University Quotes

Quotes tagged as "university" Showing 151-180 of 425
Shirley Jackson
“I decided that I was going to fewer student parties after I ripped part of the sleeve out of my black dress helping a freshman climb a fence. By the end of the first semester, what I wanted to do most in the world was invite a few of my husband’s students over for tea and drop them down the well.”
Shirley Jackson, Raising Demons

Jean Bottéro
“And this is apparently not without merit. Because in our countries for some time now a great hurricane of subversion has arisen, pushed forward by I do not know what vicious demons—and doubtless in accord with the life-style that we have made our own, unfortunately. This hurricane tries to reverse our traditional order of values, to throw out all that we put forward as being unselfish, gracious and open to the world, open to things and to others, all that is active in dilating our minds and our hearts. It wants to replace it by the single, brutal, arithmetic, and inhuman motivation of profit. Henceforth, all that counts, all that is to be considered and preserved, is what brings profit. The truly ideal aspects of knowledge will not be more valuable than those of interest rates and of financial laws. The only sciences that are to be encouraged are those that teach us how to exploit the earth and the people. Besides that, everything is useless.”
Jean Bottéro, Mesopotamia: Writing, Reasoning, and the Gods

Jean Baudrillard
“The politics that enter the university are those that come from history, a retro politics, emptied of substance and legalized in their superficial exercise.”
Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulation

“I've realised that the most diverse academic disciplines are not really incompatible but are rather harmonious.”
Shivanshu K. Srivastava

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Education is guaranteed to mitigate ignorance, not to eradicate stupidity.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“University training teaches discipline.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Discipline means get the work done even though you do not want to work.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Remaining independent and functioning autonomously in the university is necessary, especially for the critical intellectual who does not see institutional favors, decorations, and promotions as the goal of our work but understands that the creation of critical masses of minoritized subjects of all types within this stubborn place and other like it is the prize.”
Roderick A. Ferguson, We Demand: The University and Student Protests (Volume 1)

Agostinho da Silva
“Grande coisa a cultura com aquecimento central; e grandes obras devem ter saído do princípio de condensação do vapor, em subtileza de análise, capacidade de saber e gosto das linhas gerais que tudo enformam e, nos libros, deformam. Parece-me que a solidez do ensino universitário dos países do Norte muito lhe deve: o procurarem abrigo nas salas pessoas de idade, com venerável aspecto de sábio, e que muitas vezes não são mais do que o cocheiro aposentado da anedota, obriga os professores a manter-se perfeitaente em dia com a ciência e a avançarem mesmo um pouco mais, se lhes for possível.”
Agostinho da Silva

Amit Ray
“When I remember my college, my Alma mater, I remember the trees and the flowers. There were many fun, many celebrations, but only the trees have the lasting impressions.”
Amit Ray

Steven Magee
“My nickname when I worked at the university research and teaching hospital was ‘Angel’.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Having studied university campus cell phone radiation, I now understand why I have found university professors to be a strange group of characters.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I will be advising my daughter not to attend university due to the very high levels of radio frequency radiation that can be found there.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“We are in the process of seeing where 5G cell phone irradiated university graduates takes the country.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The latest generation of irradiated university graduates are the laboratory rats of the 5G cell phone industry.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Doctors treating sickened university students will need to factor in radio wave sickness to reach an accurate diagnosis.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Whenever I interact with a university professor, I am aware that I am in the presence of a person that has probably had chronic exposure to radio frequency radiation.”
Steven Magee

Anna Jurewicz
“(…) każdy z was jest trochę czarodziejem. Że regularnie rzucacie zaklęcia, nawet o tym nie wiedząc. Dlaczego uważacie, że magia jest zła? (…) Być może dlatego, że tak was wychowano. Nie ma w tym nic dziwnego. Wielu z nas wyrosło obok magii, w świecie, gdzie najpierw trzeba było ją ukrywać, a potem akceptować, ale niekoniecznie rozumieć. Nie powiem nic o historii magii. Nie przyszedłem tutaj oskarżać i pokazywać palcami. Czy magia jest zła? A czy poduszka jest zła?”
Anna Jurewicz, Ad Astra

Steven Magee
“University professors are one of the most 5G irradiated professions.”
Steven Magee

Maggie Alderson
“My smells of university are the tarry wax on Barbour jackets and the oily wool of a Guernsey jumper. Fiendish fruity Pimms made in plastic dustbins for summer parties, with sickly sweet lemonade, fragrant with slices of apple and cucumber and handfuls of mint.”
Maggie Alderson, The Scent of You

Maggie Alderson
“As a counterpoint to all the staleness, there were the salty, biting North Sea breezes, the slightly fishy sweetness of cold damp sand and the sharp grass that grows in it. In summer the manicured grass of quad lawns and night-time bonfires on the beach.
A kiss in the dunes from a dashing young chap with beer and ciggies on his breath, and a faint whiff of horse on his shirt.

