
Violet Sorrengail Quotes

Quotes tagged as "violet-sorrengail" Showing 1-30 of 266
Rebecca Yarros
“The right way isn’t the only way.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You’re not going to handle me?” I call after him, shock raising my brows.
“Not tonight!” he tosses over his shoulder.
I scoff. “What are you waiting for?”
“It’s no fun if you expect it,” he answers, striding into the darkness. “Now, get back to bed before your wingleader realizes you’re out after curfew.”
“What?” I gawk after him. “You’re my wingleader!”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Thank you, Liam. Thank you for being my shadow. Thank you for being my friend.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“She can't die, and not just because there's a chance I won't survive. She can't die because I know I can't live without her even if I do.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Violet Sorrengail,' she whispers, moving closer. 'Are you wearing Riorson's flight jacket?'

Liam's head snaps in my direction, curse his stupidly good hearing.

'Why would you say that?' I do a shitty job of feigning shock and shove the sheaths into every available pocket in this thing. All three of them, which are considerably deeper than the ones in my own jacket.

'Oh, I don't know. Because it's huge on you and there are three stars right here?' She taps where there's only one star on her uniform.

Well, shit. Just goes to show that neither of us was thinking clearly.

'It could be any third-year's.' I shrug.

'With a Fourth Wing shield on the shoulder?' She cocks an eyebrow.

'That does limit it a bit,' I agree.

'And a wingleader emblem beneath those stars?' she teases.

'Fine, it's his.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You have to fight, Vi,' Xaden whispers against my forehead as we move. 'You can hate me all you want when you wake up. You can scream, hit, throw your fucking daggers at me for all I care, but you have to live. You can't make me fall for you and then die. None of this is worth it without you.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“It’s hard to love a second home as much as the first.”
I swallow. “It’s easy when the second home is the right one.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Tairn roars with the unmistakable sound of pride.

"Lightning wielder.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“So then why are you here, Xaden?'

'Because I can't seem to stay away.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You will not fall. I will not allow it.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I know. I made it my business to know everything there was to know about you the second I saw you on the parapet.'

'Because that's not creepy.' I let the coffee warm my freezing hands.

'Can't know how to ruin someone without understanding them first,' he says quietly.

I lift my gaze to find that his is already on me. 'And is that still your plan?' Mira's words have haunted me for two days.

He flinches. 'No.'

'What changed?' Frustration tightens my grip on the mug. 'When exactly did you decide not to ruin me?'

'Maybe it was when I saw Oren holding a knife to your throat,' he says. 'Or maybe it was when I realised the bruises on your neck were fingerprints and wanted to kill them all over again just so I could do it slowly. Maybe it was the first time I recklessly kissed you or when I realised I'm fucked because I can't stop thinking about doing more than just kissing you.' My breath catches at his admission, but he just sighs, lets his head fall back against the wall. 'Does it even matter when, as long as it changed between us?'

'Don't do that,' I whisper, and he lifts his head again to hold my gaze.

'Do what? Tell you I can't get you out of my head? Or speak directly into yours?'

Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Remember it's only your body thats fragile. You are unbreakable.

- Xaden Riorson”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“My house.
My chair.
My woman.’
- Xaden Riorson”
Rebecca Yarros

Rebecca Yarros
“If I asked you to stay behind, would you?' His eyes bore into mine.


'Exactly. I try not to pick fights I know I can't win.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Tell me what you're thinking.'

I wind my arms around his neck. 'I was thinking you are exactly as I predicted the first time you took me in my room.'

'Oh yeah?' He draws back, curiosity sparking in his eyes. 'And what exactly was that?'

'A very dangerous addiction.' My gaze skims over the silver line of his scar, the thick lashes so many women would kill for, and over the bump in his nose to that perfectly sculped mouth. I've already told him that I love him, so it's not like I'm keeping secrets over here. Hell, compared to him, I'm an open book. 'Impossible to sate.'

His eyes darken. 'I'm going to keep you,' he promises, just like he did last night. Or was it this morning? 'You're mine, Violet.'

I lift my chin. 'Only if you're mine.'

'I've been yours for longer than you could ever imagine.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“...not all strength is physical, Violet.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You have the power to be a pain in the ass, too. Trust me.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I'll let you know if I need your help burying a body later."

Ridoc sputters into a cough, and Sawyer pounds him on the back.

"I think she might mean you," Rhiannon says as she gives Xaden an arch look.

"I'm certain she does.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“I'm in love with Xaden Riorson." Mira. Them. I seem to able to say the words to anyone who isn't Xaden.

"Hate to break it to you, but that's not a secret," Ridoc says, shaking his head.

"Yes, it is," I argue, my grip tightening on the mug.

"No," Sawyer chimes in. "It's really not."

"Hasn't been for a while," Rhi adds”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“I will not fucking die today.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“We might not compliment each other, but we complement each other." I smile despite the darkness we're walking into. "Get it? With an E instead of the I.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“Is anyone going to tell us why we just walked out of Battle Brief?" Cat asks, a few steps behind me.

"Violet has a look in her eyes," Rhiannon explains, keeping up at my side.

"The same one she had before Squad Battle last year," Sawyer says.

"She's onto something, and from our experience, you just roll with it," Rhiannon finishes.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“You doing all right? — If I say I’m not sure, will you think less of me? — I’d think you’re being honest.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“A blast of heat singes my back and I halt.

Don’t be Ridoc. Don’t be—

'Guess the dragons think she’s insufferable, too,' Ridoc mutters.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“How is it possible to both love someone and loathe them all in the same moment?”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“And how am I supposed to fully trust you when battle-axes are flying out of armoires left and right?"

He lifts his scarred brow. "I'm not sure I understand-"

"It was an analogy I used with Imogen. Never mind." I wave him off.

"About battle-axes in armoires?”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“It's not even eight yet, which means I can keep my mantra for the next few hours. I will not die today.
I can't say the same about tomorrow.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

Rebecca Yarros
“- Perderías todo por lo que has trabajado por salvarme, por mi…
- Pues entonces seguiré teniendo todo lo que necesito, con mucho gusto vería al mundo arder hasta las cenizas si eso significa que tú sigas con vida.”
Rebecca Yarros, Iron Flame

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