Virtual Writers discussion

Non-Fiction > eBook Giveaways

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message 1: by Virtual (new)

Virtual | 435 comments Mod
Please add your eBook giveaways here.

message 2: by Raz (new)

Raz Mihal (razmihal) | 2 comments Hi everyone!
I'm Raz Mihal, the author of Just Love Her, a poetic and meditative journey into the divine essence of love. My book reflects deeply on love's power to transform and heal the soul through timeless connections. I'm excited to share this journey with you all and hope it resonates with your own reflections on love, spirituality, and personal growth. I currently have a giveaway for Just Love Her running on Goodreads, in case you're interested. I’d love to hear your thoughts if you happen to read it, as I believe that love—both in words and life—can inspire all of us.
Looking forward to connecting with you all!


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