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The USA in 51 Books > Ian's USA Trip

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message 1: by Ian, Moderator (last edited Mar 18, 2016 10:25AM) (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Four years later. Finished. I've just added New Mexico to complete the 51. My thoughts on each of the books were posted as a new comment as I went along.......'er most of the time lol.

1. Alabama - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - read February 2012
2. Alaska - The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon - read March 2015
3. Arizona - The Old Man and the Wasteland by Nick Cole - read April 2012
4. Arkansas - The Homecoming of Samuel Lake by Jenny Wingfield - read February 2016
5. California - The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt - read April 2012
6. Colorado - Benediction by Kent Haruf - read May 2013
7. Connecticut - Reservation Road by John Burnham Schwartz - read May 2015
8. Delaware - The Saint of Lost Things by Christopher Castellani - read May 2014
9. Florida - Predator by Patricia Cornwell - read May 2012
10. Georgia - Home by Toni Morrison - read March 2013
11. Hawaii - The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings - read April 2012
12. Idaho - Pines by Blake Crouch read August 2013
13. Illinois - The Sister - 3 days in Chicagoland by R.J. Ellory - read March 2012
14. Indiana - Stone Maidens by Lloyd Devereux Richards - read June 2014
15. Iowa - One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauf - read June 2014
16. Kansas - In Cold Blood by Truman Capote - read February 2013
17. Kentucky - All The Living by CE Morgan - read August 2013
18. Louisiana - A Quiet Vendetta by R.J. Ellory - read January 2012
19. Maine - Rita Hayworth or The Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King - read December 2012
20. Maryland - Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Anne Tyler - read September 2015
21. Massachusetts - Bluesman by Andre Dubus III - read March 2012
22. Michigan - A Cold Day in Paradise by Steve Hamilton - read June 2013
23. Minnesota - Spitting Devil by Brian Freeman - read April 2012
24. Mississippi - Mudbound by Hillary Jordan - read January 2012
25. Missouri - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - read February 2013
26. Montana - The Ploughmen by Kim Zupan - read February 2016
27. Nebraska - O Pioneers by Willa Cather - read March 2015
28. Nevada - The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap by Paulette Mahurin - read July 2014
29. New Hampshire - A Separate Peace by John Knowles - read April 2015
30. New Jersey - The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick - read April 2012
31. New Mexico - Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather - read March 2016
32. New York - American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis - read March 2012
33. North Carolina - Lambs of Men by Charles Dodd White - read May 2012
34. North Dakota - The Round House by Louise Erdrich - read March 2014
35. Ohio - Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo - read March 2013
36. Oklahoma - The Outsiders by SE Hinton read March 2014
37. Oregon - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey -read July 2013
38. Pennsylvania - The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara - read January 2016
39. Rhode Island - The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri
40. South Carolina - The Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy - read April 2013
41. South Dakota - 61 Hours by Lee Child - read May 2015
42. Tennessee - Child of God by Cormac McCarthy - read April 2015
43. Texas - No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy - read February 2012
44. Utah - When The Emperor Was Divine by Julie Otsuka - read February 2016
45. Vermont - Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner - read March 2015
46. Virginia - Confederates by Thomas Kenneally - read December 2013
47. Washington - Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford - read May 2012
48. West Virginia - The Marrowbone Marble Company by Glenn Taylor - read December 2015
49. Wisconsin - Wingshooters by Nina Revoyr - read December 2015
50. Wyoming - Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx - read April 2012
51. Washington DC - The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears by Dinaw Mengestu - read June 2014

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Wow! Best wishes :0)

message 3: by Ian, Moderator (last edited Jan 13, 2012 07:08AM) (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Thanks MG

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

You're welcome. If you do Twitter, follow me if you want at:!/MG_WELLS

Enjoy the day, Ian :0)

message 5: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Just finished Mudbound by Hillary Jordan for Mississippi

message 6: by Shelli (new)

Shelli What did you end up rating it Ian?

message 7: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Just 3 stars - thought it was quite enjoyable but just found the characters a bit bland. Laura was really the only one who had a few sides. I'd also love to read a book on this subject where the black characters are not all so stoic/ heroic and thus a bit more real. To me that would enhance the main theme of the corrosive racism.

message 8: by Sue (new)

Sue | 1340 comments Is this the book that follows the March children's father?

message 9: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
No Sue - no mention of "the March children's father."

message 10: by Sue (new)

Sue | 1340 comments There is one with a similar title that follows the fortune of the Little Women's father in the War of Independence. Not that one though!

message 11: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
No Sue - this is set in the late 1940's

message 12: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Sue wrote: "There is one with a similar title that follows the fortune of the Little Women's father in the War of Independence. Not that one though!"

I know the book you're thinking of Sue, it's March by Geraldine Brooks - haven't read it yet, but it's on my to read list....

message 13: by Ian, Moderator (last edited Jan 20, 2012 08:50AM) (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Ta Sue and Liz - that sounds good - I'm sure I read Little Women when I was a kid. Hope this one can be read as a separate piece. It's the US Civil War though.

message 14: by Shelli (new)

Shelli Ian wrote: "Just 3 stars - thought it was quite enjoyable but just found the characters a bit bland. Laura was really the only one who had a few sides. I'd also love to read a book on this subject where the bl..."

I didn't feel anything for the characters....I agree they were bland.
Did you read The Kitchen House? I enjoyed that story much more.

message 15: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Nver heard of it Shelli - will look up your link...thanks

message 16: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Visit no 3 - State no 43. Texas - No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy.

I loved this book. Haven't seen the film bar trailers, so came to it fresh and it was fantastic.

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments Ian wrote: "Visit no 3 - State no 43. Texas - No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy.

