The Challenge Factory discussion

Save the Bees! > Save the Bees! - SIGN UP HERE

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message 1: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (last edited Jun 19, 2024 01:43PM) (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
Bee Flying GIF - Bee Flying Collecting Nectar - Discover & Share GIFs

Save the Bees!
Challenge Starts July 1, 2024

There are over 20,000 bee species found in the world. This diversity encompasses some of the most important insects for agriculture, wild plants, and home gardens.
Many plants rely on pollinators, including bees, for pollination. Some plants are fully dependent on bees, while others are only partially dependent.
Fully dependent plants include brazil nuts, cocoa beans, kiwi and melons. Partially dependent plants include avocados, coffee and nuts. Other plants that rely on bees are almonds, apples, apricots, blueberries, cotton, papaya, passionfruit, and strawberries.

Take seven steps to help protect the bees! Each step requires 3 books.

There is an optional spell out for each level as well. For spell outs, you may use the first letter of the first word of the title (using or omitting an opening A/An/The), or the first letter of the author's first or last name.

Post your completions in your own thread. You may take as long as you need to complete this challenge.

Sample completion post:


message 2: by Richard (new)

Richard Moore (richoman25) | 127 comments I'm so in

message 3: by Catsalive (last edited Jun 22, 2024 05:04PM) (new)

Catsalive | 439 comments I didn't see an announcement for this one, I'll play.

message 4: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
Catsalive wrote: "I didn't see an announcement for this one, I'll play."

I'm out of town. Was going to announce when I send the broadcast on DB and FWYS. I don't like to overload people with messages.

message 5: by Kari (new)

Kari | 620 comments I'll join you please

Michelle's Empty Nest (mlundy5) | 449 comments I'm in, please!

message 7: by Lynnette (new)

Lynnette | 70 comments Please include me

message 8: by Lanelle, Production Chief (new)

Lanelle | 19031 comments Mod
Looks like fun! I'm in.

message 9: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
Not at a computer until later tonight but will assign your threads then.

Alison (Lady Coffin) S | 2296 comments I am in.

message 11: by Mrs W (new)

Mrs W Woodruff | 482 comments Add me to the list of participants

message 12: by Rissa (new)

Rissa | 757 comments Sounds fun, I'm in! :)

message 13: by Melissa (new)

Melissa W | 104 comments I'd like to play too! I love bees and would love to learn more :)

message 14: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 194 comments I’m in please - I’m always a busy bee but never too busy to read books for challenges 🐝🌸 🐝 🌺 🐝 🌻 🐝 🌼🐝

message 15: by Jackie (new)

Jackie | 817 comments I'm in.

message 16: by Meg (new)

Meg (makeli2) | 1578 comments I'm in, as well!

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm in!! Love bees!!

message 18: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 86 comments I'm in! Sounds like fun 😁

Maddielucy(Patti) | 215 comments I’m in!

message 20: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
All threads up to this point done. I'll post initial tasks this weekend - but no books finished prior to July 1st can be used!

message 21: by LaurLa (new)

LaurLa | 3443 comments I'll play, please!

message 22: by Caraina (new)

Caraina (raina79) | 356 comments I'm in

Melissa (ladybug) | 199 comments I will play :)

message 24: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
Your threads are ready ladies! If anyone else signs up tonight, your thread won't go up until tomorrow- we mods are limited to creating three new threads per hour. Ugh.

message 25: by Linda C (new)

Linda C (libladynylindac) | 479 comments I'm in

message 26: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 1937 comments Yes please!

message 27: by Agnieszka (new)

Agnieszka (agnieszka7) | 1937 comments Erica wrote: "we mods are limited to creating three new threads per hour. Ugh."

That’s not a good change. I have more and more the impression GR makes live unnecessary difficult for group moderators, challenge participants and (freebie) readers - not a good development!

message 28: by Gillis (new)

Gillis | 54 comments I'ld like to join!

message 29: by Heli (new)

Heli | 264 comments I'm in!

message 30: by Avigail (new)

Avigail (avigailr) | 63 comments I would like to take part of this reading challenge

message 31: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (grandmommyd) | 7 comments I'll join you

message 32: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
All threads ready! Have fun everyone!!

message 33: by Gabby (new)

Gabby | 464 comments Going to go for it! Seems like fun :D

message 34: by Logan (new)

Logan (loganturner) | 995 comments I love bees! I'm in please.

message 35: by Preeti (new)

Preeti (preetisunaina) | 41 comments Please sign me up. Thanks!

message 36: by Carrie (new)

Carrie (carriele1216) | 215 comments I'd like to play please 😊

message 37: by Lori (new)

Lori Wilen | 184 comments I would like to be included please !

message 38: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
Everyone through this post should have a thread up. Just holler if I've missed you!

message 39: by Jammin Jenny (new)

Jammin Jenny (jamminjenny) | 1076 comments I am deathly afraid of bees (being allergic) but I know they are beneficial...I'll try and save them too!

message 40: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
You are a kind and brave soul, Jenny. Your thread is up!

message 41: by Caipi (new)

Caipi (bookaholic17) | 185 comments I'ld like to join, please.

message 42: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
You're all set Caipi. Have fun!

message 43: by RaeRae (new)

RaeRae | 216 comments I would like to join this one.

message 44: by Laila Jane (new)

Laila Jane (axlilxlala) | 677 comments I'll join!

message 45: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 2270 comments sounds like fun. I'd like to play.

message 46: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (last edited Jun 27, 2024 02:52PM) (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
All threads up and ready. Initial tasks will be posted this weekend. PLEASE NOTE: No books completed prior to July 1st may be used for this challenge!

message 47: by *Dawn (new)

*Dawn (x1f4dadawnx1f4da) | 208 comments I'd like to sign up, please.

message 48: by Erica, Quality Control Supervisor (new)

Erica | 3372 comments Mod
You're all set Dawn. Have fun!

message 49: by *Dawn (new)

*Dawn (x1f4dadawnx1f4da) | 208 comments Erica wrote: "You're all set Dawn. Have fun!"

Thanks, Erica.

message 50: by Severina (new)

Severina | 411 comments I don't see a cut-off point so I hope I can still join even though I'm starting late :)

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