Abdallah Mohamud

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  (page 38 of 232)
"وكانت عباءته الحريرية تلمع حاشيتها الذهبية تحت أشعة الشمس التي بدأت مرحلتها نحو الغرب، وكانت جلسته هادئة وديعة، فكان يسلم ظهره إلى وسادة محشوة بريش النعام، ويتكئ بمرفقه على نمرقة ذات غطاء من الحرير المنمنم بالذهب، وقد تجلت آي عظمته في جبهته العالية ونظرته الرفيعة" Sep 15, 2024 04:17PM

Notes on the Cine...
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  (page 18 of 79)
""Cinematography, a military art. Prepare a film like a battle."" Sep 06, 2024 05:32AM

Let's Do It: The ...

  (page 1 of 651)
"Among his cheeky innovations, Harris was probably the first publisher to include a photograph of the singer on his sheet music. This both appealed to consumers and massaged the egos of the performers, endearing Harris to them even more." Jul 30, 2024 02:55PM

See all 4 books that Abdallah is reading…
Bob Woodward
“Bannon added that Trump had another advantage. He spoke in a voice that did not sound political. This was what Barack Obama had in 2008 in the primary contest against Clinton, who spoke like the trained politician she was. Her tempo was overly practiced. Even when telling the truth, she sounded like she was lying to you. Politicians like Hillary can’t talk naturally, Bannon said. It was a mechanical way of speaking, right out of the polling and focus groups, answering the questions in political speak. It was soothing, not jarring, not from the heart or from deep conviction, but from some highly paid consultant’s talking points—not angry.”
Bob Woodward, Fear: Trump in the White House

“وأَحسنُ منكَ لم ترَ قطُّ عيني وَأجْمَلُ مِنْكَ لَمْ تَلِدِ النّسَاءُ
خلقتَ مبرءاً منْ كلّ عيبٍ كأنكَ قدْ خلقتَ كما تشاءُ”
حسان بن ثابت الأنصاري

Bob Woodward
“White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who was a commander in the Naval Reserves, tried several times to persuade Mattis to appear on Sunday talk shows on behalf of the administration. The answer was always no. “Sean,” Mattis finally said, “I’ve killed people for a living. If you call me again, I’m going to fucking send you to Afghanistan. Are we clear?”
Bob Woodward, Fear: Trump in the White House

Brian K. Vaughan
“You know that old cliché about millions of deaths being a statistic while the loss of just one life is a tragedy? If that's true, what is it when you lose something that never even had the chance to be born? I've had lots of relationships in my time, platonic and otherwise, but the ones I think about most are those that never quite made it to term. The dashing first date who didn't call you back. The lady on the train you had that amazing conversation but never saw again. The cool neighbor kid you met the first time a week before he moved away. I guess I'm just haunted by all that potential energy. One moment, the universe presents you with this amazing opportunity for new possibilities...and then...”
Brian K. Vaughan, Saga, Volume 7

François Truffaut
“Suspense is simply the dramatization of a film’s narrative, or if you will, the most intense presentation possible of dramatic situations.”
François Truffaut, Hitchcock/Truffaut

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