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Read-a-thons! > September Read-a-thon

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message 1: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod

September Read-a-thon!
September is the month for all things fall! For this read-a-thon, we have some reading tasks below. You can complete these in any order and all are repeatable. This challenge will start on September 20th at midnight (in your timezone) and run through September 30th at midnight (in your timezone).

The goal is to finish as many of the prompts below as possible! Each prompt is repeatable. Any book that you finish between September 20th-30th is eligible to count, including graphic novels and comics. Please only post books once they have been FINISHED.

What you need to do in order to participate:
Step 1 - Sign up on this thread!
Step 2 - Post your progress each day!
Step 3 - Have fun and read lots of good books!

Anyone is welcome to join!

How to post:
Every time you finish a book, make a completion post like this:

Completion Post:
Only One Touch (Only One, #4) by Natasha Madison
Prompt: MPG Sports
How it was collected: tagged on main page

message 2: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
-Red cover
-Leaves on the cover
-‘Fall’ in text
-MPG Mystery
-Letters S,E,P,T,E,M,B,E,R in title/series (any order)
-MC’s name begins with a letter in FALL
-Title starts with a letter in PUMPKIN
-Yellow cover
-Published in September (any year)
-Authors first or last name begins with S
-Orange cover
-MPG Sports
-Multiple POV’s
-#3 in a series
-‘September’ in text
-Letters A,U,T,U,M,N in author’s initials
-9 in the page count
-MC is in law enforcement
-MC’s name ends with S
-MPG Contemporary

message 3: by Jamie (last edited Sep 21, 2024 09:29AM) (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Stormie ~ Book Dragon ~
Isabel Rose

message 4: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
I’m in 🥰

message 5: by Karina (new)

Karina | 1 comments I’m in

message 6: by Natasha (new)

Natasha MacQuarrie | 2 comments I'm in.

Stormie ~ Book Dragon ~ (stormiebookdragon) | 97 comments I'm in.

message 8: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments Yes please!

message 9: by ZZ (new)

ZZ | 11 comments I’m in.

message 10: by Shannon (new)

Shannon O'Flynn | 39 comments I'm in!

message 11: by Leanne (new)

Leanne | 11 comments I'm in.

message 12: by Isabel Rose (new)

Isabel Rose | 7 comments I’m in

message 13: by Haley (new)

Haley Harris | 1 comments I’m in!

message 14: by Emejota (new)

Emejota (emeffinjay) | 75 comments Joining! :)

message 15: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Added everyone to here!

message 16: by Sophie (new)

Sophie (yourlocalballerinabookworm) | 9 comments I'm in! What does 'tagged on main page' mean?

message 17: by Jamie (last edited Sep 19, 2024 08:23AM) (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Sophie wrote: "I'm in! What does 'tagged on main page' mean?"

Hi Sophie. It's the tags you see next to genres on the books page. Does this help?

message 18: by Alaina, Creating Chaos & Challenges (new)

Alaina (ameserole) | 77194 comments Mod
Completion Post:
A Fire Endless (Elements of Cadence, #2) by Rebecca Ross
Prompt - ‘Fall’ in text
How it fits: Pg. 6, "She will watch her maidens fall"

message 19: by Rebel (new)

Rebel Reads | 206 comments Joining!

message 20: by Rebel (new)

Rebel Reads | 206 comments Completion Post:

Nightbirds (Nightbirds, #1) by Kate J. Armstrong

Prompt: Title starts with a letter in PUMPKIN
How it was collected: Nightbirds begins with N

message 21: by Sophie (new)

Sophie (yourlocalballerinabookworm) | 9 comments Completion Post:
Lovely War by Julie Berry
Prompt: Multiple POV's
How it was collected: Includes the story as told by Aphrodite, Aries, Apollo, and Hades

message 22: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Completion Post
A Queen of Thieves & Chaos (Fate & Flame, #3) by K.A. Tucker
Prompt: Multiple POV's
How it fits: POV's for Agatha, Zander, Romeria, Atticus, Gracen, and Sofie

message 23: by Jamie (last edited Sep 22, 2024 06:32PM) (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Completion Post
The Other Book (Those Other Books, #1) by Roe Horvat
Prompt: MPG Contemporary
How it fits: tagged on main page

message 24: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Completion Post
Next Season (The Elmwood Stories, #2) by Lane Hayes
Prompt: MPG Sports
How it fits: tagged on main page

message 25: by Sophie (new)

Sophie (yourlocalballerinabookworm) | 9 comments Completion post
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
prompt: leaves on cover
How it fits: green leaves obscuring part of the man's face on the cover

message 26: by Taffy (new)

Taffy | 11 comments Can people still join?

message 27: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Taffy wrote: "Can people still join?"

