Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2013! Yay! > Vicki's 2013 Books

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message 1: by Vicki (last edited Jan 11, 2014 09:16AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments I hope I can do 50 this year. I just started working on a Master's degree. Not a lot of time to read for fun!

Books: 93
Pages: 30556

message 2: by Vicki (last edited Feb 17, 2013 05:08AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments January

1. Yesterday's Gone: Season One by sean platt and david wright 461 pages 1/4/2013
2. Yesterday's Gone: Season Two by sean platt and david wright 495 pages 1/16/2013
3. Something Witchy by A.J. Myers 310 pages 1/22/2013
4. The Tuscan's Revenge Wedding by Jennifer Blake 164 pages 1/29/2013

1430 pages

Yesterday's Gone Episode 1 (Yesterday's Gone, #1) by Sean Platt Yesterday's Gone Season Two by Sean Platt Something Witchy (Mystics & Mayhem #1) by A.J. Myers The Tuscan's Revenge Wedding (Italian Billionaires Collection) by Jennifer Blake

message 3: by Vicki (last edited Mar 09, 2013 06:02PM) (new)

message 4: by KJ (new)

KJ | 24 comments Vicki wrote: "I hope I can do 50 this year. I just started working on a Master's degree. Not a lot of time to read for fun!

Vicki - I just started working on a Master's degree too! I'm taking fundamental courses to get into the program. It's amazing how much it has cut into my reading time! I thought I would easily get to 50 this year but so far I'm no where near last year's pace. Good luck on your studies and hopefully you'll be able to find some reading time!


message 5: by Vicki (last edited May 05, 2013 06:03AM) (new)

message 6: by Vicki (last edited May 05, 2013 06:11AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments April

17. Monday Mornings by Sanjay Gupta 305 pages 4/3/2013
18. Footsteps in Time by Sarah Woodbury 324 pages 4/7/2013
19. A Mother's Trial by Nancy Wright 363 pages 4/12/2013
20. Prince of Time by Sarah Woodbury
21. Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church by USCCB Publishing 272 pages 4/18/2013
22. Catechism of the Catholic Church by U.S. Catholic Church 893 pages 4/18/2013
23. Crossroads in Time by Sarah Woodbury 349 pages 4/29/2013

2872 pages

Monday Mornings by Sanjay Gupta Footsteps in Time (After Cilmeri #1) by Sarah Woodbury A Mother's Trial by Nancy Wright Prince of Time (After Cilmeri #2) by Sarah Woodbury Compendium Catechism of the Catholic Church by USCCB Publishing Catechism of the Catholic Church by U.S. Catholic Church Crossroads in Time (After Cilmeri #3) by Sarah Woodbury

message 7: by Vicki (last edited Jun 23, 2013 08:18AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments May

24. Children of Time by Sarah Woodbury 346 pages 5/3/2013
25. Exiles in Time by Sarah Woodbury 345 pages 5/12/2013
26. How to Break Up with an Alien by Magan Vernon 198 pages 5/13/2013
27. How to Marry an Alien by Magan Vernon 176 pages 5/15/2013
28. Subterranean by James Rollins 416 pages 5/22/2013
29. Everblue by Brenda Pandos 322 pages 5/22/2013
30. Mystery of the Kingdom by Edward Sri 160 pages 5/26/2013
31. Evergreen by Brenda Pandos 288 pages 5/27/2013

2251 pages

Children of Time (After Cilmeri #4) by Sarah Woodbury Exiles in Time (After Cilmeri, # 5) by Sarah Woodbury How to Break Up with an Alien (My Alien Romance, #2) by Magan Vernon How to Marry an Alien (My Alien Romance, #3) by Magan Vernon Subterranean by James Rollins Everblue (Mer Tales, #1) by Brenda Pandos Mystery of the Kingdom by Edward Sri Evergreen (Mer Tales, #2) by Brenda Pandos

message 8: by Vicki (last edited Jul 14, 2013 07:59AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments June

32. Everlost by Brenda Pandos 376 pages 6/6/2013
33. Leaving Lancaster by Kate Lloyd 355 pages 6/16/2013
34. Pennsylvania Patchwork by Kate Lloyd 370 6/18/2013
35. The Atlantis Gene: A Thriller by A.G. Riddle 507 pages 6/20/2013
36. The Dig by Michael Siemsen 366 pages 6/24/2013

