Review Group discussion

Finished rounds > Birthday hop is on!

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message 1: by Emma (last edited Sep 23, 2017 03:00AM) (new)

Emma Jaye | 3695 comments •✼*̩̩̩̥ ୨୧⑅*♡ Review Group 5th Birthday Facebook Hop ♡*⑅୨୧*̩̩̩̥✼•

from 12;00 BST 22nd September to midnight 29th September.

Review Group Birthday Hop photo Elephant_zpspcyqqyjv.png

Do you love books as much as us? Fantastic! Because we’re bringing the party to you! You can never have too many books!
The Goodreads Review Group is the biggest peer review group on Goodreads and helps indie authors get non-reciprocal, 100% honest reviews for their work.
During the hop, you will meet a huge variety of authors, from single book hobbyists, to full time authors offering 20+ books. Genres range from non-fiction to Sci-Fi, from cosy mysteries, to the steamy and scary side of literature. Take a walk on the other side of the street and pick up something new.

Special Prize!

If you an an author, or an author cheerleader, post 'review my book' and the book's goodreads link below to win one of 10 spots on our one for one review thread on goodreads:
(you must be able to provide a free ebook copy to a reviewer).

Facebook Event Page

If you find a broken link, pop back here to carry on hopping!

Kathryn Sommerlot

Melonie Purcell

Kaye Newton

Stjepan Varesevac Cobets

Kim Cleary

Cecily Wolfe

Jacqui Letran

Melinda Brasher

Rhian Waller

Stacie Eirich

Sonal Panse

Margaret Standafer

Augustine Sam

Jessica Titone

Andrew Cairns

Scott Spotson

Warren Dean

Christian Nadeau

Dan Gillis

Claire Buss

Matt Cowper

Elizabeth Johnson

E.M. Swift-Hook

A.A. Bavar

E.G. Manetti

John Crianza

Neil Carstairs

L.N. Denison

Dante Silva

T.L. Clark

Annabelle Costa

Effie Kammenou

Kilby Blades

J.B. Trepagnier

Shashane Wallace

Emma Jaye

message 2: by Emma (new)

Emma Jaye | 3695 comments Warning: if you are an author involved in the goodreads/facebook hop, if you do not have your posts up by 12 noon BST (22 hours from now), I will be removing your details.

We don't want our hoppers getting soggy socks, or in the case of one of the wider gaps, needing scuba gear to get to the next post.

message 3: by Emma (new)

Emma Jaye | 3695 comments Of course it can. Shashane I'll do it now.

And Sonal, thanks for trying and for letting us know.

message 4: by Cecily (new)

Cecily Wolfe Mine are up. Shared on Instagram as well.

message 5: by Scott (new)

Scott Spotson (scottspotson) | 777 comments Mine are up, but I'm pretty hopeless with computer programming and social media. Let me know if it stinks. If need be, I can ask my webmaster to do it, but it may take another 24 hours.

message 6: by Emma (new)

Emma Jaye | 3695 comments It's fine, don't worry!
if you want to add the graphic, copy the code from the email that starts [image error]

message 7: by Melinda (new)

Melinda Brasher | 81 comments Review My Book:

Cruising Alaska on a Budget: A Cruise and Port Guide

Is this the right place for entering the giveaway for spots on the one-for-one board?

message 8: by E.G. (last edited Sep 22, 2017 02:49PM) (new)

E.G. Manetti (thornraven) | 93 comments Emma wrote: "Warning: if you are an author involved in the goodreads/facebook hop, if you do not have your posts up by 12 noon BST (22 hours from now), I will be removing your details.

We don't want our hopper..."

I'm easily confused so I went to the internet that said 9/22 Noon BST (British Summer Time) was almost 11 hours ago. ~5AM here on the east coast of the US.

*Hence, I posted last evening since even for Emma Jaye, I'm not getting up 4:30a.

message 9: by Kilby (new)

Kilby Blades (kilbyblades) | 42 comments Alright, I just figured it out. I've posted on my Goodreads page and have pinned to the top of my FB page, and I'll also send to my newsletter :

@JBTrepagnier, you appear to have linked forward to the next author from your FB page but I'm not sure where your giveaway is. Please LMK what link you'd like me to use. Right now, by GR is linking to your GR and my FB is linking to your FB.



message 10: by Emma (new)

Emma Jaye | 3695 comments Yes Melinda, you can put your requests here.
I'll be tidying up this thread over the course of the hop.

And E.G. really, you wouldn't do that for little me? Sad face. LOL

It is possible to schedule posts on facebook (you make them and facebook

message 11: by Emma (new)

Emma Jaye | 3695 comments All the people on this list are now involved in the hop, but we have 3 people who have posted on facebook, but have forgotten to post on goodreads.

I've entered everyone's giveaways! I'm now moving on to check the FB links.

message 14: by No (new)

No Name | 46 comments So JB has put the goodreads information up but didn't link it to my goodreads on her profile. Instead she linked it to the facebook hop.

message 15: by J.B. (new)

J.B. Trepagnier (jbtrepagnier) Shashane, I've removed the facebook link and added the goodreads link

message 16: by No (new)

No Name | 46 comments Thanks!

message 17: by Stacie (new)

Stacie (stacie16) | 279 comments Hello all - Already pm'd Emma on this, but wanted to let everyone know. If you have a User profile separate from an Author profile on Goodreads, you'll need to make sure you're posting on your Author profile! From my Desktop only I can access my Author profile and was able to put the Hop info on from there. From my mobile devices, it's my User profile. I think the distinction is happening due to having joined GR as a User/Reader years before I created an Author profile (they are on the same account). Long story short - the Hop info is up everywhere! :-) Stacie

message 18: by Emma (new)

Emma Jaye | 3695 comments Thanks for hopping, but there were only 3 entries for the free one for one spots.
Congrats to Stacie Eirich, Warren Dean, and Melinda Brasher. I'll add your books now.
The winner of my free Beta read was KT McColl, with Warren Dean, Matt Cowper, T.L. Clark and Dante DeSilva all winning 50% off a beta read.

message 19: by Melinda (new)

Melinda Brasher | 81 comments Thanks for organizing this, Emma, and I'm pleased to win the one for one spot. :)

message 20: by Sonal (last edited Oct 02, 2017 11:04PM) (new)

Sonal Panse (sonal-panse) | 60 comments Thanks, Emma, and everyone else.

Got around to liking the FB pages a bit late. Sorry.

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