5132726 Tiffany King's Friend Comments

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message 19: by Sophia

Sophia Hiya My Book Loving Friend!

Thanks for friending me! Looking forward to sharing about books- and fire escape plans. Haha!

message 18: by Fred

Fred This is one of my favorite quotes, and it totally sums up how I feel about you: “Our love has evolved into something else because of the way we respect and listen to each other's needs.”

message 17: by Bella

Bella Thanks so much for the invite, Tiffany. It's great meeting you. :D

message 16: by Krystle

Krystle Jones Hi, Tiffany. =) Thanks for finding me on here. Wishing you all the best.


message 15: by Sarah

Sarah Hi Tiffany, thank you for the friend request! (=

message 14: by Amber

Amber Hughes Hi lady!! Thanks for the friend request! :-)

message 13: by Fred

Fred I am so tickled that you friended me, now I can stalk you on multiple platforms!

Tiffany King Amy wrote: "Hi, Tiffany! Thanks for the add. Whenever my Twitter friends add me I think, "Why didn't I do that sooner?" Thanks for thinking of it! Good luck with your new website! It sounds awesome! :)"

LOL me too!!!

message 11: by Amy

Amy Bartol Hi, Tiffany! Thanks for the add. Whenever my Twitter friends add me I think, "Why didn't I do that sooner?" Thanks for thinking of it! Good luck with your new website! It sounds awesome! :)

message 10: by Douglas

Douglas Wickard Tiffany,
Thank you for your Goodreads friendship!

Keisha TYSM for friend request, looking forward to checking out your books =0)

Mariana - thanks for the friend Back! its Mpeester from twitter. =) I look forward to starting the Meant To Be Series

Amanda do you know when your gonna have the next one out

Florentine Hi Tiffany!! thanks for adding me...

message 5: by Elle

Elle Hi Tiffany, thanks for the friend-vite.

Silvia Thanx for the friend request Tiffany! Have a great day!

message 3: by Ellen

Ellen Maze Hi Tiffany! I put your book on my shelf!

message 2: by Karen

Karen Gammons Thank you for the friend request. Have a nice night.

William O'Brien Hi Tiffany - Thank you for your friendship!
Please visit my website http://www.peteradarkenedfairytale.co.uk
to view book snippets. Expected release March.
Best wishes, William

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