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Reading Goals/ Challenges > Spring/Summer 2014: Task List (AND RULES)

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message 1: by Tami (last edited Apr 01, 2014 01:05PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
Rules for the Fall/Winter 2013-14 Challenge:

1. This challenge will start April 1, 2014 (12:01 am EST) and will end at 11:59 pm on August 31, 2014.

2. All books read during the challenge dates, September through March, can count towards tasks. So, if you join in June, anything you read that FITS a task can count towards the challenge as long as you read it AFTER Apil 1st. If you are less than half way through a book BEFORE the challenge starts, you can use it for the challenge. If you are over the halfway point, you cannot use it for the challenge.

3. Books can only be used for one category.

4. Re-reads are fine, except where stated otherwise.

5. All books should be over 150 pages unless otherwise stated. If you read a book that is not quite 150 pages, please make sure that it for a lower point task and you are only able to read an "under 150 pages book" once. Please get an "ok" from us before you try and count an "under 150 pages book" for a task. The only exception is the Children's Book task (5.8). We will allow that one to be 100 pages.

6. To claim your points, you must post completed tasks in the "Leaderboard & Completed Tasks" thread. Please include the title, author, the task number it was for, and your total number of points to date. You can update your task list but we will not be checking those for your points. That is just for your records only.

7. If you have any doubts as to whether a book fits a particular challenge, please feel free to ask.

8. Above all, remember this challenge is supposed to be FUN, a good way to tackle some of your TBR list, and to expand your horizons.

9. Those that finish/win the challenge will be able to pick a task for the Fall/Winter 2014/2015 Challenge.

10. Most Important: HAVE FUN!

message 2: by Tami (last edited Apr 01, 2014 01:15PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
5 points:

1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Fairy tales and folklore, read a book that one would find in the library at this call number or book relating to books one would find at this call number.

2. May, June, July & August are all women's names: Read a book either written by someone with one of these names, about a character with one of these names, or one of these words appear in the title.

3. Garden Basics: Read a book with “garden” in the title or a garden on the cover.

4. Get Outdoors: Read a fiction or nonfiction book about being outdoors.

5. Spring Cleaning: Read a book that has been on your to be read list for more than 5 years (or if you don’t have any on there that long, then the book that has been on your list for the longest).

6. Road Trip: Read a book that takes place in a state or country/province/city/etc. you have never visited.

7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Read a book about one of your favorite things, or re-read a favorite book.

8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18: Re-read your favorite childhood chapter book or read one you always wanted to read.

message 3: by Tami (last edited Apr 01, 2014 01:18PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
10 points:

1. World War I: July 28th marks the 100 year anniversary since the start of World War I. Read a fiction book set during World War I or read a non-fiction book about World War I.

2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation: Read a book that has been translated into your mother tongue.

3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl: Read a book mentioned by or read by the character Rory from Gilmore Girls. There are a couple of lists on Goodreads and several blogs—just Google it.

4. Study Abroad: Read a book about someone visiting a foreign country.

5. PotterMORE: June 2014 marks 17 years of Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is officially a wizard adult! Time for a re-read? Or read something related to Harry Potter, such as a book about wizards, Merlin, or boarding schools.

6. Like a Virgin: Read a book by an author who is completely new to you.

7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Read a book related to something fun you'll be doing during the period of this reading challenge, and tell us what the fun thing was. If you don't have the time to get away, read a book related to something you'd like to have done or a book you think is a fun read.

8. April Fool’s Day: Read a book by an author who is using a pen name. (Like Robert Galbraith = J.K. Rowling.)

message 4: by Tami (last edited Apr 01, 2014 01:22PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
15 points:

1. National Karaoke Week: The last week of April is National Karaoke Week. Read a book that has song lyrics in the title or is about a singer.

2. Getting Medieval: Read a book set during the medieval period (476 - 1500), a book (or an anthology of writings) from that era, or a nonfiction work covering that time.

3. Summer Stock: Summer is a season when many theaters start producing shows, so celebrate by reading some plays. Since most full-length play scripts are only c. 50 pages long, read at least three full-length plays or an anthology of plays that is over 150 pages.

