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Historical Fiction > eBook Giveaways

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message 1: by Virtual (new)

Virtual | 435 comments Mod
Please add your eBook giveaways here.

message 2: by Jean (new)

Jean Gill (jeangill) | 5 comments My 'Song at Dawn' Song at Dawn by Jean Gill is on free amazon kindle giveaway now, all the amazons until Friday 10th. Set in 1150 Provence (or Occitania as it was then)

Thanks Andrea for all the author support in your group - it's excellent and I need to put some time into finding my way round!

message 3: by Virtual (new)

Virtual | 435 comments Mod
Happy to help!

message 4: by Leonardo (new)

Leonardo Noto (leonardonoto) | 10 comments Free on Amazon Until March 10th at

Free for your Nook, Kobo, iPad, etc. until March 10th at

An historical thriller based in the American Revolution. Young Jonathan E. Lee is falsely accused of heinous war crimes by his treacherous regimental commander! Jonathan is forced to flee the colonies to save his neck from the hangman's noose, fighting his way across a stormy Atlantic and then joining a mercenary army that is deploying to warring Siam, a kingdom that is squirming under the iron-fist of a madman.

Greetings! I am Dr. Leonardo Noto, a former military battalion surgeon. The idea for "The Life of a Colonial Fugitive" was born out of my passion for American military history and my enthusiasm for the sport of muay Thai (Thai boxing). While training in a Thai boxing camp during the days and working on a novel based in the American Revolution during the nights, I noticed that Thai history during the 1780s was as turbulent as the American history of the period. After two years of detailed research, including nearly forty references, "The Life of a Colonial Fugitive" was born. I hope that you enjoy reading my novel as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Dr. Leonardo Noto
Practicing Physician and Author of "The Life of a Colonial Fugitive," "The Cannabinoid Hypothesis," "Intrusive Memory," and "Medical School 101."

Please visit my blog, "The Health and Medical Blog with a Personality," at Thanks for reading!

The Life of a Colonial Fugitive by Leonardo Noto The Cannabinoid Hypothesis by Leonardo Noto Intrusive Memory by Leonardo Antony Noto MEDICAL SCHOOL 101 A Quick Guide for the Busy Premed or the Lost Medical Student by Leonardo Noto

message 5: by J.T. (new)

J.T. Holden | 3 comments For U.S. President Royal T. Kingley, life at the top of the world isn’t quite what he’d expected. From his surprise electoral college victory and crushing defeat in the national popular vote to his record-low inauguration attendance and abysmal approval ratings, things couldn’t possibly get much worse for the once quasi-respected real estate tycoon-cum-braggadocious TV reality show host. Until now.

Amidst a full-scale investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and a hostile foreign nation, fiery public protests against his flagrant abuse of executive power, the simmering threat of nuclear war, and a seemingly endless string of leaks threatening to sink his administration from within, President Kingley faces his greatest challenge yet when his son-in-law and chief advisor, Jacob Latner, is abducted by a master of enhanced interrogation, known only by the code name “True Son.”

Haunted by the specter of his charismatic predecessor, whose essence lingers in every corner of the White House, and desperate to prove his presidential prowess once and for all, the President accepts True Son's challenge: a "face to face" showdown on live TV that is certain to be a ratings bonanza. But with the clock ticking and the entire world watching, can the man who once railed against the "rigged system" secure his first executive victory in a contest that actually is rigged against him?

While the tension inside and outside of White House mounts, hundreds of kids, from high schoolers all the way down to kindergartners, converge on the nation's Capitol in silent vigil to witness the shocking revelation of True Son.

Enter the giveaway for a chance to win one of 100 copies available.
(Offer runs from 18 May 2018 to 8 June 2018.)

Goodreads Book Giveaway

True Son by J.T. Holden

True Son

by J.T. Holden

Giveaway ends June 08, 2018.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

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