hot girls read books discussion

Fantasy > powerless tv series

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vivianna ♡☆ 🎧📖 (vivihdz_11) | 164 comments did anyone else see the variety announcement lauren robert’s posted about the tv adaptation of powerless?!! i’m so excited !!

message 2: by Parisa (new)

Parisa | 37 comments vivianna ♡☆ wrote: "did anyone else see the variety announcement lauren robert’s posted about the tv adaptation of powerless?!! i’m so excited !!"

What no wayyy.
Do u know when its coming out

message 3: by Yasaman (new)

Yasaman (xxyasxx09) | 34 comments Wait... What?
OMG I'm so excited.

message 4: by Parisa (new)

Parisa | 37 comments vivianna ♡☆ wrote: "did anyone else see the variety announcement lauren robert’s posted about the tv adaptation of powerless?!! i’m so excited !!"

I hope they cast similar ppl to the book.

I honestly LOVED Powerless so I can't wait till this comes out

message 5: by Cat (new)

Cat | 23 comments Omg I also haven’t heard anything about that

lilly ♡ (semi-hiatus, review slump) | 893 comments I'M CRYING THIS IS THE BEST NEWS IVE HEARD THIS MONTH

Hannahhh ;)  [free palestine] (hannahhhfreepalestine) | 267 comments I swear I’d they don’t cast actors to exactly how I pictured the characters 😫😖

Hannahhh ;)  [free palestine] (hannahhhfreepalestine) | 267 comments ITS GONNA BE SO GOOD THO

Vish (barely active due to school) | 75 comments Stop does anyone have more details?

message 12: by ✨sofia✨ (new)

✨sofia✨ (hiatus cuz of school) | 413 comments IM SOOO EXCITED!!!

They better make Kai hot cuz I’m so many tv shows and movies they screw up the guy and make him look ugly af

message 13: by ajun (new)

ajun | 232 comments ikr?? he better look like the fanart

message 14: by ✨sofia✨ (new)

✨sofia✨ (hiatus cuz of school) | 413 comments Fr!!

message 15: by ajun (new)

ajun | 232 comments pls tell me it comes out soon 🙏🙏🙏

message 16: by vivianna ♡☆ (new)

vivianna ♡☆ 🎧📖 (vivihdz_11) | 164 comments LR announced it yesterday on her instagram and linked the article!

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