4. Trilogy: Start or finish a trilogy.

5. Blockbusters: Read a book that has been adapted into a movie and watch the movie; then say a bit about the adaptation—was it good? bad? faithful to the novel?

6. The Dictionary Challenge: Open a dictionary to a random page, and close your eyes, and put your finger on a word. Google books with that word in the title. If there aren't any, do it again till you find one. You learn new words AND you find new books, it's a win-win challenge.

7. Books about Books: Read a book deemed Metafiction or a book about how to read books or assist in the reading of specific books.

8. Bethany’s Task: Each participant should choose 3 books he/she wants to read, each over 300 pages. They will list the three books in a post on this thread: Then the next person to post on the thread gets to pick which of the three books will be read.

message 5: by Tami (last edited Apr 01, 2014 01:30PM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
20 points:

1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune: Read a book where the Wheel of Fortune letters RSTLNE all appear in the title and author's name. For example: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger or The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

2. Micklibrarian’s task: Vice or Virtue:
Read 2 books.

Book 1 - Must have the name of a vice, sin, or bad character trait in the title, subtitle or author's name. This could be a traditional sin, like Pride and Prejudice, or something more broad, like The Gambling Man. Note: the vice must be a noun, not an adjective.

Book 2 - Same thing, but with a virtue or something positive about the person. Examples: A Break with Charity: A Story about the Salem Witch Trials, Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil, Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence, or Alias Grace.

message 6: by Tami (last edited Jun 30, 2014 07:08AM) (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
25 points:

1. Research: Read a novel, then read a non-fiction work that connects to the subject matter. For example, read Moby-Dick, then read a book about whales or whaling.

2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays: Pick 2 holidays that will happen during the challenge from this list ( and read a book relating to each holiday you pick (read 2 books). (Other bizarre holidays not listed are also ok, since Towel Day isn't actually on this list, and it is clearly the best holiday ever.

3. Art Smart: Read a biography or autobiography about a person who worked or is working in the fine arts (painting, sculpture, music, architecture, and poetry) and a novel set in the art world.

4. First and last: Pick an author who is no-longer alive (and is therefore done writing). Read their first book and their last book.

5. Vive la revolution!: The US and France both began revolutions in July, so read two books about any revolutions of your choice. They can be fiction or non-fiction and cover two revolutions or be two books about the same revolution.

6. Take A Vacation: For this task, we are going to build a vacation. Use this ( to roll the die to see what you get. Set the die to roll 2 die at a time. For this first book, you will need to read a book set on that continent. The next roll will decide what kinds of things you will be doing on your vacation. Book 2 will include this activity. You can only roll once.

Use this to roll the die:


1. North America
2. South America
3. Africa
4. Asia
5. Australia
6. Europe

1. History & Culture: Your vacation is all about experiencing the culture and history of a foreign land. Read a book that revolves around an important historical event or person or read a non-fiction book about anything history/culture related.
2. Cruise: Your vacation is all about having a nautical adventure. Read a book that mostly takes place on the water.
3. Romantic: Your vacation is all about having a romantic getaway. Read a book that is considered a "love story" or a romance.
4. Thrillseeker/Adventure: Your vacation is all about having an adventure. Read a book where the main character has some sort of planned/unplanned adventure or read an adventure novel.
5. Foodie Vacation: Your vacation is all about immersing yourself in the food and drink of the country you are in. Read a book where food is a central theme to the book –fiction or non-fiction.
6. Volunteer Work: Your vacation is all about experiencing another culture by helping its people. Read a book about somebody who is doing some sort of humanitarian work/missions work in a foreign country.

7. Classics, Old and New: Read a known classic and THEN read a book of Entertainment Weekly's List called "The New Classics:" The 100 Best Books of the Last 25 Years
(,,20207...) After reading both write a tiny review in our thread about whether or not you think the "new" classic has the ability to stand the test of time.

