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2014 ♦Archives Buddy Read ♦ > Ezi, Lou, Stella & Paris - Heart

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message 1: by Denise, Manufacturing Director (new)

Denise (destiny_chan) | 7091 comments Mod
Ezi, Lou, Stella & Paris - Heart

message 2: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
I actually want to read this first week

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Wow, found this thread too. Let me know what to do and when.

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Hi, buddies. When does our read begin? Is it something we start at the same time or do we read independently and note our progress here? What about possible spoilers, assuming we all may not be reading at the same rate? Yeah, I know. I have so many questions! I'm new to BR'ing (is that a word?), and I want to do it right.

message 5: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
There is no right way.
Melissa and I normally just read and comment every couple of chapters. Ask questions about confusing things. Post funny quotes etc.

I do think we should start with Sempre Fi so everyone can get their reviews in on time

message 7: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
I am killing it. I only got 2 more BR's to go. Woooo Hooo!

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments We are starting this one Monday?

message 9: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "We are starting this one Monday?"

whenever y'all are ready

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) I thought we were going to start Three The Hard Way tomorrow. I totally forgot you already read it.

So Heart tomorrow? It's 27 chapters. how many tomorrow?

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments I haven't even looked at it. I'll go with whatever you decide.

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "I haven't even looked at it. I'll go with whatever you decide."

let's try 27/3= 9
we can always decide to read less. What do you think?

message 14: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) I was thinking that I haven't even read the blurb

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments I did. But so long ago that I don't remember what I read. I'll start later today. Reading Close Quarter by Anna Zabo , a story about a fae sent by angels to kill the Soulless (vampires, et al).

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) I'm reading The Executive Lounge by Angela Benedetti . Boring so far :( I don't ask you why you are up so early lol

message 18: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
I read chapter 1 of The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) by K.J. Charles .

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "I'm reading The Executive Lounge by Angela Benedetti. Boring so far :( I don't ask you why you are up so early lol"

I'm not up early. I'm up late!

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "I read chapter 1 of The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) by K.J. Charles."

And . . .?

message 21: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "I read chapter 1 of The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) by K.J. Charles."

And . . .?"

LOL, that's all I read.

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) no spoilers yet? have you started it?

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Not yet. Reading Blood & Thunder (THIRDS, #2) by Charlie Cochet . I'm starting at 11 pm your time.

message 24: by Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (last edited Dec 22, 2014 11:29AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Not yet. Reading Blood & Thunder (THIRDS, #2) by Charlie Cochet. I'm starting at 11 pm your time."

buahahahahahah how many books have you read today??? ahahahah

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) I've never eat fudge :((

message 26: by Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ (last edited Dec 22, 2014 12:08PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Completed Close Quarter by Anna Zabo . Currently reading Barging in by Josephine Myles , Blood & Thunder (THIRDS, #2) by Charlie Cochet , Heart by Garrett Leigh at 11 pm, and need to start A Marked Man (Assassin/Shifter, #1) by Sandrine Gasq-Dion & The Dangerous Seduction by A.N. Bond soon. Oh and listening to Spice ‘n’ Solace (Galactic Alliance #1) by K.C. Burn .

Imagine if I had to write reviews?
It was a long, short story about a fae vampire executioner who lived on a barge, cheated on his partner, and hunted weres as he shape-shifted in his spare time. The characters were so well-drawn that I fell asleep, dreamed I was awake and still reading, as I discovered the books practically read themselves. They all lived HEA, and once again love conquered all. Can't wait for the next books by these authors! One-click here I come!
4.25 Stars for excellent research and detailing of complex plotline.


Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "I've never eat fudge :(("

Don't get it. Fudge?

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Buahhhhhahahahah great!!! you need to read just more 42 books right?

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "I've never eat fudge :(("

Don't get it. Fudge?"

You'll get it when you start Heart

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "I've never eat fudge :(("

Don't get it. Fudge?"

You'll get it when you start Heart"

Uh-oh. Don't scare me.

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Are you scared of fudge??? Lol

message 32: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (last edited Dec 22, 2014 01:39PM) (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Completed Close Quarter by Anna Zabo. Currently reading Barging in by Josephine Myles, Blood & Thunder (THIRDS, #2) by Charlie Cochet, Heart by Garrett Leigh at 11 pm, and need to start [bookco..."

SLOW your ass down! Smeel the flowers, coffee or whatever people are supposed to be sniffing.

you don't even get money for these challenges, they are supposed to be fun. Are you having fun Lou?

I decided, I am going to read what I want and middle finger to the challenges. I am not going to drown in books. So Slow down my Lou, ok?

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) I said 9 chapters right? I want moreeee
Ok I'm going to stop and continue to reading the other boring book.

So far I'm really liking Heart. I just hope that (view spoiler)

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Completed Close Quarter by Anna Zabo. Currently reading Barging in by Josephine Myles, Blood & Thunder (THIRDS, #2) by Charlie Cochet, [bookcover:Heart|232884..."

Well said, Ezi! :D

message 35: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Completed Close Quarter by Anna Zabo. Currently reading Barging in by Josephine Myles, [bookcover:Blood & Thunde..."

you too Stella :D
Slow down and smell some perfumed flowers...not glue or that powder

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "Ezinwanyi~the Troublemaker wrote: "Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Completed Close Quarter by Anna Zabo. Currently reading [bookcover:..."

Haven't smell glue or powder in my life, I smoked some flowers sometimes. Good times lol

message 37: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
LMAO...OMG, LOL!!!!!
in the US, we say "smoked trees" or "smoked herbs" but they are much better, even medicinal if you ask some people

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Uh, guys? Look what happens when I turn my back for a second. (view spoiler)

message 39: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
snoop dogg photo: SNOOP DOGG SnoopDoGG.jpg

message 40: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
chris tucker photo: cough cough-1.gif

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) We call herbs too, not quite legal and for sure the government don't approve the medical used but yes here in Italy too someone want them to be legalized as medicine.

I detoxed myself completely lol no herbs no alcohol, I even stopped smoking last year

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Uh, guys? Look what happens when I turn my back for a second.

WTH? Somebody's been smoking something?


That certainly explains a lot!!!!!!

I'm telling you we need you around

message 43: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Legal in California, colorado and some other places here in the Us. I predict in 2 years, all the states will legal medicinal use

message 44: by Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (last edited Dec 22, 2014 02:58PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Buahahahah I think Ezi is the one who is high on some flowers lol

Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Stella ╰☆╮the Queen of Multitasking╰☆╮ wrote: "Buahahahah I think Ezi is the one who is high on some flowers lol"

[spoilers removed]"

Lou I don't get it, you have to explain sorry

Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧   | 1753 comments Please don't apologize. I was being a $marta$$ again. It was an extreme version of the phrase:


Stella ╰☆╮╰☆╮ (stellamatta) Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Please don't apologize. I was being a $marta$$ again. It was an extreme version of the phrase:


Ok lol

message 48: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
I will finally start this one in a few mins

message 50: by Ezi, Factory Superintendent (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ezi Chinny (ezinwanyi) | 16657 comments Mod
Lou~❧Powerless Over 1-Click❧ wrote: "Yeah, me too!"

I leave at 1pm and have Friday off!!

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