Virtual Writers discussion

Readers' Nook > Favourite Books

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message 1: by Virtual (last edited Sep 27, 2012 07:44AM) (new)

Virtual | 435 comments Mod
For book discussions.

message 2: by Cyndi (new)

Cyndi Barnier (cyndiwilliamsbarnier) | 2 comments Murder in Twos and Threes Cyndi Williams Barnier with co-author Jack Gannon

Look at MURDER IN TWOS AND THREES, a psychological / thriller novel! 10 free chapters available to read.

message 3: by S.J. (new)

S.J. Byrne (sjbyrne) | 3 comments I am absolutely in love with Karen Marie Monings Fever series!

The Fever Series 5-Book Bundle Darkfever, Bloodfever, Faefever, Dreamfever, Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning

message 4: by Soo (new)

Soo (silverlyn) Latest book to be added to my favorite list is Ann Bishop's Written in Red. I loved it! Can't wait for the next one.

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