Absolute Taffy! You can join at any time.

message 28: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments A River Enchanted (Elements of Cadence, #1) by Rebecca Ross
Prompt: Leaves on The Cover
HIF: This is the edition I read

message 29: by Isabel Rose (new)

Isabel Rose | 7 comments Completion post
Ever After Always
prompt: 3rd in a series
How it fits: it is third in the series “Bergman Brothers”

Ever After Always

message 30: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments Quicksilver (Fae & Alchemy, #1) by Callie Hart
Prompt: Fall in text
HIF: Page 2 "...I'd spent hours brokering last night would fall through"

message 31: by Taffy (new)

Taffy | 11 comments Completion post:
Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Prompt: Author's 1st or last name begins with an S
HIF: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

message 32: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments Fated for Starfall (Arcanum Academy #2) by J.C. Dark
Prompt Published in September
hif: 2024

message 33: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Completion Post
Dirty Ugly Toy by K. Webster
Prompt: ‘Fall’ in text
How it fits: pg. 5 "...skitters through me from the fall night air..."

message 34: by Bug's Books (new)

Bug's Books | 1 comments I'm in!

message 35: by Emejota (new)

Emejota (emeffinjay) | 75 comments Completion Post:
Vilest Things (Flesh and False Gods, #2) by Chloe Gong
Prompt: Published in September (any year)
How it fits: published September 10, 2024

message 36: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Completion Post
Mine Forever (Cape Sands, #2) by Eliza Peake
Prompt: Published in September (any year)
How it fits: Published 9/25/24

message 37: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments Imprinted Tattoos (The Lost One's, #1) by Nikita Parmenter
Title starts with a letter in PUMPKIN

message 38: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments Uncovered Truths (The Lost One’s, #2) by Nikita Parmenter
Prompt: Multiple POVs
HIF: 6 Povs

message 39: by Taffy (last edited Sep 26, 2024 03:54PM) (new)

Taffy | 11 comments Completion Post:
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1) by Holly Black
Prompt: 'Fall' in text
HIF: "... causing one of my braids to fall against
my neck."

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children, #1) by Ransom Riggs
Prompt: 'September' in text
HIF: "... written any letters dated September third, 1940, and,
second ..."

message 40: by ZZ (new)

ZZ | 11 comments Completion Post:
The Scarlet Alchemist (The Scarlet Alchemist, #1) by Kylie Lee Baker
Prompt: -‘Fall’ in text
How it fits: pg. 87 “You’ll fall off your horses before you make it out of Guangdong.”

message 41: by Taffy (new)

Taffy | 11 comments Completion Post:
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter, #2) by J.K. Rowling
Prompt: Letters S, E, P, T, E, M, B, E, R in title/series (any order)
HIF: Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets

message 42: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 1039 comments Mod
Completion Post
First Season (Harrisburg Railers #2) by R.J. Scott
Prompt: Authors first or last name begins with S
How it fits: Author R.J. Scott

message 43: by Felicia (new)

Felicia (femarie) | 243 comments Part of Your World (Part of Your World, #1) by Abby Jimenez
Prompt Characters name ends in S
HIF: Alexis

message 44: by Taffy (last edited 12 hours, 57 min ago) (new)

Taffy | 11 comments Completion Post:
Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1) by Leigh Bardugo
Prompt: Published in September (any year)
HIF: Published 9/29/2015

message 45: by Sophie (new)

Sophie (yourlocalballerinabookworm) | 9 comments Completion post:
Reckless (The Powerless Trilogy, #2) by Lauren Roberts
Prompt: multiple POV's
how it fits: povs from Kai, Kitt, and Paedyn

message 46: by Natasha (new)

Natasha MacQuarrie | 2 comments Completion post: The Cinnamon Bun Book Store. September in the text and multiple points of view.

message 47: by Taffy (new)

Taffy | 11 comments Completion Post:
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer
Prompt: MPG Mystery
HIF: tagged on main page

message 48: by Isabel Rose (new)

Isabel Rose | 7 comments Completion post
prompt: author’s name begins with a S
How it fits: the author’s first name is Stephanie

Caraval (Caraval, #1) by Stephanie Garber

message 49: by Isabel Rose (new)

Isabel Rose | 7 comments Completion post
The Wedding Game
prompt: MC’s name begins with a letter in FALL
How it fits: Her name is Luna

The Wedding Game by Meghan Quinn

message 50: by Taffy (new)

Taffy | 11 comments Completion Post:
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3) by J.K. Rowling
Prompt: #3 in a series
HIF: 3rd book in the HP series

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