
Tragic Love Story Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tragic-love-story" Showing 1-30 of 30
Kami Garcia
What is JUST in a world
you've ripped in two
as if there could be
a half for me
a half for you
what is FAIR when
there is nothing
left to share
what is YOURS when
your pain is mine to bear
this sad math is mine
this mad path is mine
subtract they say
don't cry
back to the desk
forget addition
and i reply
this is why
Kami Garcia, Beautiful Chaos

Taylor Jenkins Reid
“I think that perhaps everyone has a moment that splits their life in two. When you look back on your own time line there's a sharp spike somewhere along the way, some event that changed you, changed your life more than the others. A moment that creates a before and an after. Maybe it's when you meet your love or you figure out your life's passion or you have your first child. Maybe it's something wonderful. Maybe it's something tragic. But when it happens it tints your memories, shifts your perspective on your own life and it suddenly seems as if everyone you've been through falls under the label of pre or post.”
Taylor Jenkins Reid, One True Loves

Aimee Lane
“He said he wants variety. The irony is that I wanted variety too. But I wanted variety in a solid, stable committed relationship where I would wake up each morning asking “What are we going to do today?” not asking “Who are you going to do today?”
Aimee Lane

Marjane Satrapi
“Don't worry about it, my child. Tell yourself that you are experiencing a true love story. But of course. Have you ever seen anyone write a poem about the woman he married and who yells at him four times a day? Do you think that if Romeo and Juliet had had six children together, there would have been a book about them? You're suffering! That's why you're playing so well now!”
Marjane Satrapi, Chicken with Plums

T.J. Klune
“And if there is one last thing I would have you know before we reach these final pages, it's that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, no matter how hard we want it to be so, sometimes there is no such a thing as happy ending.

This is my ending. This is how i burn.”
T.J. Klune, Burn

Adam Silvera
“I'm no longer a short story. I'm now a novel.
Better yet, I'm a work in progress.”
Adam Silvera, The First to Die at the End

Shannon L. Alder
“What a trajedy to be a martyr for love, yet we worship the characters anyways because they remind us of how we struggled.”
Shannon L. Alder

Georgette Heyer
“The end of the idyll was implicit in the beginning: I at least knew that, though you might not. And also that the more enchanted the idyll the greater must be the pain of its ending. That won’t endure. Hearts don’t really break, you know.”
Georgette Heyer, Venetia

“My name is Cassandra Temperance Steel, I said to the beautiful imaginary Death Angel, as if my name wasn’t already on her Santa Claus-like list of souls to collect that evening. Spare me.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

“The next day, I’d be going home. Little did I know that, as I slept, the universe was already conspiring, like a table full of gossiping women, to help nudge me in the right direction to- ward my fate... or to my death.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

“Cassie, if you’d known back then that this is where our paths would lead us... that I would get sick... would you have still chosen to be with me?”
Did he seriously not know the answer? How much I loved him? “Xuan, I do choose this path, every night, in my dreams. I cannot imagine my life any differently.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

S. Elle Cameron
“I should walk away. That would be the right thing to do. It would be the smart thing. But I can't, because I'm Taylor Caldwell, the girl who cuts.”
S. Elle Cameron, A Tragic Heart

Yarro Rai
“I vow not to show, not to reveal
my burnings, my ashes, and your embers, your flames running rampant
on my will to lift myself from your reminiscence.”
Yarro Rai

“Xuan’s movements were fluid and effortless, and I followed his lead with ease. The world around us faded away, and for a few precious moments, it was just the two of us, lost in the music in a peaceful quiet. I prayed that God would look down on us and see the beauty of our existence, and the trueness of our love. I prayed that He would decide to spare Xuan and leave us alone for many years. I prayed for a miracle.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Nicholaus Patnaude
“Once upon a time Karen saw somebody nobody else could see. She thought to ask an old man: who were you? Once upon a time I thought to dream of medicine. Now I dream of medicine by the sea.”
Nicholaus Patnaude, First Aide Medicine

“Cassie, you need to understand that he only agreed to undergo treatment because of you. He made this choice solely for you, and no one else. Despite being aware of the limited time he has left and the financial burden the treatment will impose on his family, he chose to stay by your side.”
I knew, had known the moment he’d agree to undergo the treatment. I hated myself for being the cause of his pain.
He continued to push. “Xuan is doing the cancer therapy stuff even though he didn’t want to. He loves you that much. And because you asked him to do this, he is. And one day, because of love, you will stand by Xuan until the end and you’ll have to watch him die. And because he loved you, you will eventually have to let him go, because that’s what he would want.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Rosanna Leo
“To live an eternity in hell without one’s love. He supposed that could be perceived as somewhat vexing.”
Rosanna Leo, Sweet Hell