8. Two Become One: For this challenge you are going to read two books—whatever you want. The caveat—the two books need to form a proper sentence. For example you might read "This Is Where I Leave You" and "Two Alone" by Sandra Brown as it makes the sentence – "This is where I leave you two alone" or you could read "I Am The Messenger" and "In a Sunburned Country" as it makes the sentence "I am the messenger in a sunburned country." It can be zany and nonsensical but it has to be a proper sentence.

message 7: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (vorvesm) | 132 comments AHHH! I'm so excited! lol

Here's my list:

message 8: by Tami (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
Wow! That was quick Michelle! I just finished posting! :)

message 9: by Michelle (new)

Michelle (vorvesm) | 132 comments Tami wrote: "Wow! That was quick Michelle! I just finished posting! :)"

I'm not gonna lie.... I've been refreshing the page! lol And I'm not finished filling it in yet lol ;)

message 10: by Rebecca (last edited Sep 03, 2014 04:38AM) (new)

Rebecca (rmtb) | 62 comments Yay planning my books is my favourite part haha :)

5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Ragnarok
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names: The Dinner Party: From Creation to Preservation (second twist - 31/07/14)
3. Garden Basics: Cassandra at the Wedding (21/04/14)
Cassandra at the Wedding by Dorothy Baker
4. Get Outdoors: Running Free: A Runner’s Journey Back to Nature (26/06/14)
5. Spring Cleaning: Snow Country
6. Road Trip:
7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Sexing the Cherry - sorry if this is a bit crass haha... jk, it's the 17th century that's my fave ;)
8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18:

10 points:
1. World War I: Birdsong
2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation: The Goddess Chronicle (24/04/14)
3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl: The Crimson Petal and the White
4. Study Abroad: Washington Square (09/06/14)
5. PotterMORE: The Magicians
6. Like a Virgin: Self-Help (14/04/14)
7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation: How to Be Alone -travelling alone (05/04/013)
8. April Fool’s Day: Shirley - published under the name 'Curer Bell' (27/08/14)

15 points:
1. National Karaoke Week: Pyramids - same title as Frank Ocean song (30/05/14)
2. Getting Medieval: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (08/06/14)
3. Summer Stock:
4. Trilogy: The Long Earth (21/04/14)
5. Blockbusters: Lady Chatterley's Lover (20/07/14)
6. The Dictionary Challenge:
7. Books about Books: Pale Fire (15/06/14)
8. Bethany’s Task: Merivel: A Man of His Time

20 points:
1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune: Images Of Thought: Visuality In Islamic India 1550-1750 by Gregory Minissale (24/04/14)
2. Micklibrarian’s task: Vice or Virtue: Vice = The Grapes of Wrath

25 points:
1. Research: Girl With a Pearl Earring (re-read) (27/06/14) & The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age (12/06/14)
2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays: 6th May = No Diet Day = Appetite (24/08/14); June 25th = Log Cabin Day = Brave Old World (26/05/14)
3. Art Smart: Breakfast at Sotheby's: An A-Z of the Art World & Theft: A Love Story
4. First and last:
5. Vive la revolution!:
6. Take A Vacation: European history: Rome/Amsterdam: Two Growing Cities In Seventeenth Century Europe (28/04/14)
7. Classics, Old and New: classic = _____, new = The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
8. Two Become One: The Unbearable Lightness of Being (used the final twist to swap this one out to a re-listen of The Screwtape Letters; 30/08/14) Mad About the Boy (27/08/14)

Total points = 280

message 11: by Kelly (last edited Aug 27, 2015 07:44PM) (new)

Kelly | 250 comments *Kelly R

SPRING/SUMMER CHALLENGE (4/1-8/31/14) - [Finished (8/22/14) w/: Total Points: 290/480; Books Finished: 26/45; Tasks Completed: 20/34]:
5-1. Soulless by Gail Carriger
5-2. Another Man's Moccasins by Craig Johnson
5-3. n/a
5-4. The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson
5-5. n/a
5-6. Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon
5-7. The Thousand Dollar Tan Line by Thomas & Graham
5-8. The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
10-1. n/a
10-2. n/a
10-3. Emma by Jane Austen
10-4. Dreams of Gods & Monsters by Laini Taylor
10-5. Harry, a History by Melissa Anelli
10-6. After the Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn
10-7. Written in My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon
10-8. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
15-1. Possession by A. S. Byatt
15-2. Alanna by Tamora Pierce
15-3. n/a
15-4. Ruin & Rising by Leigh Bardugo
15-5. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
15-6. Siege & Storm by Leigh Bardugo
15-7. Hell is Empty by Craig Johnson
15-8. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
20-1. A Breath of Snow & Ashes by Diana Gabaldon
20-2. Trouble by Non Pratt; Kindness Goes Unpunished by Craig Johnson
25-1. DW Stories by Various
25-1. Chicks Unravel Time by Various
25-2. Death without Company by Craig Johnson; Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
25-3. n/a
25-3. Heist Society by Ally Carter
25-4. Sense & Sensibility by Jane Austen; Timeless by Gail Carriger
25-5. The Fiery Cross & An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon
25-6. Any Other Name by Craig Johnson; Voyager by Diana Gabaldon
25-7. n/a
25-7. The Giver by Lois Lowry
25-8. Rogues by Martin & Dozois; In the Shadows by White & Di Bartolo

