Virtual Writers discussion

Horror > Book Trailers/Videos

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message 1: by Virtual (new)

Virtual | 435 comments Mod
Please add your book trailers here.

message 2: by Gamal (last edited Sep 25, 2012 11:35AM) (new)

Gamal Hennessy Read a Little Urban Horror and Your Train Ride Will Never Be the Same Spare Some Change by Gamal Hennessy

message 3: by H.D. (new)

H.D. (hdgordon) | 1 comments Adult Horror novel, Santa's Little Helper...Please check out the trailer. :) Santa's Little Helper by H.D. Gordon

message 4: by Rusty (last edited Apr 18, 2015 03:52AM) (new)

Rusty Nugent (RustyNugent) | 9 comments Greetings y'all, My name is Rusty Nugent. I am a southern dark fantasy paranormal with elements of horror, honor, action, adventure, blood, gore and romance blogger/author/reader. I'm writing on my third novel in the MW series. My books are about heroic werewolves waging war against evil vampires and other evil supernatural creatures. Many werewolf vs vampire action scenes in their supernatural forms.

Moonwarriors: Guardians of the Night
2 books so far in my New Adult Young Adult Paranormal Supernatural Dark Fantasy series.

Please can you read my fourth chapter of my third book that I am writing on now. The website Wattpad is great for writers and readers to join forces. Check it out if your an author or writer. (^_^)


Here is a poem/song about my books, a taste of my overall talent. It's called Full Moon Bloodlust.

When the moonlight strikes me, I am filled with power. In an evil age, in my darkest hour. Death and Destruction are the pleasures of my life. A lonely life filled with agony. Here I stand upon this Ledge with sword in hand I hereby pledge. That in the full moon's waning light. I shall make my Sacrifice. The Fog drifts down the hills into my dark domain. My senses sharp and I Insane. Into the woods I go with the moonlight as my guide. I now creep like the mist and from my wrath you can not hide. I shall avenge all I have lost. Behold the coming of death with your now ending immortal life. I shall make my sacrifice. Unto the goddess of the night. I shall make my sacrifice.

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