Virtual Writers discussion

Thriller/Mystery/Suspense > Book Trailers/Videos

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message 1: by Virtual (new)

Virtual | 435 comments Mod
Please add your book trailers here.

message 3: by June (new)

June McCullough (junemccullough) | 4 comments CN, what an excellent video! I think this is the best book trailer that I have seen. Did you do this yourself?

message 4: by C.N. (new)

C.N. Bring (cnbring) | 4 comments No, it was done by Bring Media in LA.
They also put their trailers on their You Tube Channel

message 5: by Ted (last edited Jun 20, 2014 11:00AM) (new)

Ted Galdi (ted_galdi) | 9 comments Check out the trailer for my upcoming thriller, Elixir:

message 6: by Max (new)

Max Stone | 20 comments Hi all! These trailers are awesome! You can check out mine for my book "The Bleeding" here:



message 7: by Khaled (new)

Khaled Talib (khaledtalib) | 3 comments Hi, this is my book trailer for an upcoming thriller, INCOGNITO.

Thanks for watching.

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