The Book Vipers discussion

2016 Reading Intentions > Annika's Reading Intentions

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message 1: by Annika (new)

Annika | 77 comments This year is the year of the Classics for me.

It looks like my nomination of Villette is going to win the January Classic Read poll, so that'll be a good start.

I also intend to re-read some, if not all, of E.M. Forster's novels, as I would have to say he is my favourite author.

I am also looking forward to reading more books by Graham Greene.

If anyone has any particular classics to recommend, perhaps those more off the beaten track, I'd appreciate it!

message 2: by Paul (new)

Paul (halfmanhalfbook) | 5463 comments Mod
Not totally sure as classics aren't my thing normally. How about In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin for something really of the beaten track?

message 3: by Jason (new)

Jason (jasondenness) | 1877 comments The Fortune of the Rougons nicely off the beaten track, great story and if you like it there are another 19 in the series if you wanna keep the ball rolling.

message 4: by Pat (new)

Pat Morris-jones | 1373 comments The well of loneliness is a classic and off beaten track too.

message 5: by Bella (new)

Bella | 80 comments If you're interested in Medieval stuff, The Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan and The Lais of Marie de France were ones I enjoyed.

I also have The Turnip Princess and Other Newly Discovered Fairy Tales by Franz Xaver von Schönwerth on my TBR- they're recently rediscovered fairy tales. There's also a new translation of The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm, translated by Jack Zipes.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

A less common classic I enjoyed was George Gissing's New Grub Street.

message 7: by Annika (new)

Annika | 77 comments Thank you everyone, I added pretty much all of these suggestions to my Want to Read shelf (The Book of the City of Ladies is the only one not available at my local libraries). Great suggestions! I also forgot I already had New Grub Street on shelf, thanks Charlotte.

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