
Text Quotes

Quotes tagged as "text" Showing 1-30 of 93
“Can't you see that I'm only advising you to beg yourself not to be so dumb?”
Petronius, The Satyricon

Roland Barthes
“Is not the most erotic portion of a body where the garment gapes? In perversion (which is the realm of textual pleasure) there are no "erogenous zones" (a foolish expression, besides); it is intermittence, as psychoanalysis has so rightly stated, which is erotic: the intermittence of skin flashing between two articles of clothing (trousers and sweater), between two edges (the open-necked shirt, the glove and the sleeve); it is this flash itself which seduces, or rather: the staging of an appearance-as-disappearance. ”
Roland Barthes

Tahir Shah
“A journey, I reflected, is of no merit unless it has tested you.”
Tahir Shah, In Search of King Solomon's Mines

Alberto Manguel
“Digestion of words as well; I often read aloud to myself in my writing corner in the library, where no one can hear me, for the sake of better savouring the text, so as to make it all the more mine.”
Alberto Manguel, The Library at Night

Jayce O'Neal
“Cellaholics are those who interrupt quality time when they are with you, but rather text, call, and email others who are somewhere else. ”
Jayce O'Neal

Reif Larsen
“A text is evolutionary by its very nature.”
Reif Larsen, The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet

Nick Harkaway
“Another important consequence in the arrival of digital technology and its facilitation of feedback is that we can look at large systems and recognize them once more not only as part of ourselves, but also as components that can change...
Now, though, we live in a world where text is fluid, where is responds to our instructions. Writing something down records it, but does not make it true or permanent. So why should we put up with a system we don't like simply because it's been written somewhere?”
Nick Harkaway, The Blind Giant

India Knight
Happy Christmas, Clara. Xx.
Yes, I know. I know that text doesn't look like much. But... actually. First note the comma. I feel proud of his comma, and of being his comma's recipient.”
India Knight, Comfort & Joy

Guillaume Apollinaire
“You alone in Europe are not ancient oh Christianity

The most modern European is you Pope Pius X

And you whom the windows observe shame keeps you

From entering a church and confessing this morning

You read the prospectuses the catalogues the billboards that sing aloud

That's the poetry this morning and for the prose there are the newspapers

There are the 25 centime serials full of murder mysteries

Portraits of great men and a thousand different headlines

Guillaume Apollinaire, Zone

“There's a kind of passion particular to the written word which stays fresh long after the ink or even the writer's veins are dry. You could call it the sacred duty of the reader to keep that spark alive.”
M. L. Rio, If we were villains

Gene Wolfe
“If Thecla had symbolized love of which I felt myself undeserving, as I know now that she did, then did her symbolic force disappear when I locked the door of her cell behind me? That would be like saying that the writing of this book, over which I have labored for so many watches, will vanish in a blur of vermillion when I close it for the last time and dispatch it to the eternal library maintained by the old Ultan.
The great question then, that I pondered as I watched the floating island with longing eyes and chafed at my bonds and cursed the hetman in my heart, is that of determining what these symbols mean in and of themselves. We are like children who look at print and see a serpent in the last letter but one, and a sword in the last.”
Gene Wolfe

Jasna Horvat
“To bi željela geometrizirati – sustavnu i promišljenu strukturu teksta.”
Jasna Horvat, Auron

Jarod Kintz
“Camouflaged letters would help improve communication, and I explain the reason why in this invisible text:”
Jarod Kintz, There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't

“There is no such thing as chance in a text. Any text is the result of a repertoire, on conscious and unconscious levels, and can only be decoded by someone privy to the same repertoire.”
Ivan Angelo, Tower of Glass
tags: text

Jean Baudrillard
“It is the same with text, with any 'virtual' text (the Internet, word-processing): you work on it like a computer-generated image, which no longer bears any relation to the transcendence of the gaze or of writing. At any rate, as soon as you are in front of the screen, you no longer see the text as a text, but as an image. Now, it is in the strict separation of text and screen, of text and image, that writing is an activity in its own right, never an interaction.
Similarly, it is only with the strict separation of stage and auditorium that the spectator is an actor in his/her own right.
Everything today conspires to abolish that separation: the immersion of the spectator in the spectacle, 'living theatre', 'happenings'
The spectacle becomes user-friendly, interactive. The apogee of spectacle or its end? When everyone is an actor, there is no action any longer, no scene. It's the death of the spectator as such.
The end of the aesthetic illusion.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact

