
Wild Heart Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wild-heart" Showing 1-30 of 82
Nikki Rowe
“You can love her with everything you have and she still wont belong to you. She will run wild with you, beside you with everystep but let me tell you something about women who run with wolves, their fierce hearts dont settle between walls and their instinct is stronger than upbringing. Love her wild or leave her there.”
Nikki Rowe

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Out there somewhere there is a love who will never dream of calling you too much. Who speaks, like you, in poetry and candlewax and stardust. Who runs outside on stormy nights to howl at the moon. Who collects bones and sings incantation and talks to the ancestors. And that lover, when you find him or her, will see you and know you – just as you are and just as you should be.

And they will say yes. Yes, you. I will go there with you. I have been waiting for this.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Butterflies are beautiful, but the process of emerging from the chrysalis and spreading your wings can hurt like fucking hell. But still, you will survive the transformation (over and over again) and you will fly. Remember this when it hurts the most. This is the metamorphosis, the going down to liquid, and the rising again. It’s no joke – but damn, it’s one hell of a journey.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Adrienne Enns
“My wild spirit is my deepest truth, my greatest expression and my highest love. It cannot be contained. It defies rules and explanations and logic. I embrace my untamed spirit and unleash her into a world that is meant to be filled with joy and love and laughter. I feel the wind in my hair, lift my gaze to the sky, raise my arms and invite the thunder. I remember how great it feels to be exposed and wildly alive.”
Adrienne Enns, Intentional Days: Creating Your Life on Purpose

Emilia Hart
“I had nature in my heart, she said. Like she did, and her mother before her. There was something about us---the Weyward women---that bonded us more tightly with the natural world. We can feel it, she said, the same way we feel rage, sorrow, or joy. The animals, the birds, the plants---they let us in, recognizing us as one of their own. That is why roots and leaves yield so easily under our fingers, to form tonics that bring comfort and healing. That is why animals welcome our embrace. Why the crows---the ones who carry the sign---watch over us and do our bidding, why their touch brings our abilities into sharpest relief. Our ancestors---the women who walked these paths before us, before there were words for who they were---did not lie in the barren soil of the churchyard, encased in rotting wood. Instead, the Weyward bones rested in the woods, in the fells, where our flesh fed plants and flowers, where trees wrapped their roots around our skeletons. We did not need stonemasons to carve our names into rock as proof we had existed.
All we needed was to be returned to the wild.
This wildness inside gives us our name. It was men who marked us so, in the time when language was but a shoot curling from the earth. Weyward, they called us, when we would not submit, would not bend to their will. But we learned to wear the name with pride.”
Emilia Hart, Weyward

Karl Wiggins
“It’s plain to see that the romance has slightly slipped from the Bohemian lifestyle. But we’re literary Gypsies, all of us, and it’s only recently that we’re starting to realise we’re not alone. The Internet is connecting all the healers and storytellers, the wild people and mystics, the writers and painters, and the ones who are slightly cracked.

I’ve always loved wild people.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Jeanette LeBlanc
“It's not pretty and perfect I am feeling today. Not in the mood for soft and contained. Not light or well-behaved or sugary sweet. No. I'm not willing to round off my sharp edges or make safe the danger zones. Not for you. Not for anyone, really. There's no room in me for gentle today. It's explore at your own risk, full on howl time. Oh, I can make nice. And I do. You'll only get past the surface if I deem you worthy. But my inner landscape? It's pure wilderness, darling, and the wolves are running. The moon went dark last night, loves, and something crashed and spiraled so something else could rise. It's time for music that courts the shadows and for dancing that sheds skin. Creation is calling and my muse, she likes it rough. Are you with me? Good. Now we can begin...”
Jeanette LeBlanc

“To make a difference in the world, you don't have to be perfect, clever or beautiful. You just need to be kind.”
Paul Oxton

Mystqx Skye
“The trails she blazed
Unexplored passion
And the exquisite notes
Of stories she keeps
She is wild beauty
One couldn't dare resist knowing

- Wild Callings -”
Mystqx Skye, Bared: Beneath a Myriad of Skies

Christy Ann Martine
“Find the wild places of her heart,
and set her love free.”
Christy Ann Martine, She'll Find the Sky: A Collection of Poems

J. Autherine
“The Wild Heart wants promises of forever. The Peaceful Soul just wants harmony in the present.”
J. Autherine, Wild Heart, Peaceful Soul: Poems and Inspiration to Live and Love Harmoniously

Sarah  Loven
“We are the young and reckless hearts,
destined to fly, and fall, and fly again.
The world doesn’t treat the wild souls well,
because maybe it doesn’t quite understand.
But in the end it remembers the super novas
that burned so bright we blinded them all.”
Sarah Loven, Les Belles Lettres

Karl Wiggins
“Picture a guy; he’s been surfing all day, the sun’s going down, and he grabs his guitar which he then carries to his favourite place where the waves crash against the rocks. And he just sits there, watching the sunset and composing songs with his guitar.

