
Universes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "universes" Showing 1-15 of 15
Grant Morrison
“Superhero science has taught me this: Entire universes fit comfortably inside our skulls. Not just one or two but endless universes can be packed into that dark, wet, and bony hollow without breaking it open from the inside. The space in our heads will stretch to accommodate them all. The real doorway to the fifth dimension was always right here. Inside. That infinite interior space contains all the divine, the alien, and the unworldly we’ll ever need.”
Grant Morrison, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human

John Green
“We think of infinity as a really big number, but it’s not. It’s endlessness. Endlessness is a really strange idea in a universe that is defined by its endings.”
John Green

Larry Niven
“There were timelines branching and branching, a mega-universe of universes, millions more every minute. Billions? Trillions? The universe split every time someone made a decision. Split, so that every decision ever made could go both ways. Every choice made by every man, woman, and child was reversed in the universe next door.”
Larry Niven

Peter Bognanni
“Each one of us is the center of our own universe. That's the only way it can be. From our point of view, we are stationary and everything else is swirling around us, dropping into our lives just for our reaction.”
Peter Bognanni, The House of Tomorrow

Jaclyn Moriarty
“Do you think there could be a universe next door?”
Jaclyn Moriarty, The Cracks in the Kingdom

Olivia Sudjic
“No order, no pattern, just chaos. Lots of little universes separated by invisible screens . . .”
Olivia Sudjic, Sympathy

“Universes were organized on the shelves according to my will. I exerted absolute control according to my own order and rules, putting Tolstoy's essays on the same shelf as Dostoyevsky's Crime And Punishment and a yellowed copy of Othello next to King Lear.

Soon I could guess the age of a book just by its scent and understand a book's core from a quick glance at the table of contents, like a farmer who could tell the maturity and sweetness of a fruit from just its colour and the texture of its skin.”
Jung-Myung Lee, The Investigation

“If Scientists Like Einstein didn't exist, we wouldn't never know about the Universe”

Garth Risk Hallberg
“The farther south he walked, the more godless the city became. He occasionally even saw men holding hands, as if daring anyone to say something. It was fascinating – just anthropologically – that they could coexist with the traffic cops and the street-corner preachers, in universes that overlapped but somehow did not touch.”
Garth Risk Hallberg, City on Fire

Jozef Simkovic
“What is truly real is Consciousness, because it is One, always was and always will be. The universes and you come and go. There are Many, so they must be temporary illusions. Only One exists in the eternity of the Now and, therefore, only One is real, by Gardener.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

Jozef Simkovic
“You can say that all energy, matter, universes and your body were created. The One was not created; the One exists, and the One does not need creation, by Gardener.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

Jozef Simkovic
“The bubbles-universes are pulsating. When they shrink too much, Big Crashes and Big Annihilations happen, and the universes are sucked back into the stillness of the Source, by Gardener.”
Jozef Simkovic, How to Kiss the Universe: An Inspirational Spiritual and Metaphysical Narrative about Human Origin, Essence and Destiny

Pradip Bendkule
“Those whose Minds are Ignited chooses either the Peace of Soul or the Infinity of the Universe.”
Pradip Bendkule

“Co-existing is like interacting and living with beings of the other dimension.”
Teertha Unni