1974 pages

Evergreen (Mer Tales, #2) by Brenda Pandos Everlost by Brenda Pandos Leaving Lancaster by Kate Lloyd Pennsylvania Patchwork (Legacy of Lancaster #2) by Kate Lloyd The Atlantis Gene A Thriller (The Origin Mystery, #1) by A.G. Riddle The Dig by Michael Siemsen

message 9: by Vicki (last edited Aug 04, 2013 11:01AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments July

37. Plague by Victor Methos 332 pages 7/2/2013
38. 30 Pieces of Silver by Carolyn McCray 513 pages 7/3/2013
39. Cursed by Tara Brown 434 pages 7/9/2013
40. The Emerald Talisman by Brenda Pandos 290 pages 7/12/2013
41. Rowan by Lauren Howell 183 pages 7/14/2013
42. Bane by Tara Brown 273 pages 7/18/2013
43. The Sapphire Talisman by Brenda Pandos 318 pages 7/27/2013

2343 pages

Plague (A Medical Thriller) by Victor Methos 30 Pieces of Silver (Betrayed, #1) by Carolyn McCray Cursed (The Devil's Roses, #1) by Tara Brown The Emerald Talisman (Talisman, #1) by Brenda Pandos Rowan by Lauren Howell Bane (The Devil's Roses, #2) by Tara Brown The Sapphire Talisman (Talisman, #2) by Brenda Pandos

message 10: by Vicki (last edited Sep 13, 2013 02:15PM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments August

44. Jesus Christ: Fundamentals of Christology by Roch A. Kereszty 465 pages 8/1/2013
45. Interrupt by Jeff Carlson 410 pages 8/2/2013
46. Hyde by Tara Brown 328 pages 8/6/2013
47. Witch by Tara Brown 311 pages 8/11/2013
48. The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan 304 pages 8/15/2013
49. The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan 320 pages 8/19/2013
50. The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan 384 pages 8/23/2013


51. The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan 400 pages 8/28/2013

2047 pages

Jesus Christ Fundamentals of Christology by Roch A. Kereszty Interrupt by Jeff Carlson Hyde (The Devil's Roses, #3) by Tara Brown Witch (The Devil's Roses, #4) by Tara Brown The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #2) by Rick Riordan The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #3) by Rick Riordan The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #4) by Rick Riordan The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #5) by Rick Riordan

message 11: by Vicki (last edited Oct 03, 2013 10:12AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments September

52. The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan 576 pages 9/3/13
53. Saint: Why I Should Be Canonized Right Away by Lino Rulli 259 pages 9/7/2013
54. The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan 550 pages 9/13/2013
55. The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan 451 pages 9/16/2013
56. The Onyx Talisman by Brenda Pandos 282 pages 9/19/2013
57. Death by Tara Brown 296 pages 9/22/2013
58. Castaways in Time by Sarah Woodbury 233 pages 9/28/2013

2610 pages

The Lost Hero (The Heroes of Olympus, #1) by Rick Riordan Saint Why I Should Be Canonized Right Away by Lino Rulli The Son of Neptune (The Heroes of Olympus, #2) by Rick Riordan The Mark of Athena (The Heroes of Olympus, #3) by Rick Riordan The Onyx Talisman (Talisman, #3) by Brenda Pandos Death (The Devil's Roses, #5) by Tara Brown Castaways in Time (After Cilmeri Series #6) by Sarah Woodbury

message 12: by Vicki (last edited Nov 03, 2013 09:37AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments October

59. Rowan of the Wood by Christine Rose and Ethan Rose 244 pages 10/13/2013
60. Witch on the Water by Christine Rose and Ethan Rose 250 pages 10/6/2013
61. Fire of the Fey by Christine Rose and Ethan Rose 238 pages 10/9/2013
62. The House of Hades by Rick Riordan 608 pages 10/12/2013
63. Power of the Zephyr by Christine Rose and Ethan Rose 250 pages 10/16/2013
64. The Size of Chesterton's Catholicism by David W. Fagerberg 191 pages 10/18/2013
65. Awaken by Sarah M. Ross 207 pages 10/20/2013
66. Awaken by Sarah M. Ross 250 pages 10/23/2013
67. Diagnosis Death by Richard L. Mabry 306 pages 10/30/2013