“I know that something as incredibly mundane as a 'Good morning' text may have made all the difference in the world. It's ok if that\s the case. It's okay to sometimes ache for those simple and kind-hearted gestures,

Because the truth is that good morning texts are more than a half-hearted means of communication. They are a sign that we are thought of. Cared for. Adored, by someone who may not be immediately present. They are a reminder - one we may perhaps should not need but sometimes do - that we are appreciated in our entireties.”
Heide Priebe

“Religion and ideology are two faces of the same Janus. Both lead to suppression of disagreement and hence become fossilized. Such fossilization leads to extreme reverence for the text and the increased authority of the written word, written in an age gone by so long ago that in the present it is clearly anachronistic.”
R. N. Prasher

Laura Chouette
“Liebe macht selbst die einfachsten Dinge perfekt.”
Laura Chouette

Laura Chouette
“Wir fühlen so viel und erinnern uns an so wenig.”
Laura Chouette

Umberto Eco
“Between the unattainable intention of the author and the arguable intention of the reader, there is the transparent intention of the text, which refutes untenable interpretations.”
Umberto Eco, Confessions of a Young Novelist

Doireann Ní Ghríofa
“..my favourite element hovers beyond the text, in the untranslatable pale space between stanzas, where I sense a female breath lingering on the stairs, still present, somehow, long after the body has hurried onwards to breathe elsewhere.”
Doireann Ní Ghríofa, A Ghost in the Throat

“Although he denies having a photographic memory, he admits that "when I'm looking for a line I've read, I tend to remember the place on the page, its relationship to the rest of the text.”
Nina Freudenberger, Bibliostyle: How We Live at Home with Books
tags: books, text

“Big Apple I said Big Apple NY Big Apple
Big Apple, Rotten Cherry, Wall Street Jungle, King Kong Empire State, Drunken Blitz, Central Park, NyT Press, Bestseller #1 Baby
It's all about NYc and NyC Big Apple”
tags: text

Steven Magee
“I saw things in Florida that I had only ever read about in engineering text books before.”
Steven Magee

“There are a lot of people who ask what's the point, poring over words that were written twenty, fifty, two hundred years ago. And doing it again and again, after there's already been so much written on the subject. But ultimately I think it's about learning to pay attention. Learning to examine something closely, and ask questions, and place it in different frameworks to see how it might change. As a culture, we are what we write about, and examining those texts can teach us a lot about how we see the world.”
Alicia Thompson, Love in the Time of Serial Killers

Steven Magee
“I received a phone text that looked like it was sent to a lover from my girlfriend. She had a story to explain it. Years later I discovered the proof of the affairs.”
Steven Magee

Muriel Barbery
“Poate că asta înseamnă a fi în viaţă: a urmări clipe care mor.”
Muriel Barbery, The Elegance of the Hedgehog

Holly Smale
“It's not the end, Table Girl. We're just hitting pause.
Holly Smale, Picture Perfect
tags: ily, pause, text

L.J. Shen
oBITCHuary: So…

oBITCHuary: I went back and read through our chats. I totally admitted to you that I’m attracted to my shitty boss, didn’t I?

McMonster: Yup.

oBITCHuary: Enjoying the ego stroke?

McMonster: I’d enjoy it more if you aim south. And, you know, use your tongue.

oBITCHuary: I’m never going to be able to look you in the eye.

McMonster: May I suggest other organs that will welcome your attention, then?

oBITCHuary: I’m so terrified I’m going to yield to temptation.

McMonster: Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll fuck it up before we get to it.

oBITCHuary: WHY are you even interested? You could have any woman in the world.

McMonster: And you’re that woman. Where’s the mystery?

oBITCHuary: I’m completely normal.

McMonster: Respectfully, Cal, you’re not.

oBITCHuary: LOL. I meant average.

McMonster: You’re not that either.

oBITCHuary: What am I, then?

McMonster: If I have a say about it? Mine.

L.J. Shen, Truly Madly Deeply

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