My scents for university days are:

Anaïs Anaïs by Cacharel
Lily of the Valley by Yardley
Obsession by Calvin Klein
Sel Marin by Heeley
Wood Sage and Sea Salt Cologne by Jo Malone London
Bas de Soieby Serge Lutens
Cuir de Russie by Chanel
Peau de Bête by Liquides Imaginaires”
Maggie Alderson, The Scent of You

“Miksi minun olisi pitänyt lukea? Tietysti jotta pääsisin korkeakouluun, jotta minusta tulisi kunnon kansalainen. Vanhempani olivat molemmat lääkäreitä, niin, mutta ihmisiä kai he silti olivat eivätkä mitään riistäjäluokan petoja; tottahan he tienasivat enemmän kuin monet muut mutta eivät he upporikkaita olleet, tavallisia sairaalalääkäreitä jotka ruikuttivat reaalipalkkansa putoamista kun joskus luotua "herran" elintasoa oli niin vaikea säilyttää, eikä se mistään muusta kiikastanut kuin että menoja oli enemmän kuin tuloja, tuloja oli tarpeeksi, menoja oli liikaa. Vaikka vanhempani joskus, luullakseni, yrittivät opettaa minua nöyräksi, ymmärtäväksi (äiti jopa äänesti demareita) väijyi vanha vauraus kaikkialla: perintöosake Merikadulla, sataviisikymmentä neliötä, suvussa muinoin vaikuttaneelta suurliikemieheltä meillekin yltäneillä arvopapereilla hankittu kesämökki Kirkkonummella.”
Harri Sirola, Abiturientti

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“The more educated someone is, the less likely it usually is for them to say that they do not know, when they do not know.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“To interfere with the free development of talent, to obstruct the natural play of supply and demand in the teaching profession, to foster academic snobbery by the prestige of certain privileged institutions, to transfer accredited value from essential manhood to an outward badge, to blight hopes and promote invidious sentiments, to divert the attention of aspiring youth from direct dealings with truth to the passing of examinations,– such consequences, if they exist, ought surely to be regarded as drawbacks to the system, and an enlightened public consciousness ought to be keenly alive to the importance of reducing their amount. Candidates themselves do seem to be keenly conscious of some of these evils, but outside of their ranks or in the general public no such consciousness, so far as I can see, exists; or if it does exist, it fails to express itself aloud. Schools, Colleges, and Universities, appear enthusiastic over the entire system, just as it stands, and unanimously applaud all its developments.

I beg the reader to consider some of the secondary evils which I have enumerated. First of all, is not our growing tendency to appoint no instructors who are not also doctors an instance of pure sham? Will any one pretend for a moment that the doctor's degree is a guarantee that its possessor will be successful as a teacher? Notoriously his moral, social, and personal characteristics may utterly disqualify him for success in the class-room; and of these characteristics his doctor's examination is unable to take any account whatever.”
William James

Steven Magee
“The Ivy League I am familiar with is riddled with incompetence.”
Steven Magee

“Electrician Training at NCE
Our basic and adaptable Electrical Trainee Program is intended to assist you with achieving your expert and budgetary objectives in only 30 months contrasted and other longer and all the more expensive projects. Our costs and adaptable timetables will assist you with turning into an Electrical Trainee in almost no time.”
Sal Younis

Steven Magee
“You would think that university professors would be wise not to blatantly shaft their geniuses.”
Steven Magee

“50. A study conducted by the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 2012 concluded that people who appear to be constantly distracted have more working memory and sharper brains.”
Scott Matthews, Interesting, Fun and Crazy Facts of America - The Knowledge Encyclopedia To Win Trivia

Richie Norton
“Universities will try to become relevant again by not focusing on the diploma as much because companies don’t require them anymore (unless doctor or lawyer type). You’ll see people focusing back on skills, results and a mega double down on personal brand.”
Richie Norton

“কেউ অনার্স বা মাস্টার্সে ৩.২৪ পেয়েও বি+ [৩.২৫] পায় না। কেউ ৩ পেলে বি, আর কেউ ৩.২৪ পেলেও বি। তাহলে ৩-এর পর .২৪ এর কি কোনও মূল্য থাকে?”
Md. Ziaul Haque