
Yesterday Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "yesterday-quotes" Showing 1-13 of 13
“Today is another day! Yesterday is gone but not its memories. There were so many things we expected yesterday which did not happen and what we least expected happened instead. Some are still expecting something. Expectation is a pillar of life. We all do have our expectations for today. Though we may or we may not be able to tell with certainty how our expectations would materialize. We ought to take life easy. Well, it may not be so easy to take it easy but, take it easy! Stay focused and entrust your trust in God. After all what you least expects can happen; serendipity can visit you and stay with you forever at a twinkle of an eye. The coin of life can however turn within a moment of time and your expectations can become a big had I know and a night mare; the vicissitudes of life can rob you at any moment of time. No one knows what the next second really holds. What matters in life is to do what matter; plant the seed of life God has entrusted in your hands and dare to ensure its abundant fruitfulness. The very problem in life is living to neglect the very reasons why you are living because of the problems you may face in living why you must live. When you trade why you must live for why you must not live, you are ruled by what you know but you do not know how it is ruling you. Once we have life, let us live for life all about living and living life is life!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If your yesterday was much better than your today, then today you will most probably walk around in your yesterday!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Steven Redhead
“All your future tomorrow's are destined to become an actual reflection of all your yesterdays.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is a Dance

“God is still in the miracle working business. He's still the same God yesterday, today and forevermore.”
Prophetess Dina Rolle

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“Don't be conscious about what you won yesterday, be cautious about what you should not lose today and tomorrow”
Sir P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Anurag Shourie
“Take it easy. Live life- one day at a time. It is only when we add the regrets of 'yesterday' and worries of the 'future' to the 'present' that we end up complicating things...”
Anurag Shourie

Laura Chouette
“How simple tomorrow seems
when there is nothing worth remembering.”
Laura Chouette

“I can understand my choices today because I have faced all my yesterdays with understanding.”
Nancy B. Urbach

“Tomorrow is as dead as yesterday”
Brother Pedro

“You are the CEO of your life. Forget about what happens in the pass and move on to prepare your future.”
Onipede Ayomide