message 12: by Allison (last edited Aug 30, 2014 10:18PM) (new)

Allison | 179 comments I can't wait to get started!

5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names: Heiress by Susan May Warren
3. Garden Basics: The Bone Garden by Tess Gerritsen
*4. Get Outdoors: Ranger Confidential: Living, Working, and Dying in the National Parks by Andrea Lankford
5. Spring Cleaning:
*6. Road Trip: Indelible by Kristen Heitzmann (Colorado)
7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: A Walk in the Park by Jill Mansell
8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18:

10 points:
*1. World War I: A Heart Most Worthy by Siri Mitchell
*2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation: The Oath by Elie Wiesel
3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl: The Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin
4. Study Abroad: Turning the Paige by Laura Jensen Walker
*5. PotterMORE: Private by Kate Brian (boarding school)
*6. Like a Virgin: Nearly Gone by Elle Cosimano
*7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation: The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line by Rob Thomas (Hopefully I'll have time to get a little sun!)
*8. April Fool’s Day: Ransom My Heart by Mia Thermopolis

15 points:
*1. National Karaoke Week: You're the One That I Want by Cecily von Ziegesar
*2. Getting Medieval: The Captive Maiden by Melanie Dickerson
3. Summer Stock:
*4. Trilogy: The One by Kiera Cass
*5. Blockbusters: Austenland by Shannon Hale
*6. The Dictionary Challenge: FINAL TWIST! Just Courage by Gary A. Haugen
*7. Books about Books: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
*8. Bethany’s Task: Prodigy by Marie Lu

20 points:
*1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune: A Most Peculiar Circumstance by Jen Turano
2. Micklibrarian’s task: Vice or Virtue: Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture by Ariel Levy (vice) & One or Two Things I Learned About Love by Dyan Sheldon (virtue)

25 points:
*1. Research: The Formal by Kate Harmon and (non-fiction) Pledged: The Secret Life of Sororities by Alexandra Robbins Both about sororities.
*2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays: 1) July 13 Embrace Your Geekness Day: Perfectly Dateless by Kristin Billerbeck (She is convinced at the beginning of the book that she wants to be like the other kids at school, but by the end she has embraced who she is "her geekness.") & 2) July 14 National Nude Day: Where Do Nudists Keep Their Hankies? by Mitchell Symons
*3. Art Smart: Diary of a Player: How My Musical Heroes Made a Guitar Man Out of Me by Brad Paisley and All for a Song by Allison Pittman (both music)
4. First and last: ? (Michael Crichton, Tom Clancy, or Agatha Christie?)
5. Vive la revolution!:
*6. Take A Vacation: 1) North America: The Spellman Files by Lisa Lutz & 5) Foodie Vacation: Bake Until Golden by Linda Evans Shepherd
7. Classics, Old and New: Old Classic: ? New Classic: Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich #60
*8. Two Become One: The Dilemma of Charlotte Farrow by Olivia Newport & Chasing Harry Winston by Lauren Weisberger

message 15: by Tami (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
Rebecca wrote: "Yay planning my books is my favourite part haha :)

5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2:
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names:
3. Garden Basics:
4. Get Outdoors: [book:Running Fre..."

I love the idea of No Diet Day!

message 16: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca (rmtb) | 62 comments Tami wrote: "I love the idea of No Diet Day!"

