75 Books...More or Less! discussion

Archive (2014 Challenge) > Silver's 75 Books in 2014

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message 4: by Charleen (new)

Charleen (charleenlynette) | 1688 comments Good luck this year!

message 5: by Silver (new)

Silver Thank you!

message 6: by Silver (new)

message 7: by Silver (new)

message 8: by Silver (last edited Feb 09, 2014 04:24PM) (new)

message 9: by Karol (new)

Karol | 114 comments Hi, Silver. Looks like you are off to a great start for this year's challenge . . . and with some meaty reads included!

message 10: by Silver (new)

Silver Hehe yeah, I am doing better this year than last year.

message 11: by Silver (new)

message 12: by Silver (last edited Mar 03, 2014 11:57PM) (new)

Silver 8. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman*****

message 14: by Silver (new)

Silver 10. Jack Maggs by Peter Carey****

message 15: by Silver (new)

Silver 11. Pavane by Keith Roberts***

message 16: by Silver (new)

Silver 12. Purge bySofi Oksanen****

message 18: by Silver (new)

message 21: by Kat (new)

Kat Trina OOh great choices! I love neil gaiman, and the round house is on my to-read list. you should check out Gaiman's American Gods... Brilliant :)

message 22: by Silver (new)

Silver Kat wrote: "OOh great choices! I love neil gaiman, and the round house is on my to-read list. you should check out Gaiman's American Gods... Brilliant :)"

I read American Gods last year. It is a great book up there with Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch<

message 23: by Silver (new)

message 25: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 336 comments Silver wrote: "6. The White Castle by Orhan Pamuk****"

How was this one? I read My Name is Red a couple of years ago and loved it so last year I picked-up Snow. I didn't care for it so I've been hesitant to read anything else by Pamuk.

message 26: by Silver (new)

Silver Adriana wrote: "Silver wrote: "6. The White Castle by Orhan Pamuk****"

How was this one? I read My Name is Red a couple of years ago and loved it so last year I picked-up Snow. I didn't..."

It was interesting I thought, though I did not think it was quite as good as My Name is Red or Snow (which personally I loved).

Some of the writing is really good but I did feel that it dragged a bit in places.

message 29: by Silver (new)

message 31: by Silver (last edited May 18, 2014 08:25AM) (new)

message 35: by Silver (new)

message 36: by Karol (new)

Karol | 114 comments Silver, I've heard quite a lot about A Thousand Cuts and I see you've given it a good rating. Any thoughts on the type of reader you'd recommend the book for?

message 37: by Silver (new)

Silver It was quite an interesting book.

I would say that this is a good book for readers who like thought provoking stories that offer a different perspective. It is also a good book for anyone who has an interest in the topic of bullying. In a way this book is kind of like a puzzle and you are given bits and pieces along the way to slowly start to form the fuller picture.

And this book is not your typical Crime/detective fiction but I think people who do enjoy those kind of books would like this one.

message 38: by Kat (new)

Kat Trina Sounds awesome, from the description! On my to-read list now :)

message 39: by Karol (new)

Karol | 114 comments Silver, ditto what Kat said! Thanks for your comments.

message 42: by Silver (new)

message 43: by Silver (new)

message 44: by Adriana (new)

Adriana | 336 comments Silver wrote: "31. Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter***"

How was this one? A couple of years ago I read The Passion of New Eve and have been meaning to pick-up another of Carter's books.

message 45: by Silver (new)

Silver Adriana wrote: "How was this one? A couple of years ago I read The Passion of New Eve and have been meaning to pick-up ano..."

It was very strange, but it did have its interesting moments. I had mixed feelings about this one. I felt it started off really strong but towards the end it just started to get a bit more tedious for me.

message 47: by Silver (new)

Silver 35. Pivot by L.C. Barlow*****

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