Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease Quotes

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Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease by Steven Magee
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Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease Quotes Showing 1-15 of 15
“In the future, it may turn out that fossil fuels are the blood of the Earth and by extracting them may lead to serious consequences to the Earth's survival, and by association, that of the humans.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“If the natural environment is changed and the electromagnetic radiation levels increase, then it may cause illness and disease in humans.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“Trees are affected by many factors. Global warming is changing rainfall, humidity, air composition, solar radiation, heating and cooling. Plants are sensitive to any of these factors. When all of the factors start to change at once, it may lead to devastation in the plant world.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“The important concept of the solar wind is that Space is not empty. It is an energy and particle filled environment that interacts with whatever is in it! Astronomers call this 'Dark Energy'.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“I inadvertently had a very high dose of environmental transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) when commissioning a very high powered utility electronic power plant and I can assure you that it can do very strange things to your thinking and the effects last a very long time!”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“The various forms of electromagnetic radiation were extensively proven harmful to human health decades ago. The air is electrified, the ground is electrified, the water is electrified, your metal mattress is electrified, your metal under wired bra is electrified, your children are electrified, and you are electrified. Unfortunately, we are in the electromagnetic radiation epidemic.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“There is no limit on the level that the reflections can be at and in a modern environment, such as a city, the albedo can increase the power levels many times of the sky based solar radiation of direct and diffuse combined. The trees prevent the albedo reflections from occurring.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“Plant life is like the canary in the cage. When it starts to die off, we know we have problems. To ignore plant die off would be like the human race committing suicide. Human extinction would surely follow.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“There is a significant problem associated with burning large quantities of fossil fuels into the atmosphere. This pollution will change the electromagnetic transmission of the atmosphere and lead to an unnatural electromagnetic environment at the ground level where we all live. Once the electromagnetic environment has been significantly changed by these emissions, then we will be in a new era of evolution. It appears that we have already entered that era some time ago.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“The addition of certain chemicals to the atmosphere will destroy wavelengths of light and it may only be a matter of time before one of these wavelengths of light that is critical for human survival is eliminated. This is called: The Extinction Wavelength”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“The human body may need to receive sunlight through the tree canopy in order to be in a healthy state. I call this light “Interference Green Light” and it may be the top thing that you need to be receiving in order to be in good health and free of pain.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“Daily irradiation of the human body by natural sunlight is an extremely important aspect of human health.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease
“People who have metal implants should be familiar with the symptoms of radio wave sickness and should keep their environment free of wireless radiation producing products.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease