’ her to your safe house before the fight?”
“Define postal?” Zephyr counters, his brows pulling together further.
“Insanely angry,” Russell says.
“Yes,” Zephyr nods his head adamantly, pointing at him. “She has not called me ‘sweetie’ since.”
“Oooo,” Russell says, ducking his head and wrinkling his nose. “Doghouse.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
tags: humor
“Do I pray for her life or mine? They're one in the same...Be this soul in Thine hands...I stop, unable to pray for her ascension. I cannot let her go, I think in agony. I try again, May this soul in Thine hands be with me...always.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Sometimes it's better to drop the anchor when you can't steer.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Ye're na meant for a tepid existence, so maybe 'tis time ta leave da sandbox.
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“I have to kiss her again; I start with her lips. When I taste her on my tongue, I want more. I need more. Tugging on her bottom lip with mine elicits a soft groan of pleasure from her. I live in the sound of it.
When our bodies fit together, like pieces falling into place, I’m nearly undone by it and by her eyes. They narrow and her forehead leans forward to rest against mine. Through her eyes, I can almost see inside her soul. That’s where I long to be: centered near her soul, wedged between it and her heart. ~ Reed's POV”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Xavier...he is afraid of losing you-He is also insane for you. Insane for you without the soul to join yours or the deep attraction to awaken you...but with the devotion to endure this Godless place for you.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“To ache from the knowledge that I may never hold you again - to count the moments, like grains of sand, while we were parted only to escape the sky and find that you still only know me as a boy from school...”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“I’m not forgiveness and redemption. I’m violent retaliation and vengeance.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Reece…Reed…isn’t that a silly coincidence?” he asks, his mouth twisting in a grim smile that neither reaches his blue eye nor his green one.”
amy a. bartol, Incendiary
“What am I?” I ask. “Unforgettable,” Reed replies. “You’re art that cannot be concealed… danger that cannot be tamed…love that cannot be measured… a new law that denies a probable outcome.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“He can still taste you on his lips, smell your scent in his memory, remember when you smiled just for him, and the thought of never having that again is…harrowing. So, he’s willing to hurt you because he’s focusing on the pain to try to kill everything that you were to him…so that he can survive it.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“I do what I always do when the day has shown me its worst: I make do.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“I lose myself in her: her scent, her touch, and the taste of her. I will never get enough.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“It's a little like being alone on a moving train for the first time. The excitement and wonder at the new experience slowly gives way to the creeping feeling that something isn't quite right. You check your ticket and see that you have made a mistake-- it's not the train that you have intended to be on. At first, you try and deny it. You watch the scenery slipping past and try to find a familiar landmark, and for awhile you take solace in denial.
But soon, the terrifyingly unfamiliar terrain outside the window causes you to panic. Crushing fear that you can't ignore makes you rush around, looking for a way off it. But, it's moving too fast that you know there is no getting off until it stops somewhere. So you creep back to your seat and try not to attract any attention to yourself because the strangers in the train have taken on a weird, plastic appearance. Any camaraderie that you may have shared with them before is gone since you're no longer one of them: you're a trespasser meant to be on a different train.
The knowledge begins to weigh on you as you slide farther and farther from where you wanted to go. You try to reign in on your fear and convince yourself that maybe this new destination will be better than the one you had planned for yourself.
Then, somewhere along the way you discover that all your baggage is wrong, too, and you find that you're ill equipped to survive on the trip you're on, but then... then you notice that the stranger sitting next to you isn't like the other passengers... that even though you sat in his seat, he is going to try and help you sort out the tangle you're in. And, because this stranger is so perfect, you begin to relax a little and forget that you are on the wrong train at all.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary
“Would you mind telling Xavier that if
he doesn’t want to become an albatross,
he should stop laughing,” Evie mutters,
which only makes him laugh harder.”
Amy A. Bartol, Incendiary

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