Q&A with Tessa Dawn discussion

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message 1: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
This is a new group welcoming new members, so please feel free to post a quick, "Hello, my name is..."

You might add...

I love to read? (PRN? Urban Fantasy? Dark Fantasy? Horror? etc...)
I came across the Blood Curse Series (When/How?)...
And anything else you would like us to know about you!


message 2: by A (new)

A (goodreadscomasj_jones) | 10 comments Hi everyone. I'm A.S. This was my first Dark Fantasy Book but I really loved it! I'm hooked. The characters were so deep and complex, but in some ways they also have very simple, human qualities like family and loyalty. They are so multi faceted from very funny to very dark and menacing. It was impossible not to care very deeply about all of them and want to follow their lives in the future.

About me. I like the country, wide open spaces and the ocean, and I like meeting new & different people.

message 3: by Megan Riverina Romantics (last edited Jan 12, 2011 09:42PM) (new)

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Hello everybody. My name is Megan. I'm addicted to reading. I didn't used to be. To get me to enjoy reading when I was a kid my mother bribed me with a penny a page. After I got started I was hooked!

I'm currently into reading paranormal romance and urban fantasy with a little bit of young adult thrown in.

I first learned of Blood Destiny on Facebook. I went to Tessa's website to check it out and quickly became enraptured with it. I recently ordered it and it should be here tomorrow. I also was lucky enough to win a copy as well! =O) I can't wait to read it!

message 4: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Welcome to the site A.S. and Megan! :-)

message 5: by A (new)

A (goodreadscomasj_jones) | 10 comments Thank you. I can't wait til the next book comes out. I am hooked on the characters and can't imagine what twist and turns occur with them.

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Tessa, we got hit with a storm and my books not here yet! =O( It getter b here in the morning!

message 7: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
LOL. Well, you will be good and snowed in to curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and read about some very intense vampires...who live in the mountains...and I think there might even be a piece involving a snow storm... Hmmm :-) Haha.

message 8: by Christy (new)

Christy | 13 comments Ok, I'm Christy..and I'm a book addict..with a strong affection for anything Paranormal/Urban/Fantasy! LOL. Reading is my escape. I have 2 kids, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 ferret and 1 husband lol. Also have a "stray" kid that moved in with us last May. I am a very busy mom and wife, hence the reading addiction lol. Anyways, outside of all that, i'm pretty boring and I LOVE IT

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Hi Christy! BTW you have a lot of #'s going on there lol! 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, and a stray!

message 10: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Welcome, Christy :-)

message 11: by Christy (new)

Christy | 13 comments Thank you Tessa! And yes Megan, my house is rarely quiet lol. Even when all 3 kids are in school, I still have my furry little beasties making noise lol.

message 12: by andrea (new)

andrea Lopez | 5 comments Hi my name is Lopez...I love to read when i get an interesting book. I loved this book. It kept me interested until the very end :). She is an amazing writer and i cant wait for the second book to come out.

message 13: by Anita (new)

Anita Berry | 5 comments Hello, I am Anita. I love all types of books with the exception of horror. I discovered "Blood Destiny" on Facebook, bought it and immediately fell in love with the story, characters and Author! I am happily married with two children and two grandchildren, but just because I'm a "Mimi" does not mean I'm not "hip"!

message 14: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Welcome Andrea and Anita,

Nice to see you here!!! :-) Isn't it funny, Anita, how a genre we might not like in isolation (horror) can exist in elements within another book and still have appeal? :-)

message 15: by Thess (new)

Thess (thuss) | 1 comments Hello everyone :)
I'm Thess, an addicted reader of everything vampires, Paranormal, urban, horror, you name it.
I came upon Blood Destiny a few weeks ago, through a message from Tessa on Twitter, and I'm really greatful for the tip. Bought it right away and read it just as quickly. Obviously I fell in love with it and now I'm eagerly awaiting the next one:)

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Tessa, whoever thought of the idea of advertising Blood Destiny on FB is very clever. I've read so many comments about people finding out about it there! And of course I found it there too. Message 14 is so like your recent blog post! You know how I feel about the book. I feel that it encompasses UF,DF,and PNR genres.

message 17: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Welcome Thess, nice to see you here! :-)

message 18: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Hi Megan,
The facebook ad has reached a lot of people :) I also think Blood Destiny contains elements of several genres: I would add suspense/thriller and horror to UF, DF, and PNR. Out of all of them, Dark Fantasy is probably the most accurate.

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Oh, you definitely touch the darkside a few times! LOL!

message 20: by Christy (new)

Christy | 13 comments Tessa, I also saw Blood Destiny on Facebook. Again the title caught my eye, then the pic. So I clicked on and read the "blurb" about the book and got it on my kindle 30 seconds later lol. Love my Kindle

message 21: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Yes, that one click buy can be dangerous...lol :-)

message 22: by Christy (new)

Christy | 13 comments yea you kinda forget that you are spending money lol

message 23: by Wendy (new)

Wendy | 1 comments Hey, I'm Wendy and I kept seeing Blood Destiny on fb and had to go buy it. I went on a reading kick before Twilight (the movie) came out. My nieces said I had to at least read the first book. So, I did and I have not stopped reading since then. I love all things Vampire! Or any dark romance with overwhelming odds, some horror, suspense and so on. I guess, I just love good books. My favorite thing about this book was it hooked me from the very beginning. I totally enjoyed the book and can't wait for the next one, of many I hope. Thank you for creating an incredible world full of amazing characters.

message 24: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Thank you so much, Wendy -- and welcome! :-)

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments We just love you so much Tessa!

message 26: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
I love you guys, too! You're my peeps :-) lol

message 27: by Christy (new)