Haha same, I had no idea it existed before this challenge - will certainly be celebrating in style ;)

message 17: by Nicki (last edited May 20, 2014 02:42PM) (new)

Nicki (ophia) | 85 comments Its a start:

5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Cress by Marissa Meyer
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names: Girl, Stolen by April Henry
3. Garden Basics:
4. Get Outdoors:
5. Spring Cleaning: Dune by Frank Herbert
6. Road Trip: Paper Towns by John Green
7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige
8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum

10 points:
1. World War I:
2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation:The Phantom of the Opera (originally in French)
3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
4. Study Abroad: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
5. PotterMORE:
6. Like a Virgin:Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel
7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation:
8. April Fool’s Day: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (released under the name Victoria Lucas)

15 points:
1. National Karaoke Week: Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks
2. Getting Medieval: A Game of ThronesGeorge R.R. Martin
3. Summer Stock:
4. Trilogy: Raging Star by Moira Young
5. Blockbusters:The Giver by Lois Lowry
6. The Dictionary Challenge:
7. Books about Books:
8. Bethany’s Task: Schindler's List

20 points:
1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune: Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher
2. Micklibrarian’s task: Vice or Virtue:
Vice: I Swear by Lane Davis
Virtue: Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom by Rick Hanson
25 points:
1. Research:
The Cider House Rules byJohn Irving

2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays:
Mirror Mirror (June 3 is Repeat Day)
No Place Like OzDanielle Paige(July 26 is Aunt and Un

3. Art Smart: The Pianist byWładysław Szpilman
Pointe by Brandy Colbert
4. First and last:
5. Vive la revolution!:
6. Take A Vacation:
Asia: Stones Into Schools: Promoting Peace With Books, Not Bombs, in Afghanistan and Pakistan by Greg Mortenson
Volunteer: Wine to Water: A Bartender's Quest to Bring Clean Water to the World by Doc Hendley
7. Classics, Old and New:
Old: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
New:.Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
8. Two Become One:
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
The Prettiest Little Girl in the World

message 18: by Daisy (last edited Apr 04, 2014 12:13PM) (new)

message 19: by Melissa (last edited Aug 20, 2014 02:29AM) (new)

Melissa | 279 comments My Spot. Working on my list!

You may have to click on the Spring-Summer 2014 tab.

message 20: by Elena (new)

Elena (alostgeek) My list in progress. I'll update it as soon as I read or plan to read the books.

message 21: by Holly (last edited Aug 04, 2014 11:37AM) (new)

Holly | 42 comments My list is defectively a work in progress! I'll update later!

5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
3. Garden Basics: The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
4. Get Outdoors: Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed
5. Spring Cleaning:Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
6. Road Trip: P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern
7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Austenland by Shannon Hale
8. Children's Book Week: Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume

10 points:
1. World War I: As the Crow Flies by Jeffrey Archer
2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez
3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl: The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
4. Study Abroad: 22 Britannia Road by Amanda Hodgkinson
5. PotterMORE: City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
6. Like a Virgin: Breathe by Sarah Crossan
7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation: Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
8. April Fool’s Day: Animal Farm by George Orwell

15 points:
1. National Karaoke Week: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
2. Getting Medieval: The White Queen by Philippa Gregory
3. Summer Stock: Othello by William Shakespeare
4. Trilogy: Ashfall by Mike Mullin
5. Blockbusters: The Help by Kathryn Stockett
6. The Dictionary Challenge: A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
7. Books about Books:
8. Bethany’s Task: Dark Places by Gillian Flynn

20 points:
1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune: The Storyteller by Antonia Michaelis
2. Micklibrarian’s task: Vice or Virtue:Perfect Lies by Kiersten White and A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

25 points:
1. Research: Stolen: A Letter to My Captor by Lucy Christopher and A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard
2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays: Lover's Day - Unearthly by Cynthia Hand and Bird Day - The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
3. Art Smart: Can't Buy Me Love: The Beatles, Britain, and America by Jonathan Gould and The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
4. First and Last: Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen and Persuasion by Jane Austen
5. Vive la Revolution!: Les Misérables by Victor Hugo and Fall of Giants by Ken Follett
6. Take A Vacation: Europe: The Baker's Daughter by Sarah McCoy and Romantic: For One More Day by Mitch Albom
7. Classics, Old and New: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy and The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
8. Two Become One: We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver and Fighting Redemption by Kate McCarthy

message 22: by Martha (new)