Andrea Zuvich
“I have lived recklessly, gambled my income away at the horse races, gone whoring, have been more drunk than sober, beaten men to a pulp with my hands, have had a man’s nose cut off for insulting my father and have been indebted to villains more times than I care to say. But, I do not want to live like this anymore. I want a quiet life with a good woman who will care and love me – not for being the Duke of Monmouth, but for me, Jemmy.”
Andrea Zuvich, His Last Mistress

Edith Wharton
“Through the stillness they heard the church clock striking five.
"Oh, Ethan, it's time!" she cried.
He drew her back to him. "Time for what? You don't suppose I'm going to leave you now?"
"If I missed my train where'd I go?"
"Where are you going if you catch it?"
She stood silent, her hands lying cold and relaxed in his.
"What's the good of either of us going anywheres without the other one now?" he said.”
Edith Wharton, Ethan Frome

Yarro Rai
“Yes, You are my hamartia
And my muse
I don’t have any ex; I am a lover of one
The tragic picture of our youth”
Yarro Rai, Philophobia: The Hip Version

James Baldwin
“That was how I met Giovanni. I think we connected the instant that we met. And remain connected still, despite the fact that Giovanni will be rotting soon in unhallowed ground near Paris. Until I die there will be those moments, moments seeming to rise up out of the ground like Macbeth's witches, when his face will come before me, that face in all its changes, when the exact timbre of his voice and tricks of his speech will nearly burst my ears, when his smell will overpower my nostrils.”
James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“She took my morning with her. My day begins in the afternoon, and it’s always hazy.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Safa Tempo: Poems New & Selected

“Cold and confused, I moaned in pain as my ears continued to ring and my eyes began to darken. There was so much blood. Shadows lurked nearby—as if Death herself were stalking me. A Reaper—a farmer of souls, loitered in the back seat, waiting to take me. I could feel her presence as she waited to harvest.”
Kayla Cunningham

“My ex-boyfriend was dramatic, adventurous, and selfish. At one time I thought I’d do anything to make him happy. I thought I might even love him, but I’d never told him that. He had me under his spell. That was before I found him sleeping with someone else. The three-year enchantment was broken after that. The magic lifted. Finding my boyfriend and a high school friend in bed together was horrific. Made me feel like I wasn’t good enough for him, and it took me a while to realize that wasn’t true. The aftermath of our breakup left me feeling utterly defeated, and my self-confidence plummeted to unimaginable depths—perhaps as low as the wreckage of a sunken ship or the depths of the Mariana Trench, which is known to be the deepest point in the ocean. It was that bad.”
Kayla Cunningham

“I couldn’t help but scream. Xuan reached for my hand and grabbed it tightly.
“Cassie, look at me. It’ll be okay. I promise you, we’ll make it through this. Together.”
I nodded. “Together,” I repeated with a shaky voice.
I remember the water. I remember screaming as the vehicle ricocheted forward, then down again, and the guardrail gave way, sending the vehicle toward the edge. Then the metal gave out and we were falling.”
Kayla Cunningham

Ann Aguirre
“Maybe some way, somehow, I will be. You were my life's saving grace, and I carry you with me from this world and into the next, and I hope if there is another life for us, we'll meet again. Until then. My love always, Oliver.”
Ann Aguirre, Heartwood Box

Julie Berry
“If it's just us two up here," he said, "what does it matter if we're a mess?”
Julie Berry

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We sing the glory of love all the time. We never look beneath broken hearts.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Kayla  Cunningham
“The mean-spirited, unpredictable cancer beast had changed all of our lives. There were unspoken details of our life before cancer. Now, only the stark reality of life after cancer remained. I was acutely aware that, regardless of the treatment’s outcome, we were bound in a race against time. A relentless clock, damnably ticking away, measured the fleeting seconds of Xuan’s life. Its insistent rhythm served as a re- minder of our finite journey. Though it may have momentarily paused, the clock would invariably resume its steady wind down toward zero.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Yarro Rai
“I guess you are happy now, being the loneliest star in the night
Like you always wanted to be
and I being the only guy who wishes for it”
Yarro Rai, The Prose will be forgotten