Christy | 13 comments Mmm, speaking of Peeps, I must go buy some!!!

message 28: by Sandy (new)

Sandy (sdylion) | 1 comments Hi, I am Sandy. Your series is amazing and inventive. In a literary world that is teeming with vampires, you have managed to make yours the most provocative ones to us readers. Damn, your good!

message 29: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Thank you so much, Sandy! I'm really glad you enjoyed the characters...and the book. Love the tiger ;-)

Oh, and welcome to the group :-)

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Hi Sandy!

message 31: by Marti (new)

Marti Hannah | 3 comments Hi, My name is Marti.
Tessa you are my new favorite thing :-)
Found you on FB, and have read both of the Blood Curse books. Waiting fot he next one, Please hurry!

message 32: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Thanks, Marti

And welcome! :-)

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ (ariggs13) | 63 comments Hi, My name is Angela.
I am a Blood Curse Series addict! Tessa Dawn is one of my favorites! I just finished Marquis' book a few days ago. When I read the books I became so emotionally drawn to the story, the setting in the mountains, and the vampires themselves. The vampire lore is incredible. I love how the ancient, primitive vampires are in a modern day setting, but yet, in a secluded area in the Rocky Mountains. The books are incredible. I am looking foward to reading more! Thank you Tessa for such a great read :)

message 34: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Welcome, Angela!

I'm so glad you are enjoying the series :-)

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Hi Angela! Aren't the Silivasi bros. the greatest?

Carrie (Badass, Alpha-male, Cowboy Connoisseur ) (cchamp0909) | 103 comments Mod
Hi Angela! Yay another Silivasi brother fan!!!

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ (ariggs13) | 63 comments Thank you Tessa!
Megan and Carrie, The Silivasi brothers are the best!!!

message 38: by Christina (new)

Christina | 38 comments Hi all,

My name is Christina and I'm from MA. I'm mostly reading paranormal romance at this time.

I just finished Blood Awakening and I can't express enough how much I loved it. And I thought the first book was fantastic, WOW. I think I cried through the last 5% of the book. I felt like I was standing right there in the chamber with the brothers.

I also love how even though the focus was Marquis' story, all the brothers were included. I always feel short changed when authors leave the main characters from previous books out. No missing any brothers here.

Tessa your writing is truly amazing.

message 39: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
Thank you, Christina...

And welcome!

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ (ariggs13) | 63 comments Hi Christina,
The last 5 percent was the best part of the book!!! I was so thrilled to meet Shelby. The bond that the brothers share is so strong. That scene was amazing, so intense.
It was great that all the brothers had a significant part in Blood Awakening! I missed Nathaniel. I was so glad that we got a little peek into his life with Jocelyn and Storm. The dialogue between Nathaniel and Jocelyn was fun to read.
Nachari is great. I can't wait for his book.! Most importantly, the brothers all came together and dealt with Shelby's passing. The book is just so perfect. It's like nothing I've ever read before. The character development is incredible. The world feels so real. That is why I love the books so much.

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments Jocelyn giving it to Nathanial was great!

message 42: by Christina (new)

Christina | 38 comments I can just picture him standing there being all macho trying to put him "woman" in place and finally in the end that little smirk on his face rising and bowing his head conceding to her. Hehe, soooo cute!

What was it he said "Ah well, a male has to try."

Carrie (Badass, Alpha-male, Cowboy Connoisseur ) (cchamp0909) | 103 comments Mod
How about when Marquis was going after Nachari when he was about to get with Kristina? And then finally hugging him and thanking him! I loved that!

message 44: by Christina (new)

Christina | 38 comments OMG! I can go on and on. I loved Marquis' reaction when Kristina said Marquis wasn't her type and called Nachari young and sexy. Marquis was just like, huh? My destiny thinks this of my younger brother and wants him more than me? I just busted out laughing.

Ok, maybe we need a best parts of the book thread.

message 45: by Angela ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ (last edited Aug 13, 2011 08:04AM) (new)

Angela  ♥ Mrs. Hollywood ♥ (ariggs13) | 63 comments Christina,
I loved that part! I was laughing so hard. I could picture the look of shock on Marquis' face when Kristina said maybe she would drink from Nachari because he was young and sexy. Marquis was so stunned that he didn't even know how to react.
He thought to himself, is this really happening?

it was hilarious when Nachari went into Marquis thoughts and spoke for him, trying to discourage Kristina. Marquis was so infuriated and ready to kill Nachari for interfering. And then when Nachari finally walked in on them, catching Marquis in the buff in a fighter's stance, LOL Nachari said something like "I didn't need to see that." I could not stop laughing. There were so many hilarious parts in this book. I just looooove Marquis, and Nachari!

I loved the part when Kristina said to Marquis "lets do it." LOL!!! The look on Marquis' face was priceless. He thought to himself, why would the Gods punish him this way, was there any other way he could make up for whatever he had done then to have to spend eternity with her! haha.

message 46: by Tessa (new)

Tessa Dawn (tessadawn) | 125 comments Mod
best parts of the book thread...

Great idea, Christina :-)
I think I will start a new thread for book details...oh, and btw -- anyone can start a new thread anytime. This group is yours ;)

Megan Riverina Romantics (meganriverinaromantics) | 44 comments A lot of stuff that Kristina said/did had me rolling.

message 48: by Christina (new)

Christina | 38 comments Thx Tessa!

message 49: by Brandy (new)

Brandy (kalah81) | 3 comments Hi everyone, I'm Brandy from Ottawa. I came across this book on a website where they recommend books. The review was so exciting i had to get it asap. So glad i did!

message 50: by Christina (new)

Christina | 38 comments Hi Brandy,

If you like paranormal romance with a dark endge this one of the best around.

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