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Published Books > Fantasy

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message 1: by Aitch (new)

Aitch Diamond | 53 comments Mod
Fantasy ONLY. Buy the last book in the thread (the one above your post and post your published science fiction novel link below with your purchase number. Do not start a new topic. When you have reviewed the book you bought edit your post with a link to the review. Then you can repeat.

message 2: by D.W. (new)

D.W. Watson (sheepishpublishing) | 2 comments Hi

I'm guessing this is actually fantasy and not science fiction, although my book, Out in the Bright Bright Light, covers both.

They say change is good. They are fools.
Even after The Loss cost the SOMA their best and brightest operatives, they still have a job to do. To protect Earth Prime.
Meet; NUNN, with retirement postponed, the old warhorse's disposition isn't improved by his new team mates. FARRELL, since The Loss, the technician has found himself thrust into the field, and he's finding it – interesting. And then there's CHAPMAN. Trying to make the best of being stuck in the middle by utilising her most devastating weapon, disappointment.
The trio hunt the source behind a rampaging large-than-life teddy bear. Struggle to close breaches in space/time as well as battling enemies extra- and terrestrials, mysteries from the parallels and unthinkables no one would dare dream about.
But their hardest challenge? To band together and work as a team.

US Amazon

UK Amazon

message 3: by Ryan (new)

Ryan Carriere | 3 comments Looking for an epic fantasy? What about a good book for both adults and kids? Love strong female characters? How about a cast of misfits trying to survive dark times? Look no further than Firestone: A Tale of the Eternal Stones. I can send an ARC or here it is on Amazon - ebook only $0.99 - the second in the series is coming this Christmas! I also need beta readers for that one! Let me know.

message 4: by Supriya (new)

Supriya 'Deep' (authorsupriya) | 1 comments Amitav Ghost: Speculative fiction 

A girl with boon of prevision sees a covered-face, hulk-fighter, from her dreams in her real life, trusts him that he is a Ghost, together they discover that she is member of hidden society JIVA which means she as power of Ghost-immortality at cost of her life; to save him from another Ghost who wants her JIVA power, she goes into eternal-sleep in Midlife, The Ghost-world.
Is he real and a Ghost, or her imagination? Is she really JIVA or Schizophrenic?

First 30 pages free:

Below 2$

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