
Twists Quotes

Quotes tagged as "twists" Showing 1-28 of 28
Jim Butcher
“Sticks and stones may break your bones, but Chinese throwing stars get you a dozen stitches.”
Jim Butcher, Dead Beat

A.R. Merrydew
“Sir, I think you need to read this,’ he said, nervously handing over the mainframe’s dissertation of its own wellbeing.”
A.R. Merrydew, Our Blue Orange

A.R. Merrydew
“    The weapon gave a rusty croak. ‘I don’t normally do weather reports anymore,’ the gun informed him politely.
     ‘Why is that?’
     ‘Ever since the demise of the old metropolis, there has been no control of the weather systems. Anyone who would have appreciated a weather forecast perished an awful long time ago. Besides, every time I started to inform my potential victims of the current cloud formations, or wind velocity, or barometric pressure, or potential precipitation, they simply ran away.”
A.R. Merrydew, Our Blue Orange

Amy L.  Bernstein
“Rags hate clutter the way healthy people hate cancer: it was offensive, invasive, and should be eliminated quickly and surgically.”
Amy L. Bernstein, The Potrero Complex

Steven Decker
“The world was becoming a very puzzling place for me. I didn’t understand why bad people were allowed to tell good people what to do. What kind of world would allow that to happen?  ”
Steven Decker, Child of Another Kind

Steven Decker
“I convinced myself I was fully justified in destroying the world by destroying the Mind Upload Community before it got started, and when that seemed impossible, I conceived the idea of infecting the world’s OIM and going to this Utopia Annette was building in 2585.”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Steven Decker
“Hello Charles, came the voice. I am the Watcher from the Sky.  ”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Alan    Bradley
“When you’re in The System, like after being arrested, you’re no longer a participant. You’re being processed. Instead of an easy to ignore, well-greased cog, you become a sharp edge that needs to be ground down.”
Alan Bradley, The Sixth Borough

Steven Decker
“Have you been having the dreams?” asked Dani.”
Steven Decker, The Balance of Time

Steven Decker
“One thing I know for certain is that I want to go back in time and save all the people I killed.”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Steven Decker
“Around two or three times a year, we would notice the wind blowing harder than usual, which meant a giant wave was coming.”
Steven Decker, Addicted to Time

Amy L.  Bernstein
“She sensed an ending, and she thought that Flint did too. But she also sensed a beginning. The post-pandemic world would continue to unfold in many directions at once—many of them troubling and disheartening, she imagined. She had to counteract even just a fraction of that negative energy.”
Amy L. Bernstein

Vera Nazarian
“Once upon a time, began the story of you.

Many perilous, wonderful, harrowing, brilliant, delightful, profound things happened.

And yet—the most exciting twists and best turns are yet to come. And it absolutely does not matter how old or young you are.

Like a bright carpet of wonders, enjoy the unrolling of your story.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Andri E. Elia
“Mom, I think I know how to stabilize wormholes.”
Andri E. Elia, Yildun: Worldmaker of Yand

Eli Wilde
“Humans were not the beings I first thought them to be. Why had my mind convinced me they were angelic when I first became aware that I too, was once human? It seemed that both the mind of a human as well as the mind of a vampire could twist and alter the truth. ”
Eli Wilde, My Unbeating Heart

Eli Wilde
“I felt myself becoming undone. Unravelling like a ball of string rolling down a hillside. A hillside made up of the corpses of the humans I had killed since the virus came into my life.”
Eli Wilde, My Unbeating Heart

Anthony Liccione
“Nothing like being in a dream, then waking up to a nightmare.”
Anthony Liccione

Patrick G. Cox
“James Heron dreamed he was once more in the abandoned tunnels on Mars. As he walked, the barren rocky landscape transformed into hills of tangled vegetation. Lightning played in tall cumulus clouds in a darkening sky, and the sky was definitely an Earth sky, not a Martian one. He seemed to have companions, but their clothing was strange—very old fashioned, in fact, as if they belonged in the nineteenth century.
He didn’t recognise the landscape, but it seemed to be on Earth, and the group, several youths and a few older men, appeared to be suffering from the heat, plucking their shirts which displayed damp patches of perspiration. A short distance ahead of him walked a heavily built man who evidently was not enjoying the walk in the heat, his face flushed crimson and perspiring profusely.
The sky darkened and large drops of rain pelted the group, and they increased their pace. His view changed slightly as someone behind him called something he could not quite hear. The lightning seemed to be getting closer, and he and a companion—a youth, he noted ran for cover. He could smell the rain on the wet earth, and the fragrance of the vegetation intensified. He could feel the tension of the group—their fear perhaps?
Suddenly there was a blinding flash that seemed to engulf him—and then he jolted awake bathed in perspiration.”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

Jayne Higgins
“You see that girl, she looks so happy right? But inside she's dying. She's hurt and tired. Tired of all the drama, tired of not being good enough, tired of life. But she doesn't want to look dramatic, weak or attention seeking so she keeps it all inside. Act's like everything's perfect but she cries at night, boy does she cry at night, so that everybody thinks she is the happiest person they know, that she has no problems and her life is perfect. Little do they know.”
Jayne Higgins, Exactly 23 Days

Patrick G. Cox
“I’ll talk to him any way I want to. Sure, you could try roughing me up, but you might want to stop and think about that, because you won’t always be in that uniform, and you won’t always have your buddies around, and this island—well, it’s an island. If you don’t know it as well as we do, and you don’t know the places to avoid, such as the beaches the pleurodons like, let’s just say a man with enemies could find life a little tricky here.” He stared the man down.
“Are you threatening me, Grover?”
“Not a threat. Just a warning. This planet is a wild, untamed place. It can be harsh and cruel when you least expect it.”
Patrick G Cox, First into the Fray

Eli Wilde
“As I stared back at him, his eyes seemed to milk my very essence, like it was essential he knew every minute detail about me.”
Eli Wilde, My Unbeating Heart

Lisa Forest
“I live by never saying what if?...”
Lisa Forest, Country Club Secrets

Kate McGahan
“Our Master can see it all. If you drive down a long curvy road, you don’t see the twists and turns until you are on top of them. But when you see things from a much higher perspective, you can see the whole road and the twists and the turns and the beginning and the end. In Heaven we can see where you are in relation to where you’re going and we can make things happen along the way at the intersections of life. We can create the right time and the right place and we can already see how it all ends. We can see the whole story of your life while you are living it in little bits and pieces.”
Kate McGahan, Jack McAfghan: Return from Rainbow Bridge: A Dog's Afterlife Story of Loss, Love and Renewal

Shannon L. Alder
“The best plot twists are the ones you didn't expect.”
Shannon L. Alder

Greg   Nichols
“A nation that is hungry for God will not go hungry." Duffy French, book character”
Greg Nichols, Hungry Nation

Jessica Haight
“If there aren’t twists and turns in the road, the drive’s a bore.”
Jessica Haight

Will Advise
“No more do I carry love sadness in my heart,
of my heart one thing is just a part;
that to love how you exist,
with love I fill each line, unless it’s with twists…”
Will Advise, На чист Български...: Pristine Bulgarian sayings...