Martha | 67 comments Here's my list... in progress

message 23: by Pixie (new)

Pixie Rose (princesspixierose) 5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Stardust
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names: The Handmaid's Tale
3. Garden Basics: The Garden of Eden
4. Get Outdoors: Walden
5. Spring Cleaning: The Risen Empire
6. Road Trip: Zofloya
7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Fangirl
8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18: Watership Down

10 points:
1. World War I: A Farewell to Arms
2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation: Don Quixote
3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl: Brave New World
4. Study Abroad:
5. PotterMORE: City of Heavenly Fire
6. Like a Virgin: The Biology of Luck
7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation: S.
8. April Fool’s Day: The Cuckoo's Calling

15 points:
1. National Karaoke Week:
2. Getting Medieval: The Death of King Arthur
3. Summer Stock: Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing, Measure for Measure
4. Trilogy: The Hunger Games
5. Blockbusters: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1
6. The Dictionary Challenge:
7. Books about Books: House of Leaves
8. Bethany’s Task: American Gods

20 points:
1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune:
2. Micklibrarian’s task: The Grapes of Wrath &

25 points:
1. Research: Idylls of the King & Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth
2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays: The Complete Poems by John Keats & Chopsticks
3. Art Smart: Blake & The Fountainhead
4. First and last: Dubliners & Finnegans Wake
5. Vive la revolution!: Les Misérables & A Tale of Two Cities
6. Take A Vacation: Europe & history: Lady Chatterley's Lover & Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination
7. Classics, Old and New: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man & Cloud Atlas
8. Two Become One:

message 25: by Laventeli (last edited Aug 30, 2014 01:40AM) (new)

Laventeli This sounds fun. I have to plan a little when i get home.

5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Maahisen kosto ja muita irlantilaistaruja 18.08.2014
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names:
3. Garden Basics:
4. Get Outdoors: Särkyvää Kirkkautta by A.E.Järvinen 17.8.2014
5. Spring Cleaning:Night Mare
6. Road Trip: The Prince of Mist 30.06.2014
7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: Steampunk! - Koneita ja korsetteja 14.04
8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18:The Neverending Story read 03.05.2014

10 points:
1. World War I: War Horse 22.06.2014
2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation: Mortal Engines 1.07
3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl: A Clockwork Orange 10.06.2014
4. Study Abroad: A Wizard Abroad read 14.08.2014
5. PotterMORE: The Merlin Conspiracy read 5.6.2014
6. Like a Virgin: Bridget Jones's Diary read 15.5.2014
7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation: The Night Circus read 1.06.2014
8. April Fool’s Day: The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket aka Daniel Handler

15 points:
1. National Karaoke Week: Freddie Mercury: The Biography read 8.8.2014
2. Getting Medieval:
3. Summer Stock: Macbeth read 29.05
4. Trilogy: Dyyni - Ensimmäinen osa: Dyyni
5. Blockbusters: I Am Legend 10.08.2014
6. The Dictionary Challenge: Golconda
7. Books about Books:Modernismi länsimaisen kirjallisuuden historiassa
8. Bethany’s Task:Notes from a Small Island

20 points:
1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger read 30.08.2014
2. Micklibrarian’s task: Vice or Virtue: The Lightning Thief read 19.05.2014 and I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame 16.6.2014

25 points:
1. Research: Animal Farm and Syötäväksi kasvatetut
2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays: World enviroment day, Moomin day; Watership Down 10.08.2014 and Moominpappa's Memoirs 15.08.2014
3. Art Smart: The Wood Wife
4. First and last:
5. Vive la revolution!: Puhdistus 05.04 and A Thousand Splendid Suns 27.05
6. Take A Vacation: Adventure and Africa: In the Company of Cheerful Ladies read 02.05.2014 and High Wizardry read 12.08.2014
7. Classics, Old and New: Cloud Atlas and Fahrenheit 451 read 24.04.2014
8. Two Become One:"Viisi päivää jotka vavisuttivat eurooppaa Sennan silmin "Or loosely translated "Five days that shook the Europe through Sennas eyes" Viisi päivää jotka vavisuttivat Eurooppaa – Silminnäkijäkertomuksia toisen maailmansodan viimeisistä päivistä read 06.08.2014 and Inside the Illusion read 10.07.2014

message 26: by David (last edited Aug 02, 2014 07:45AM) (new)