I loved this book. Haven't seen the film bar trailers, so came to it fresh and it was fantas..."

Got this on my shelves too and not seen the film either.

message 18: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
It's really good Lynne.

message 19: by Ian, Moderator (last edited Feb 15, 2012 08:06AM) (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Visit no 4 - Alabama - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee by Harper Lee.

message 20: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod

Will have to move north I think. Had to go blue for the Democrats.

message 21: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Smart map Ian!

message 22: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Can't take any credit...Kirsty did it first

message 23: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Finally moved up north. State no 5 - Illinois The Sister (Three Days in Chicagoland, #1) by R.J. Ellory

message 24: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Staying oop north. State no 6 - New York - American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis . Ultimately very bored of the repetition and the graphic violence although some of the biting satire was very, very funny.

message 25: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
More opp northness....state no 7 - Massachusetts - Bluesman by Andre Dubus III by Andre Dubus III. Very enjoyable tale of teenage angst/relationships set in the late 60's with a side order of blues music and the Vietnam draft to boot.

message 26: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Heading west I think.....time for a new map perhaps. visit no 8 - Wyoming - Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx by Annie Proulx

message 27: by Ian, Moderator (last edited Apr 03, 2012 09:46AM) (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Ian's US Trip
Make yours @
Make yours @

message 28: by Bill (new)

Bill | 2863 comments A nice mix of locations, Ian. You've covered the South nicely.. :0)

message 29: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
I'm looking forward to discovering the mid-west Bill. It's part of the US I know little about bar it's much alleged reputation for insularity and neo-conservatism.

message 30: by Stephen (new)

Stephen | 403 comments though there was only 50 states in the union with hawaii and alaska being the last 2 to join ( he says as been to 46 or if ian doing 51 states 47 lol )

message 31: by Ellie (new)

Ellie M (elliemcc11) | 595 comments The Marriage Plot would net you Rhode Island (well half way through my reading it's Rhode Island based). sent from phone so no links. Sos.

message 32: by Ellie (new)

Ellie M (elliemcc11) | 595 comments and Peyton Place would net you New Hampshire (again no links cos on phone).

message 33: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Stephen wrote: "though there was only 50 states in the union with hawaii and alaska being the last 2 to join ( he says as been to 46 or if ian doing 51 states 47 lol )"

You been on the sauce Steve??

message 34: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Thanks for the ideas Ellie.

message 35: by Stephen (new)

Stephen | 403 comments Ian wrote: "Stephen wrote: "though there was only 50 states in the union with hawaii and alaska being the last 2 to join ( he says as been to 46 or if ian doing 51 states 47 lol )"

You been on the sauce Steve??"

no when I lived in the states visited 46 states in the union as was living in cambridge mass was a student at an university there ( lesley which was next door to its more famous neighbour lol)

message 36: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Aha....makes sense now....btw I'll be in Shrewsbury the w/e of 21/22 April. Busy the Saturday but pm me if you are able to hook up sometime on the Friday or Sunday.

message 37: by Stephen (new)

Stephen | 403 comments Ian wrote: "Aha....makes sense now....btw I'll be in Shrewsbury the w/e of 21/22 April. Busy the Saturday but pm me if you are able to hook up sometime on the Friday or Sunday."

what just the benbow as use the salopian alot as they had some nice pale ales in recently

message 38: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Never been the Salopian but looks good from website.

message 39: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Visit no 9 - Arizona - The Old Man and the Wasteland by Nick Cole by Nick as follows:

message 40: by Stephen (last edited Apr 08, 2012 08:00AM) (new)

Stephen | 403 comments Ian wrote: "Never been the Salopian but looks good from website."

yes and easy to get to from railway station too just go across road and keep on pass bus station and you see the salopian (smithfield rd)opposite the darwin thing and the theatre severn as its close to the welsh bridge

message 41: by Ian, Moderator (last edited Apr 18, 2012 10:03AM) (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
My 10th state - New Jersey - debut novel and unusual comedic take on recovery from depression, obsessive behaviour and therapy. Sounds a tough read but it's a really light page turner and if your partner's moods are governed by his team's results on the weekend, then definitely worth a read. The sport in this case is American Football but don't let that put you off lol.

The Silver Linings Playbook A Novel by Matthew Quick by Matthew Quick

message 42: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Currently in Hawaii

message 43: by Sue (new)

Sue | 1340 comments You should be a bit warmer there! I'm currently in Siberia!

message 44: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Is that the part of Russia that Sarah Palin could see from Alaska??

message 45: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
11th visit - Hawaii - The Descendants by Kaui Hart Hemmings by Kaui Hart Hemmings. The book that led to the recent film starring George Clooney. Beautifully poignant and funny story of a man's difficult but growing relationship with his two daughters as they try to come to turns with the impending death of their wife/mother who is in an untreatable coma.

message 46: by Sue (new)

Sue | 1340 comments That sounds as happy as the one I read for Hawaii!

message 47: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
Actually not sad at all....more an affirmation of life.

message 48: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
My 12th state - California - The Sisters Brothers by Patrick deWitt by Patrick deWitt. Really enjoyed this western set amid the California gold rush. Booker prize nominated and well worth a read - what's happening to me?? I'll have to take more interest in the Booker. Review as follows:

message 49: by Ian, Moderator (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod
And no 13 - Minnesota and not unlucky at all. Short story crime thriller that was a freebie on kindle and enjoyed it. Spitting Devil (Jonathan Stride, #6) by Brian Freeman by Brian Freeman. Good bedtime read that you can easily devour in just one go.

message 50: by Ian, Moderator (last edited Apr 29, 2012 04:32AM) (new)

Ian (pepecan) | 5527 comments Mod

Adding California certainly makes it look as though I'm making progress.

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