Voyeurism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "voyeurism" Showing 31-35 of 35
Ann Patchett
“...it was a miraculous thing to be able to watch the person you love undetected,”
Ann Patchett, Bel Canto

Iris Murdoch
“Human beings crave for novelty and welcome even wars. Who opens the morning papers without the wild hope of huge headlines announcing another great disaster? Provided of course that it affects other people and not oneself. Rupert liked order. But there is no man who likes order who does not give houseroom to a man who dreams of disorder. The sudden wrecking of the accustomed scenery, so long as one can be fairly sure of a ringside seat, stimulates the bloodstream. And the instinctive need to feel protected and superior ensures, for most of the catastrophes of mankind, the shedding by those not immediately involved of but the most crocodile of tears.”
Iris Murdoch, A Fairly Honourable Defeat

Brandon Kelly
“...take down your baby bump photos from Facebook, take down pictures of your kids too. It is your job to protect your children and not parade them around like little circus freaks or glorified mini-you’s.”
Brandon Kelly

“All unknowns, at first, at least, to me, until I, like Columbus, “discovered” them. Is voyeurism a form of imperialism?”
Ann Rower, Lee and Elaine

John Irving
“Helen Holm había pasado toda su vida en tardes de tres horas sentada en las salas de lucha, desde Iowa hasta Steering, observando a muchachos de diversa complexión, sudorosos y entrelazados. Helen señalaría, años más tarde, que el hecho de haber pasado su infancia en una sala de lucha libre la había convertido en una lectora. “Nací para ser espectadora”, decía Helen. “Me crié para ser voyeur.”
John Irving, The World According to Garp

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