
Underdevelopment Quotes

Quotes tagged as "underdevelopment" Showing 1-5 of 5
Samir Amin
“The general economic growth of the quarter of a century that followed World War II not surprisingly created many illusions. In the West, people thought that they had found in Keynesianism the definitive solution to the problem of crises and unemployment. It was thus thought that the world had entered into an era of perpetual prosperity and definitive mastery of the business cycle. In the socialist world, it was also thought that the model formula for even higher growth had been discovered which enabled Khruschev to announce victoriously that by 1980 the USSR would have overtaken the united States "in every domain." In the third world of Africa and Asia, the national liberation movements which had seized political independence, also had a battery of prescriptions which, in a mix of capitalist and socialist recipes, in doses that varied from case to case, would enable these movements to overcome "underdevelopment" in "interdependence.”
Samir Amin

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most adults are adults all over except between their ears.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“In my opinion, one of the answers to the question of underdevelopment of nations, is in the CULTURE of DIGNITY OF LABOR.”
sunday adelaja

“The saying"Tradition goes on" is anti-dynamic and ruins the progress and development of every nation that adheres to it”

André Gunder Frank
“I am confident that future historical research will confirm that the expansion of the capitalist system over the past century has effectively and entirely penetrated even the apparently most isolated sectors of the underdeveloped world.”
André Gunder Frank