2544 pages

Rowan of the Wood (Rowan of the Wood #1) by Christine Rose Witch on the Water (Rowan of the Wood, #2) by Christine Rose Fire of the Fey (Rowan of the Wood, #3) by Christine Rose The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus, #4) by Rick Riordan Power of the Zephyr (Rowan of the Wood, #4) by Christine Rose The Size of Chesterton's Catholicism by David W. Fagerberg Awaken (Patronus #1) by Sarah M. Ross Avenge (Patronus #2) by Sarah M. Ross
Diagnosis Death (Prescription for Trouble, #3) by Richard L. Mabry

message 13: by Vicki (last edited Dec 08, 2013 12:00PM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments November

68. The Iron Hand of Mars by Lindsey Davis 352 pages 11/3/2013
69. H10 N1 by M.R. Cornelius 370 pages 11/8/2013
70. An Empty Land of Plenty by Mark McNamara 372 pages 11/9/2013
71. Coexist by Julia Crane 238 pages 11/10/2013
72. Conflicted by Julia Crane 255 pages 11/11/2013
73. Consumed by Julia Crane 233 pages 11/12/2013
74. Anna by Julia Crane 233 pages 11/13/2013
75. Lauren by Julia Crane 246 pages 11/15/2013
76. 65 Below by Basil Sands 376 pages 11/18/2013
77. Father Found by Judith Arnold 235 pages 11/20/2013
78. Noah's Ark: Survivors by Harry Dayle 276 pages 11/22/2013
79. Zoo by Tara Elizabeth 288 pages 11/24/2013
80. The Blackout by Stephanie Erickson 233 pages 11/26/2013

3707 pages

The Iron Hand of Mars A Marcus Didius Falco Mystery by Lindsey Davis H10 N1 by M.R. Cornelius An Empty Land of Plenty by Mark McNamara Coexistencia (Las crónicas de Keegan, #1) by Julia Crane Conflicted (Keegan's Chronicles, #2) by Julia Crane Consumed (Keegan's Chronicles, #3) by Julia Crane Anna by Julia Crane Lauren by Julia Crane 65 Below by Basil Sands Father Found (The Daddy School, #1) by Judith Arnold Noah's Ark Survivors by Harry Dayle Zoo (The Enclosure Chronicles, #1) by Tara Elizabeth The Blackout by Stephanie Erickson

message 14: by Vicki (last edited Jan 11, 2014 09:15AM) (new)

Vicki | 135 comments December

81. The Dragons of Ordinary Farm by Tad Williams and Deborah Beale 412 pages 12/1/2013
82. The Secrets of Ordinary Farm (Ordinary Farm Adventures, # 2). by Tad Williams and Deborah Beale 454 pages 12/3/2013
83. Timebound by Rysa Walker 366 pages 12/7/2013
84. Hajar's Hidden Legacy by Maisey Yates 190 pages 12/11/2013
85. The First Christmas Carol by Marianne Jordan 164 pages 12/15/2013
86. Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria by Rahma Krambo 272 pages 12/15/2013
87. Witchy, Witchy by Penelope King 328 pages 12/18/2013
88. Kiss the Crystal Sun by Penelope King 341 pages 12/20/2013
89. Dawn Of The Morningstar by Penelope King 344 pages 12/22/2013
90. Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank 316 pages 12/24/2013
91. Time Watchers: The Greatest of These by Julie Reilly 417 pages 12/26/2013
92. The Hole by Aaron Ross Powell 219 pages 12/29/2013
93. Second Hand Heart by Catherine Ryan Hyde 405 pages 12/30/2013

4228 pages

The Dragons of Ordinary Farm (Ordinary Farm Adventures, # 1) by Tad Williams The Secrets of Ordinary Farm (Ordinary Farm Adventures, # 2). by Tad Williams Timebound (The Chronos Files, #1) by Rysa Walker Hajar's Hidden Legacy by Maisey Yates The First Christmas Carol by Marianne Jordan Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria by Rahma Krambo Witchy, Witchy (Spellbound Trilogy #1) by Penelope King Kiss the Crystal Sun (Spellbound Trilogy #2) by Penelope King Dawn Of The Morningstar (Spellbound Trilogy, #3) by Penelope King Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank Time Watchers The Greatest of These by Julie Reilly The Hole by Aaron Ross Powell Second Hand Heart by Catherine Ryan Hyde

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