David (canadiandave) 5 points:
1. I Still Believe in 398.2: Cress by Marissa Meyer
2. May, June, July & August are all women's names: Half-Moon Investigations by Eoin Colfer
3. Garden Basics:
4. Get Outdoors: Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card
5. Spring Cleaning: Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
6. Road Trip:
7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things:
8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18:

10 points:
1. World War I:
2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation:
3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl:
4. Study Abroad: The Magician by Michael Scott
5. PotterMORE: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
6. Like a Virgin: Awaken by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle
7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation:
8. April Fool’s Day:

15 points:
1. National Karaoke Week:
2. Getting Medieval:
3. Summer Stock:
4. Trilogy: Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve
5. Blockbusters: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
6. The Dictionary Challenge:
7. Books about Books:
8. Bethany’s Task:

20 points:
1. Wheel of Fortune: Public Enemies: America's Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933-34 by Bryan Burrough
2a. Vice:
2b. Virtue:

25 points:
1a. Novel:
1b. Non-fiction:
2a. Bizarre holidays:
2b. Bizarre holidays:
3a. Art Smart biography:
3b. Art Smart fiction:
4. First and last:
5a. Vive la revolution!:
5b. Vive la revolution!:
6. Take A Vacation - North American Cruise:
7a. Classics, Old
7b. and New:
8a. Two Become One: Embrace by Rachel Humphrey-D'aigle
8b. Two Become One: The Giver by Lois Lowry
"Embrace the Giver. He's sad."

Books Read: 15
Used for points: 12
Total Points: 125

Additionally read:
Stone Father by Orson Scott Card (too short)
Earth Unaware by Orson Scott Card (can't find category)

message 27: by Emily (last edited Jun 21, 2014 09:30AM) (new)

Emily | 62 comments 5 points

1. I Still Believe in 398.2 :

2. May, June, July & August are all women's names :

3. Garden Basics : The Cement Garden by Ian McEwan

4. Get Outdoors :

5. Spring Cleaning :

6. Road Trip :

7. These Are a Few of My Favorite Things : The Time Traveler’s Wife

8. Children's Book Week-April 12-18 : Son by Lois Lowrey

10 points

1. World War I :

2. (Hopefully not) Lost in Translation :

3. HonoRORY Gilmore Girl : Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

4. Study Abroad : Schooling by Heather McGowan

5. PotterMORE :

6. Like a Virgin : The Lottery: and Other Stories by Shirley Jackson

7. What I Did on My Summer Vacation : Whiskey Beach by Nora Roberts

8. April Fool’s Day : The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith

15 points

1. National Karaoke Week :

2. Getting Medieval :

3. Summer Stock : The Skin of Our Teeth by Thorton Wilder, Thom Pain by Will Eno, Gruesome Playground Injuries by Rajiv Joseph

4. Trilogy : Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

5. Blockbusters :

6. The Dictionary Challenge :

7. Books about Books :

8. Bethany’s Task :

20 points

1. Allison’s task: Wheel of Fortune : This Is Where I Leave You by Jonathan Tropper

2. Micklibrarian’s task: Vice or Virtue :
Read 2 books.

Book 1 -

Book 2 -

25 points

1. Research :

2. Bizarre, Unique, and Special Holidays :

3. Art Smart :

4. First and last :

5. Vive la revolution! :

6. Take A Vacation :

7. Classics, Old and New : AND The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields

8. Two Become One :

Books Read: 8
Total Points: 80

message 28: by Kayla (new)

Kayla Hutchinson (kaylahutchinson) I'm so excited! I'm going to go through this list tonight and think of the books I am going to read! I feel as if I am starting a bit late, but oh well!

message 29: by Tami (new)

Tami | 3103 comments Mod
Kayla wrote: "I'm so excited! I'm going to go through this list tonight and think of the books I am going to read! I feel as if I am starting a bit late, but oh well!"
Any book you have read after the start of the challenge that fits a task will count. So look at the last few books you have read to see if any fit! Good luck!

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