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Paranormal Romance > Cain on Countdown Deal Starting 11/12

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message 1: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephieja) | 10 comments Cain by Stephanie Jackson

Sorry I've been gone so long! I had to have my toe and part of my foot removed due to MRSA and I had to have an elbow replacement (Not to to MRSA, but because of evil R.A.). But I'm back now, and thrilled to be here!

Cain will be $0.99 starting 11/2 through 11/18, then will return to the regular price of $2.99. Here's some info: Mica loved her work at the Smithsonian. Her job was to restore ancient relics, so that the world could again view them in all their former glory. She'd had no idea that one day one of the relics she loved so much would try to get her killed.
Since the day he'd killed his brother, Able, Cain had been cursed to walk the Earth and do the bidding of Heaven. His specialty was collecting cursed relics and keeping them out of the hands of evil men. And he did whatever he had to do to retrieve those relics.
He had no idea when he met Mica, that the relic he was chasing would either change his life forever, or end it, once and for all.

Cain is also available to read on Kindle Unlimited!

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UK Link:

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