Now, how ‘off tha rip’ is a surfer / musician like this?”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

C. JoyBell C.
“The way I see myself, is like I'm this Martian flower. A flower on Mars, doing my own thing; this is my own planet, don't get too near me. And maybe an astronaut will come around one day, and say, "Hey, this is a cool planet, that's a cool flower, maybe I can stay here." You know? So far, the astronauts that visit, say, "Hey this is a cool planet and that's a cool flower, I wonder what happens if I pick this flower, bring it home and teach it how to grow in my backyard soil." I'm a Martian flower. I have my own planet, my own soil, I don't need to be anything other. It's a pretty great planet, but you have to have Mars in your heart to stay here. You need to turn Martian. Martian flowers don't grow in your backyard.”
C. JoyBell C.

C. JoyBell C.
“It's true; the heart within me is wild, fierce, kind and feeling. And I don't mean this in concept or in theory. I mean this palpably and realistically.”
C. JoyBell C.

“Be like that soaring eagle. Wild, free and magnificently fearless.”
Hiral Nagda

Jeanette LeBlanc
“People often wondered what it was that made her so very compelling. Why she drew people in again and again? It wasn’t her beauty or her talent, though many, including myself, found those impossible to argue. I believe it was because she refused to deny the storm of her. She wasn’t all sunny days and brightness, and she knew it. Most people shy away from their own darkness, but she cast it across the sky without shame and it turns out none of us could resist the raw truth of that.

- for women who harness the storm”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Lacy Chantell
“I always knew it was horses that would bring you back.”
Lacy Chantell, Wild Heart

Marie-Kristin Hofmann
“I miss how wild our hearts were, how infinite we felt. How we never saw an end to wandering.”
Marie-Kristin Hofmann, Remember the wild girl

Marie-Kristin Hofmann
“She sat there, a wild heart on a chair with gin lips and nightlife eyes. The Gatsby Girl. Longing for more in the shallowness of it all.”
Marie-Kristin Hofmann, Remember the wild girl

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The wild heart can tame anything, even a lion.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Kris Franken
“Living your purpose is a cyclical process that works in harmony with your community and with nature.”
Kris Franken, Wildhearted Purpose: Embrace Your Unique Calling & the Unmapped Path of Authenticity

Robin S. Baker
“Stay wild-hearted and curious.”
Robin S. Baker

Sara Desai
“Wild Heart, a magnificent necklace containing twenty-six oval-shaped pink diamonds surrounded by diamonds and emeralds with a forty-carat heart-shaped pink diamond pendant center.”
Sara Desai, To Have and to Heist

“The wild heart thrives in the wilderness, for it knows that the wildness of the land reflects the wildness within. Each step into the unknown is a step into the self, where the boundaries of fear and doubt dissolve, leaving only the vast, open sky of possibility. To be wild is to trust the beauty of your untamed soul and let it lead you into the heart of life itself.”
An Marke

“The wilderness calls to the wild heart, inviting it to shed the constraints of the civilized world and remember the ancient pulse of life. Here, among the untrodden paths, the heart dances to the song of stars and streams, untethered and alive. In this sacred place, the wild heart finds not only freedom, but the truth of its belonging.”
An Marke

“A wild heart is not unruly, but true to its nature, flowing with the seasons of change and growth. It finds refuge in the wilderness not to escape the world, but to reconnect with the forgotten parts of itself. In the stillness of the forest, it hears its own voice, ancient and free, rising like a mountain stream.”
An Marke

“In the wilderness, the heart learns the language of silence, where the soul remembers its primal song. It is here, in the raw beauty of untamed land, that the wild heart stirs awake, unafraid of its own depths. The wilderness does not ask us to conquer it, but to yield to its mystery, to let it shape us as the wind shapes the trees.”
An Marke

“The wild heart knows no boundaries, for it beats to the rhythm of untamed winds and silent woods. It finds solace not in the familiar, but in the vast wilderness of the unknown, where freedom whispers through every leaf and stone. To live with a wild heart is to embrace the wildness within, trusting the pathless journey to lead you home.”
An Marke

If we could appreciate the unassuming beauty of snowdrops and the rhythmic devotion of nature, perhaps we would find a deeper, more fulfilling way to exist—one where the magic of the world around us becomes the true currency of our happiness.”
An Marke

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