Women S Issues Quotes

Quotes tagged as "women-s-issues" Showing 31-52 of 52
“If you have survived an abuser, and you tried to make things right… If you forgave, and you struggled, and even if the expression of your grief and your anger tumbled out at times in too much rage and too many words… If you spent years hanging on to the concepts of faith, hope, and love, even after you knew in your heart that those intangibles, upon which life is formed and sustained, would fail in the end… And especially, if you stood between your children - or anyone - and him, and took the physical, emotional, and spiritual pummeling in their stead, then you are a hero.”
Jenna Brooks

Patricia V. Davis
“If I had a daughter, here's what I'd tell her:

One day, when you've worked hard for what you want, when people see that you are confident and intelligent and that you recognize your own self-worth, when you take care of yourself, support yourself, and stand up for yourself, that is the day that the world will call you "a cruel and selfish bitch."

It's a tough title to earn and you should be and proud of it.”
Patricia V. Davis, The Diva Doctrine: 16 Universal Principles Every Woman Needs to Know

“Claims have been made that I've been on a strict workout routine regulated by co-stars, whipped into shape by trainers I've never met, eating sprouted grains I can't pronounce and ultimately losing 14 pounds off my 5'3" frame. Losing 14 pounds out of necessity in order to live a healthier life is a huge victory. I'm a petite person to begin with, so the idea of my losing this amount of weight is utter lunacy. If I were to lose 14 pounds, I'd have to part with both arms. And a foot.”
Scarlett Johansson

“In our culture it is a woman's body which is considered important while it is a man's mind or his activities which are valued. A woman is sexy. A man is successful.”
Alleen Pace Nilsen

Delaine Moore
“You self-proclaimed "MILF" hunters have it all wrong -- we aren't the prey, YOU are. You are but a Service Male - a SMILF!”
Delaine Moore, The Secret Sex Life of a Single Mom

عباس محمود العقاد
“هذا الضعف الذي يلازم المرأة أبدا قد جعلها قليلة الركون إلى نفسها عظيمة التعويل على غيرها وصغرها في نظر نفسها فصارت لا ترى لها قدرا إلا في نظر الناس إليها و إنها لتتعلق لهذا السبب بمن يعرض عنها ولا يحفل بها لأنها تحسب إعراضه نقصا فيها على كل حال
وكثيرا ما تعالج إستمالة ذلك المعرض عنها لتزيل ما علق بخاطرها من ريب في قوة جمالها ونفوذ سلطانها والويل لمن تعلم أن لها شأنا كبيرا عنده فإن في الإعجاب بها كل غايتها من الرجل فإذا وثقت من إدراكها عنده لم يبق لها شأن معه وفرغت منه لتن��ر تأثير جمالها في سواه ولعل هذا يجعل المراة أحيانا تستصغر نفسها مع الزوج الفاسق و تستصغر الزوج الصالح معها”
عباس محمود العقاد, الإنسان الثاني

Jennifer DeLucy
“We still live in a world where many men are pissed off that women choose to be powerful equals rather than submissive objects of sexual release. I am a human. A human being. Who cares how my body randomly decided to generate its reproductive organs in utero? I am not here with the obligation and purpose of being sexually appealing to another human being. I am here to get shit done.”
Jennifer DeLucy

“After 25 the only thing you’ll be precocious at is death.”
Patricia L. Steffy, My Letter to Fear: Essays on life, love and the search for Prince Charming

Patricia V. Davis
“I can be totally feminine and totally feminist. The two are not mutually exclusive.”
Patricia V. Davis, The Diva Doctrine: 16 Universal Principles Every Woman Needs to Know

Ann Brasco
“We live in a country where you can electively have your nose broken to reshape it, inject fat from your butt into your face to look younger, but pushing a baby out of your own vagina can be restricted.”
Ann Brasco

Stephen Demone
“Train that bitch to love you, a bitch like that, she's the type you have to train, and even then, she'll still try to fuck around on you and test the boundaries, unless you have something no other man has, but to her you're a dick, and her she likes big dicks and muscular men, I can tell.”
Stephen Demone, Pathetic Pussy

Miya Yamanouchi
“Be that kind of girl who smiles when you walk past other girls instead of casting a dirty look. Don't buy into the notion of female competition that society so heavily promotes.”
Miya Yamanouchi , Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

Patty Houser
“Knowing what we believe and why we believe it is not an option for the Christian, because as believers, OUR BELIEFS ARE THE VERY HEART OF WHO WE ARE.”
Patty Houser, A Woman's Guide to Knowing What You Believe: How to Love God With Your Heart and Your Mind

Nikki Sex
“I chuckle under my breath. I should’ve known. What woman can look in a mirror and not immediately spot every flaw, real or imaginary?”
Nikki Sex, Kink

George Gissing
“I see. I imagined that he was cast out of all decent society".
"If society were really decent, he would have been”
George Gissing

Stephen Demone
“Train that bitch to love you, a bitch like that, she's the type, you have to train, and even then, she'll still try to fuck around on you and test the boundaries, unless you have something no other man has, but to her you're a dick, and her she likes big dicks and muscular men, I can tell.”
Stephen Demone, Pathetic Pussy

Helene Uhlfelder
“When I began writing, I did not realize that the Holocaust would become a critical part of the story. During and after WWII, neither the survivors of the Holocaust nor the combat solders were diagnosed or treated for what is now known as PTSD (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder). Many of the characters in this book were victims of this now well-known disorder.”
Helene Uhlfelder, Secrets & Deceptions: A Three-Generation Mystery

Roy L. Pickering Jr.
“If Audrey sensed what he was contemplating, her silence did not let on. He turned from the window and found her looking at him with a flawless poker face. It may have been attentiveness and curiosity to hear what he would say next, or perhaps she was expecting from him what women throughout the ages, often against their better judgment, had expected of men.”
Roy L. Pickering Jr., Matters of Convenience

Roy L. Pickering Jr.
“...the locale did not make him think of her, nor did most things. He felt no negativity about the time they had spent together, but simply did not dwell on it much. She had been a seat filler, memorable as the smiling face of a beautiful girl in the window of a passing train, inspiring a fleeting moment of joy and promise, immediately forgotten with the opening of that day’s newspaper.”
Roy L. Pickering Jr., Matters of Convenience

Roy L. Pickering Jr.
“Life was a swirl of mysteries, each one waiting to be plucked up and explored, but not necessarily solved. As the weight of responsibility bore down on a person, it could feel like a long list of chores leading up to the final one - figuring out how to die with dignity. But Quincy’s interpretation of his surroundings seemed a truer representation of life’s meaning, or rather, the lack of meaning other than to dazzle and delight and befuddle from cradle to grave.”
Roy L. Pickering Jr.

Roy L. Pickering Jr.
“Was happiness (which was perhaps achieved not by getting what you wanted, but rather, by obtaining what you didn’t know you wished for until it was in hand) a hologram that would continually change appearance with the slightest shift of perspective? Or maybe happiness by definition was a temporary state of being recognizable only in hindsight. It was impossible to catch what always managed to be overrun and end up in the rear view mirror.”
Roy L. Pickering Jr., Matters of Convenience

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